Crave Me (The Good Ol' Boys #4)

Esteban was a man of very few words, but when he did talk, it meant something. I really liked that about him. He never felt the need to fill the silence with meaningless banter. So when he said something I really listened, appreciating the wisdom he may have to offer.

I’d changed schools four more times in the last three years and at the rate I was going, there wouldn’t be any more schools to transfer to. A few things changed with my uncle for the better I guess. He was around a lot more, and we ate dinner together a few nights a week. He asked me how my day was and if there was anything I needed or wanted. That was pretty much the extent of our conversations, but at least he tried.

“How was class?” Esteban asked, pulling me away from my thoughts.

I started taking a creative writing course outside of school. The instructor was nice and most of the students kept to themselves, lost in their own thoughts about what they would be writing on the blank pages of the notebooks placed in front of them.

“It was good,” I answered, looking at his face in the rearview mirror as he drove.

“I bet you write better than all your friends.”

I scoffed. “You’re my only friend, Esteban.”

Our eyes locked through the rearview mirror.

“You listen to me, and you’re there when I need you. I guess you’re my chosen person,” I shyly smiled.

He didn’t falter. “I’m not your friend, Daisy,” he informed, catching me off guard.

My happy moment was quickly replaced with disappointment.

“I’m your bodyguard and driver. I work for your uncle. Don’t ever forget that,” he rudely added, focusing back on the road in front of him as if I didn’t exist.

He’d never treated me like that before, and I tried to hide my tears because in my mind I thought he was my friend.

The only one I had.

Chapter 5


“That feel good, baby?” I groaned into her ear, rubbing her clit in slow progressive circles.

For the life of me I couldn’t remember her name.

Jennifer, Jenny, Jen something?

It’s not like I was looking to date her, take her to the goddamn prom, or God forbid, back home to meet my mama.

Her body shuddered beneath mine the harder I moved my fingers on her *. She was so fucking wet, and I resisted the urge to bring my fingers up to my mouth to taste her. I claimed her mouth instead, mostly to drown out how fucking loud she was. Not that it mattered how loud we got, the music from the party downstairs was blaring through the speakers below us.

“Right there,” she panted against my lips.

“Here?” I taunted, thrusting two fingers inside her.

One thing changed after that day on the dock with Alex almost a year ago. One very important thing.

I didn’t give a fuck anymore.

Zero. Fucks. Given.

“Fuck ‘em and chuck ‘em,” was Dylan’s motto. I decided to adopt his attitude, and I swear to God it made my life so much easier. No stress, no drama, no worries. No more of the emotional bullshit and baggage that ran my life with Half-Pint and her good ol’ boys.

I did what I wanted. When I wanted. How I wanted.

If you didn’t like it…

You could go fuck yourself.

Being a pansy-ass follower got me nowhere, and at least now I didn’t have to pretend to be something I wasn’t. I didn’t have to march in line with my dick tucked between my legs waiting for the boys to realize I was just like them. Proving to them…

I was.

I let myself go and enjoyed what life had to offer. I spent way too many years caring about what other people wanted, what other people thought, what other people expected. Years of pent-up frustration came coursing out of me.

I’d been caught inside of a wave for far too long. It was only a matter of time until I wiped out.

“Harder, faster,” she moaned, rotating her hips against my hand.

Her * got so damn tight as I fucked her with my fingers. Her mouth parted letting a moan escape. Her soft, wet tongue peeked out, licking her lips, biting the bottom between her teeth. I took in her soft glow, her rosy cheeks, the subtle sweat pooling at her temples. Watching her tits bounce with each thrust of my hand, the way her back would curve each time I hit her sweet spot. Her hands fisted into the blankets beneath us and her body arched just slightly at the last second as she came all around my fingers.

My dick throbbed and my balls ached.

She smiled, opening her eyes. “Your turn.”

“Is that right?”

She nodded, pressing her hands against my chest to flip me over and straddle me. I assumed she was just going to suck my cock, so when she grabbed a condom from her purse, I pretended that I wasn’t taken aback. She unbuckled my belt and pulled down my jeans, followed by my boxers. My shirt was already off. My hard cock sprung free, smacking against my stomach.

“Wow,” she breathed out.

M. Robinson's books