Buried and Shadowed (Branded Packs #3)

And because they were here, alone, together, full of promise…he would.

Oliver lowered his mouth to hers, and she gasped softly before yielding to him. He kept one hand on her face, the other firmly on her hip, keeping her in place. His cock ached beneath her butt, but he didn’t rock, didn’t push her too far, too quickly. He was a big man, a big bear, and Mandy was so small, so fragile.

Though he wanted Gibson there, wanted Gibson with him, with Mandy, with them both, he knew right then, this was about Oliver and Mandy. They were three parts of a whole, three separate relationships that entwined to become one.

And for now, for this moment of pure passion, this was Oliver and Mandy’s time.

He explored her mouth, learning her taste and each moan she made when he went deeper, when he gently bit her lips. When he pulled back, they were both breathless, and she squirmed once again on his lap.

“I want you, little wolf,” he whispered. “Will you have me?”

She looked into his eyes and smiled softly. “I’m already yours, Oliver. Didn’t you know that?”

He stood then and lifted her into his arms. She let out a squeak and wrapped her legs around his waist. He slid one hand under her butt to keep her steady and used the other to grip the back of her head, bringing his mouth down over hers once more. He kissed her hard, harder than before, needed her as close to him as possible.

“I could drown on your taste. Die a happy man,” he growled roughly against her mouth.

She ran her hands through his hair, pulling out the band as she did so. “Keep tasting.” She bit into his lower lip, and he growled. “Taste everything.”

He grinned then. Seems his little submissive wolf wasn’t all that submissive with everything. Perfect. He couldn’t wait for Gibson to find out, as well. Just the image of the two of them making sure Mandy came over and over again sent him to the edge, so he took a deep breath and carried the woman his bear wanted as his to the bedroom.

When he laid her down on the edge of the mattress, he couldn’t help but smile. “You look like you’re Goldilocks in my bed.”

She rolled her eyes. “My hair isn’t blonde.”

He slid his hand up her calf slowly. “With your hair splayed around your head like that in a bed that’s big enough for a bear, I don’t care about the color. I want to taste you, Mandy. I’m going to lick you up, eat you out, and make you come on my tongue before I take you.”

Mandy shivered. “Okay.”

He laughed then, charmed by her simple answer. “Okay, then.” He lowered himself over her, taking her mouth again while running his hands over her body. He loved the feel of her, all softness and curves. She wasn’t a warrior, yet held the strength of her wolf under the softness of her skin.

When he pulled away to work on the button of her jeans, she bit into her lip and raised her hips. He grinned and slowly pulled her pants down her legs, tossing them to the side. Her legs were shapely and would fit nicely around his hips as he drove into her.

“Beautiful,” he whispered and cupped her boldly.

She gasped, and he grinned, intent on his purpose. She still wore her top and panties, but laid out before him, he knew she was his. He bent over her and slid his hands under the sides of her panties before pulling them down. Again, she lifted her hips to help, and he couldn’t help but sigh at the perfection in front of him.

And she was his.

Before she could put her knees together to cover herself, he lowered his face and licked. She bucked toward him, calling out his name. He licked again, her taste sweet on his tongue. He put one hand over her stomach to keep her steady as he explored her, licking and sucking while making sure to pay extra attention to her clit.

“Oliver,” she gasped and he increased the pace, sliding one finger into her. She clamped around him, tight, tight, wet and hot. When he added a second finger and gently bit down on her clit, she came against him, her body shaking.

He let her ride the pleasure before pulling back and stripping off his clothes in a hurry. When he was completely naked, he pulled her to her feet, allowing her to still lean against the bed, and kissed her again, the urgency riding him making him shake.

“I need you,” he rasped. “I need all of you.”

“You have it,” she gasped as she raised her hands. He slid her shirt off and had her bra on the ground next to her panties before she could blink. Her breasts were the perfect size for his large hands and he had to have them in his mouth. He licked one nipple, then the other, gently plucking them with his fingers and cupping her breasts as he did.

“Oliver,” she moaned, her hand tangling in his hair. He hummed against her nipple, and she pressed her body against his, her hand on his dick.

He groaned. “If you touch me right now, I’m going to come.”

“You got to taste me, why can’t I taste you?”