Buried and Shadowed (Branded Packs #3)

She rolled her eyes. “Well, you being happy to see me is one thing, but you’re not a selfish asshole, not with that kiss. As for why I’m here, I have a few things to do workwise, but I brought it with me.” She pointed to the satchel he’d failed to notice that she wore across her body. “Oliver is playing Uncle Big Bad Bear with the cubs today. They missed him apparently, and he wanted to make sure you and I had some time alone together. If I’m not mistaken, he’s planning on making sure the two of you have time to spend together alone, as well. And then the three of us.” Her eyes crossed. “It’s a lot of relationships when you put it all out there like that.”

He shook his head, a smile spreading over his face. “Yeah, but we’ll find a way to make it work. And honestly, it only seems like a lot, I think, because Oliver and I usually do our best to stay on the fringes.”

She nodded as he led her to the kitchen and got her a soda of her own. “Yeah, and while I might know a lot of people, I tend to stay by myself. Too many dominant shifters at once and my wolf needs a timeout.”

He took a sip of his drink. “I get that. Well, at least I sort of do. I’ve never liked being around a lot of people, even though I usually have one or two in my shop daily. I don’t know if it’s my wolf or just me that makes that happen, though. I know Oliver needs to be on his own a lot because of the whole Foreseer thing, but I don’t know what it feels like to have a wolf inside that’s not even a little dominant.”

She smiled then, her eyes brightening. “And I don’t know what it feels like not to be submissive. My wolf, much like me I guess, needs to comfort, too soothe. It’s not that I’m weak, but more…a different kind of wolf I guess.”

Gibson frowned. “I never thought you were weak. It takes a certain kind of strength to aid the dominants when they can’t help themselves. Who thought you were weak?” His wolf rose, needing to know, as well. A tendril of sensation slid over him, and he knew it was Mandy. He couldn’t tell what emotion it was exactly, but it felt a little like shame. He didn’t understand it until she spoke next.

She bit her lip. “There were a few, but Claire honestly was the worst.” She let out a sigh, and Gibson set down his can so he could bring her close. “Once Holden mated Ariel and everything happened with the SAU, things were different, but I was always careful around her. And I hate that I’m even saying this because she’s gone and can’t speak for herself. Someone ended her life, and we have no idea who it was. Yet a small part of me is relieved I will never feel trapped and scared because of her again. She wasn’t a good person, but she didn’t deserve to die like that.”

Gibson kissed her temple and held her to his chest. She snuggled close, and he rested his chin on the top of her head.

“No, she didn’t deserve to die like she did, and we will find out who did it. Just like we’ll find out who hurt me and why the SAU is so silent right now. As for how she made you feel… Her dying doesn’t change that. It doesn’t make you a bad person for remembering what she did to you.” His wolf pushed at him, wanting to avenge her, but there was nothing to avenge. Not yet anyway.

“I feel like things have been up in the air yet changing so quickly ever since Holden found Ariel in the woods,” Mandy said after a moment. “It’s strange to think how things might change again.”

He ran his hand down her side. “I know,” he said softly. “I never thought I’d be here, be the Omega.” A beat of silence. “Be with you.”

She moved away from him then, and he felt a pang of disappointment until she stood on her tiptoes and reached up to kiss his jaw. “Make love to me, Gibson. Make me yours in truth.”

He slid his hands down her arms and gripped her fingers. “You want that now? You want me on you, over you, in you?”

“I’ve wanted it for a long time,” she answered. “The way the world is changing isn’t going to stop that. I want you as I want Oliver, though each way is unique.”

He nodded. “Same for me.”

She smiled then. “When you take Oliver, do you think I can be in the room?” she blushed, and Gibson laughed.

“You want to watch me take him? And how do you know it’ll be me taking him?”

“I’m sure you’ll take turns,” she said dryly. “But I think our big bear needs to relax every once in a while, and you can do that for him.”

He lowered his head, his lips a breath from hers. “I think we both can.” And with that, he took her mouth, relishing her taste, her touch. He lifted her into his arms and turned so he could sit her on the kitchen table, thankful it was sturdier than the one in her home. He pulled away and tugged at the bottom of her shirt. “I need this off.”

Her eyes widened. “Here? In the kitchen?”

Gibson grinned then. “Hell, yeah. The kitchen is the perfect place to eat.” And with that, he took off her shirt, moaning when he realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. “Damn I love your breasts.”

She cupped them herself, a blush rising on her skin. “Oliver broke the hook on my bra last night and I, uh…haven’t been home to fix it yet.”

He pulled her hands away and cupped her breasts, using his thumb and forefinger to play with her nipples. “I noticed you were wearing the same clothes as last night. You’re a dirty little wolf, aren’t you?”

She licked her lips. “You’re dirtier.”

He chuckled roughly. “Yeah, I am.” He lowered his head and took a nipple into his mouth, sucked. She arched toward him, putting her hand on the back of his head. He pulled away. “Hands on the edge of the table, Mandy.”