Buried and Shadowed (Branded Packs #3)

Not when he’d just found them.

He tackled the dark shadow in front of Gibson as the male wolf fell to his knees, his eyes wide and vacant. Mandy turned toward them, screaming their lover’s name as Gibson hit the ground. Oliver reached out with a large paw to bring her close, but couldn’t get to her in time. Instead, a shadow jumped onto her back and clawed her neck. Blood poured from the gash, and she reached up to staunch the flow.

But it wouldn’t be enough.

It never was.

Oliver covered their bodies with his own, swiping at the shadows but never making contact. He clawed, bit, and roared; yet nothing worked. The shadows used their fangs and claws to attack his body, digging through his fur down to the flesh.

His blood covered the ground below him, and he knew this would be the end.

This was how he would die.

And if he didn’t move from the vision, he might die for real, as well. Because sometimes, whatever happened in the vision, also happened to his unconscious body.

He couldn’t let his life end like this, couldn’t let Gibson and Mandy die at the hands of the unknown.

Oliver pulled away, his body shaking, his vision going gray. As he closed his eyes, his breath growing ragged, another wolf emerged from the darkness, his eyes intent.


But what would Theo be doing here?

Theo growled over Mandy’s body, and Oliver opened his mouth to roar back, but the darkness took him again.

He woke up in a pool of his own sweat, his sheets tangled around his hips and chest, heaving as he fought to catch his breath. With a lurch, he turned on his front and emptied the contents of his stomach into the empty trashcan he kept near his bed for situations just like this.

Once he could breathe again, Oliver stood on shaky legs and went to clean up his mess and toss his sheets in the washer. As he got in the shower, he stood under the spray, leaning on one hand against the wall so he could figure out what he was going to do with this new vision.

Just because Theo had shown up in the dream right when the shadows had disappeared didn’t mean he had anything to do with Gibson and Mandy’s deaths. In fact, it could have been something completely different, yet Oliver couldn’t shake that Theo had something to do with what would come.

And possibly with what had already happened.

Theo wasn’t happy with Mandy for choosing Oliver and Gibson over him, but that didn’t mean he would be responsible for their deaths. In fact, Theo had spent most of his life making sure Mandy was safe and secure, even within the walls of their confinement. But Gibson had been attacked—even if it had been before Mandy had come to them both. Perhaps Theo had known before even Oliver did of Mandy’s choice. And Claire…Claire had hurt Mandy.

He knew he was reaching at this point, but he didn’t know what else to think. Theo had been part of his vision, and this particular dream had felt more real than anything else he’d dreamt before.

Something was coming, he knew that, and perhaps Theo would be part of it.

What made this whole thing worse was that Oliver shouldn’t have had a vision like that at all. Something was wrong with him, his visions, his powers. He shouldn’t have visions of those closest to him, those he loved. Because, damn it, he loved Gibson and Mandy. He may not have had them in his life for long, but they were his. So he shouldn’t have had a vision about them.

And no Foreseer he had ever heard of had dreamt of their own death.

That just didn’t happen.

Whatever was off, he would find a way to fix it, but he knew it wouldn’t be easy. He sighed once more and turned off the water before getting out to dry himself. He’d promised he’d meet Gibson and Mandy in the den center for breakfast, and he knew he was already running late.

He didn’t sleep much thanks to the visions, but apparently, his body had decided that a dream where he had died would be the one that kept him unconscious for far longer than usual.

Oliver dressed quickly and left his home, making his way toward the den center and hoping he wasn’t too late to meet up with Gibson and Mandy. As soon as he found his way to the path, his body relaxed. Their scents reached him, circling around his body before finally settling into his skin as if they had always been there and would always be.

Gibson and Mandy walked toward him, hand-in-hand. Mandy’s smile brightened when she caught sight of him, and Gibson gave him a little smirk.

These two were his, there was no question. He’d had Mandy, and would have her in his life again, and soon he would have Gibson. And after that…it would be the three. They would find a way to make their world work, make what they needed, them as one, work.

He just prayed he would have enough time to find that path.

Oliver opened his arms as Mandy walked toward him and burrowed close. “I thought I was meeting you there.” He kissed the top of her head, inhaling her scent as he did.