Buried and Shadowed (Branded Packs #3)

It was a gift he deeply cherished.

Now he leaned against the chilled stone of his cave, watching as Rios appeared out of the early morning mist.

“Hey, sorry to bother you,” the younger man said, his jaw recently shaven and wearing a pair of black slacks and a crisp white shirt.

Clearly, he was prepared for the day.

Sinclair shrugged. “That’s okay. Mira’s asleep.” His lips twisted in a rueful smile. The poor woman had passed out a few hours ago. He hoped she spent most of the day sleeping; otherwise, she was going to be very sorry she’d drunk that last bottle of wine. “She’s not used to shifter parties.”

Rios flashed a smile. “We’ve had a lot to celebrate. The freedom of our people. The end of the SAU.” His smile widened. “The upcoming wedding of our Alpha.”

Mira was nothing short of a hero after she’d managed to upload Lowman’s video to every network and thus transmit it to every TV across the world.

“The SAU isn’t ended yet,” Sinclair warned. He didn’t want them to forget that there was still danger.

Rios reached into his pocket to pull out his phone. Then sliding his finger over the screen, he turned the phone toward Sinclair.

“Take a look at the morning paper,” he said.

Sinclair leaned forward, reading the headline out loud.

“Colonel Ranney to be publically tried for treason.” His breath hissed through his teeth, a savage flare of satisfaction racing through him. When he was young, he’d had a picture of the bastard taped to the wall. He’d intended to rip out his throat with his fangs. Strangely, however, he had to admit that the thought of the pompous ass suffering a public humiliation was even better. “I’ve waited twenty-five years for revenge,” he said with a low growl. “It’s as sweet as I anticipated.”

Rios nodded. “And now that you have your revenge, what are your plans?”

Sinclair didn’t hesitate. “Now I intend to concentrate on pleasing my new mate,” he said. “What about you?”

Something that might have been a blush stained the younger man’s cheeks.

“I’m leaving with Bree.”

Sinclair arched a brow, pretending to be surprised. Did Rios think that the entire Pack hadn’t noticed when the two had snuck away from the party long before it was over?


“She’s going in search of her parents,” Rios explained. “I intend to help.”

Sinclair nodded. There would be a lot of families eager to reunite.

“Does she know about your intentions?” he asked.

“I thought I would let it be a surprise,” Rios said with a soft chuckle.

Sinclair reached out to grasp his friend’s arm. “Good luck, amigo.”

Rios smiled, his gaze skimming over Sinclair’s shoulder.

“When I get back, we’re going to have a discussion about you moving into a new house,” he warned.

“What’s wrong with my lair?” Sinclair demanded with a frown.

“Besides the fact that it’s damp, dusty, and not fit for a delicate human female?” Rios asked in faux innocent tones.

“Hmm.” Sinclair waved his friend away. “You take care of your female, and let me take care of mine.”

“I’m just saying,” Rios said, turning to disappear into the mist.

A silence descended as Sinclair considered his friend’s teasing chastisement.

Dammit. Rios was right.

He had a vivid memory of Mira’s house with the kitchen table and single chair.

He wanted her to have a home.

A place where she was surrounded by family and friends and she never, ever felt lonely again.

Starting tomorrow, they were going to design the house of her dreams…

“Sinclair?” Mira’s sleepy voice interrupted his thoughts, and instantly, he was hurrying to join her in their bed.

“I’m here, sweetheart,” he said, pulling her into his arms. “And I’m never going away.”