Crave Me (The Good Ol' Boys #4)

I gazed out the window the entire car ride back to the house that wasn’t my home. Never had been, never would be. I could sense Esteban's stare through the rearview mirror a few times, but I ignored every last glance.

“Well if it isn’t my little fighter,” Uncle Alejandro’s rough voice filled the foyer when I walked into the penthouse. I immediately froze in place, not knowing what to expect.

I peered up at him, trying to keep eye contact like I was required to do. I stood there not saying a word, swallowing the lump that had suddenly formed in my throat.

Esteban closed the door behind him. The latching noise startled me.

“I’m… I’m sorry… Uncle,” I stammered.

He folded his arms over his chest, cocking his head to the side and arched an eyebrow. Only emphasizing his tall, huge, intimidating stature.

“What exactly are you apologizing for, Briggs?”

He’d been calling me Briggs since the day I told him to at my parents’ funeral, Daisy died in the car accident as far as I was concerned.

“For fighting or for getting caught?” he vaguely added.

I looked all around the room as if the answer was written on the walls.

“I told you to look me in the eyes when I’m talking to you, Briggs. I won’t warn you again,” he viciously spoke, snapping my attention back to him.

My mouth parted as I peered into his eyes like he ordered. My eyes widening in shock.

“I expect an answer. You’re wearing very thin on my patience, little girl.”


“Se?or.” Esteban stepped forward, away from the door, interrupting me. “I’ll vouch for her. The boy started it all.”

Uncle Alejandro didn’t make a sound. He didn’t even move. His eyes shifted to Esteban who was now standing beside me. An eerie silence filled the room. It was then that I realized my uncle was like a venomous snake. You would never see or hear him coming but once he struck, it was too late.

You were dead.

His lip curled upward but not in a smile or comforting way. If anything it only added to the tightening sensation I felt deep within my bones that I swear radiated all around us. He nodded and then brought his right hand up to his jaw. Tilting his head to the side, he cracked his neck before placing his arms behind his back, holding them there. His eyes showed no emotion, no mercy, they were still dark and daunting as always. His expensive suit jacket perfectly in place, as he set one foot in front of the other with precise and calculated steps. His Armani dress shoes echoed off the tile floor, one stride after another, until he was up in Esteban’s face, who didn’t cower down either.

“If you cherish the legs you’re standing on, I suggest you walk the fuck away.”

I jerked back, stunned. My stare inadvertently moved to his hands that were still locked behind his back. Realizing he wasn’t holding his hands behind him, they were firmly wrapped around the handle of a gun. More than ready to follow through with his threat.

“Se?or,” Esteban coaxed, “I believe you asked me to do a job, and I go where she goes.” He nodded toward me.

My mouth dropped open and I shouted, “Uncle! I’m sorry that I got caught,” I lied, praying that it would take the heat off Esteban.

Uncle Alejandro snidely grinned, ignoring my outburst. “La peladita te tiene cari?o, Esteban,” he mocked, “The little girl is taken with you.” His glare never left Esteban’s face.

“Con todo respeto, yo también,” Esteban replied, “With all due respect, I do too.”

My chest rose and descended with each word that fell from their lips, terrified of how this would end. Neither of them backed down. My uncle narrowed his eyes at him and swiftly moved his hands from behind his back, releasing his gun. I jumped when he started clapping, the sound deafening in the foyer. He stepped back from Esteban to finally peer over at me. My heart was beating a mile a minute.

It was now my turn to answer to him.

“Someone has a knight in shining armor, Daisy.”

He said my name to hurt me, to make me remember who I really was which was inferior to him.

“Briggs,” I simply stated, hating that it had the desired effect he wanted.

I saw a gleam in his eyes that he didn't try to hide. Even though it was quick, I caught it. He put his hands out in front of him in a surrendering gesture, dramatically bowing his head.

“By all means, Briggs. Since we’re all making fucking friends here, how about we cut the bullshit? Yo se que usted habla y entiende muy bien el espanol, peladita,” he added, “I know you speak and understand Spanish very well, little girl.”

I didn’t falter.

I couldn’t.

He didn’t want me to.

It was now or never. I could tell myself that two could play his game, but some place deep inside, a place I just figured out existed, so desperately wanted to please him. Maybe I was looking for approval, gratification, support, knowing deep in my heart that all I was looking for was…


M. Robinson's books