Cherished (McKenzie Brothers, #5)

“It’s on your family’s land, right? Won’t that be…difficult if your family drops by?”

“No,” I close my eyes and pray for strength, “because, I’m planning on introducing you to everyone at lunch on Sunday.”

His hands constrict on me, which is the only sign that he’s affected by my words.



My whispered agreement is all I’m capable of as I try not to get my hopes up. Ramon has told me in the past that he’s ready to tell his parents about us. When it does come close to the confession something else has come up. Something, usually work related happens, and Ramon’s been off like a shot as though he’s relieved to have a distraction. Saved by work.

I want to believe this time is different. It’s certainly starting off differently with the invite to his cabin. When we used to spend Sunday mornings going over the plans that he’d drawn up, it was one of my favorite times. I loved seeing the pure enjoyment on his face as he shared his dreams with me. I loved the way he’d listen to my suggestions…adding some to his plans and explaining why others wouldn’t work. It had always seemed like we were building our dream home together.

I’m really curious to know whether he kept my ideas after I’d walked out without a word or not. Although, I’ll understand if he hasn’t, I know myself and it will hurt. A lot.

“What are you thinking?” Ramon asks. He reaches out and starts caressing my shoulders before his hands slide into the hair at the nape of my neck.

“I’m wondering about your cabin.” I move one hand from under him to his ass where I caress his buttock and hip.

Ramon grunts as his cock pulses into another erection.

I smile, knowing I still have the power to arouse him with the slightest touch.

“What are you wondering?”

“Whether or not you kept the ideas I came up with that you drew into the original plans.”

“You’ll have to wait and see.”

I smile against his chest.

“When do you want to head out?” I ask, as my stomach lets out a loud grumble.

He chuckles. “I think I better feed you first. C’mon, we’ll head out after breakfast, providing I can get a hold of Eric. I want him to check a few things on the site over the weekend if he’s going to be around.”

I roll off Ramon and sit on the side of the bed. Glancing back, all I want to do is climb back into the bed with the sexy, rumpled man who is looking at me with heat in his gaze.

He stretches and his hardened cock bounces with the movement.

I jump from the bed before I reach out for him and he smirks. He knows damn well what he’s doing to me.

Ramon wraps his hand around his shaft and pumps a few times. My cock swells and pulses with need as I watch the show he’s putting on. It wouldn’t be the first time that we’ve both jerked off while the other watched.

Sliding my hand down my own shaft, I cup my balls and then nearly jump out of my skin when I hear a voice shout, “Ramon, are you up?”

It’s almost comical. Ramon meets my gaze before looking at his shaft and then scrambles to get into his sweats. He points to the bathroom.

Quickly disappearing, I hear mumbled voices as Ramon leads his visitor away from the bedroom door that he has just exited out of.

My guess is that it’s one of Ramon’s brothers in the next room. I mean, you don’t just walk into someone else’s apartment, right? I’m not even going to let my mind wander and wonder if Ramon lied to me about his lack of sleeping partners while I was gone.

Shaving can wait, but I jump in and out of the shower in minutes because curiosity has gotten the better of me and I want to know who is in the apartment. I do know it isn’t his father as the voice sounded a lot younger, so yeah, my curiosity is piqued.

As luck would have it, Ramon’s built in closet is there as soon as you come out of the bathroom. Opening the doors, I have the shock of my life when I don’t find Ramon’s clothes, which was my intention. Instead, I find the clothes I left behind. They’re all hanging neatly and have been color coordinated.

I smile as I let my fingers caress the fabric, knowing Ramon spent time rearranging my clothing. A well of emotion hits me and nearly sends me to my knees, but the voices in the living room get me moving, so I grab some clothes.

Shoving my legs into jeans, I realize I’ve grabbed a low-slung pair, not my usual choice but what the hell. Yanking a T-shirt over my head, I leave my feet bare and head out of Ramon’s bedroom looking for coffee. And, if I’m honest, to find out whom he’s talking to.

As soon as I step out of the room, Ramon and, I think, Ruben turn to stare at me.

Ramon doesn’t look too happy at my appearance and clenches his jaw, but Ruben has me hiding my mirth by turning away to pour some coffee.