Crave Me (The Good Ol' Boys #4)

My dick twitched from the praise.

She seductively smirked as she slid her way down my body. Slowly kissing along my abs, only stopping when her face was just above my cock. She looked up at me through her lashes, grinning with glazed eyes and an allure I had only just witnessed. She slipped the head of my dick into her awaiting mouth, using her hand to work my shaft. I lay back with my fingers laced behind my head, watching with hooded eyes as she sucked my cock like she had something to prove, enjoying the sensation she stirred in my balls.

It was almost too much.

I gripped the back of her neck and pushed her head lower down my shaft until she gagged, making me groan from the vibration. She released my dick with a pop and tried to hand me the condom. I shook my head no. She understood my silent order and ripped it open with her teeth, sliding it down my length in one swift movement.

Crawling up my body in a slow, steady stride, she hovered above me, waiting in anticipation for my next move. I didn’t falter. Grabbing my cock, I angled it toward her opening and she effortlessly slid down. Her * was so fucking tight. My eyes shut and my head fell back against the pillow, taking in the feeling of her warm heat wrapped around me. I clutched her hips, gliding her down my shaft.

“Fuck,” I growled, loud and hard.

“Jesus, you’re as big as some of the seniors. Are you sure you’re only a freshman?”

I ignored her stupid question. Leaning forward, I pulled her toward me by the nook of her neck, our lips collided, rough and eager. I sucked her tongue in my mouth when she started to ride the shit out of my cock. Back and forth, up and down, keeping a steady rhythm like a goddamn pro.

“Fuck… you feel good,” I groaned in between kissing her.

It fueled her desire to work me over harder and more aggressively, each sway of her calculated hips hitting every spot that drove me closer and closer to the edge of release. I couldn’t hold back any longer, it felt too fucking good. I flipped us over, needing to control the movements before I blew my load in less than a few minutes.

She placed her legs on my shoulders. “Like that. It feels so much better like this,” she panted, mimicking my breathing.

I pounded the fuck out of her tight, wet *, in and out.




I took what I needed, and she gave what she wanted.

“I’m going to come,” I huskily groaned.

“Me too, I’m almost there,” she moaned loudly.

The second I felt her tighten around me, I came so fucking hard that I saw stars. I fell on top of her, sweat dripping from both our bodies, her legs sliding off my shoulders. We both lay there breathless, our hearts beating rapidly, lost in our own thoughts I was sure. I pulled out my cock and got off the bed, walking into the bathroom to get rid of the condom.

When I came back in the room, the smell of smoke assaulted my senses. She was sitting up against the headboard, a thin white sheet covering her body. She looked like an angel, even though I knew she was anything but. Her thumb and index finger held what appeared to be a rolled up cigarette firmly placed between her lips. She sucked in, long and hard, holding in the smoke for a few seconds before exhaling slow and steady.

There was something seductive about the way she did it. I stood there and watched her take another drag, observing the picture that was being painted in front of me with a hypnotic allure that drew me toward her, instead of leaving the room like I probably should have.

“Want a hit?” she purred, extending her hand out in my direction.

I’d never done drugs before, but that didn’t stop me from contemplating doing it. I sat next to her on the bed, not bothering to get dressed.

“Sex and weed are always a great combination,” she added, taking one more hit before handing me the joint.

I took one last look at the random chick in front of me and then closed my eyes.

All I saw was her face.

Bringing the joint up to my lips, wanting to forget that I just had sex for the first time with a girl…

I didn’t crave.


I stared down at the blood on my panties for I don’t know how long. Thinking maybe if I looked at it long enough it would magically disappear or something.

It didn’t.

I was twelve and I had just gotten my period for the first time. I didn’t have a clue what to do about it. It wasn't like I had a mother or any other female around to guide me.

I lived with men.

Normally, I probably would have asked Esteban to help me, but ever since that day in the car, he barely spoke to me anymore.

I was a job to him, and he started treating me like one.

I jumped suddenly from a loud, hard knock on the door.

M. Robinson's books