Buried and Shadowed (Branded Packs #3)

And when they flipped her over onto her belly and went harder, she knew they’d found her strength. She’d fought for herself on the battlefield, though it had pained her, and yet these men would always cherish her, here and out in the world.

After a long shower where they explored one another some more, they dressed and decided to walk around the perimeter of the compound for Gibson’s shift before they met with Ariel and Holden. In the two short days since the attack, they had fully healed, and the Packs were learning how to rely on one another once more. Theo was healed as well, though he’d been hurt far more than any of them. From his act of sacrifice alone, she’d known he’d always be there for her, even if it wasn’t as he’d thought it would be.

She had her best friend back and two mates she knew she’d cherish for the rest of her days.

They were stronger because they had the health of who they were as Pack and would be able to find a peace within each other when it came time to end this battle, this war.

When it became time to be free.

Though she wasn’t sure the battles would be fought within the compound walls. The SAU had remained silent following the aftermath of the kidnappings and deaths on their watch. The Unseen were doing so much work for her people, yet she’d never met one of them.

Things were about to change, and she had a feeling it wouldn’t be just because of those within these walls.

She stood between Oliver and Gibson as they paused for a moment at the gates that locked them in. They were so tall, metal and wire creating a cage that told her she wasn’t worth the ground she stood on.

But once again, that would change.

Holden, Ariel, and some of the other Pack members walked down the path toward the gates. Mandy frowned.

“Did I miss something?” she asked her men, who looked down at her and shook their heads.

“Not that I know of,” Gibson said softly and rubbed his chest. She wasn’t sure if it was because of the scar the lion had given him, or the fact that there were so many people around him and he was still getting the hang of his new powers. Either way, she leaned into him, her wolf brushing against his.

He lowered his arm slowly.

“Good, you’re here,” Holden said when he came to their sides. “I got a note from the SAU taped to my door this morning, telling me to be here.”

Mandy’s eyes widened.

“And you didn’t scent them?” Oliver asked.

Holden growled. “No one did since they took the trail they always do. Despite that they haven’t been here in a week, it still reeks of them.”

“What do you think is happening?” she asked, her eyes downcast. She might be able to fight for her life, but she was still a submissive wolf, after all.

“I don’t know.”

Just as Holden answered, the gates began to creak. Mandy froze, her hand sliding into Gibson’s since he was closer than Oliver. The large metal gates that had only opened in the past if there was a full legion of guards on the other side slid apart.

Only there wasn’t anyone there.

“It’s a trap,” Gibson said softly. “It has to be.”

“What does this mean?” she asked.

“Are they letting us out?” Ariel asked, leaning into her mate.

“I don’t know,” Holden said softly. “I don’t know.”

Just then, four guards came forward, yet they weren’t wearing or carrying guns. Instead, they had their hands up and their eyes downcast.

Holden, Jonah, and Andrew walked forward as one, three Alphas with one thing on their minds—their Packs.

“What is going on?” Holden asked, his voice low. But Mandy noticed he was very careful not to be full wolf. Restraint in front of the humans.

The smallest guard stepped forward, his gaze still down. “Our bosses are gone. We don’t know what’s going on, but there’s a movement.” He paused. “You can come and go. But stay here in case the leaders of the SAU come back. But for now…” he trailed off. “I don’t think you should be forced to stay inside.”

With that, Mandy leaned into Gibson. She’d never once stepped outside the gates, never seen the world without the veil of being trapped.

The Alphas spoke to the guards, but whatever was being said, she couldn’t hear them. It was all too much for her. She was afraid to hope.

Were they free?

Could they be?

“Gibson,” a voice whispered from behind them.

She turned, and Gibson let out a curse before pulling her behind him. Oliver went to her side, and the three of them slowly moved away from the large group of shifters discussing their futures and toward a man—a wolf—she had never met before.

He wore no collar.

Bore no brand.

But he was Alpha.

He was Unseen.

“Sinclair,” Gibson growled. “What the hell are you doing here, and why are you inside the compound.”

Sinclair raised his chin. “Things are happening much faster than I thought. I don’t know if this is the only compound being freed, but be careful, it’s not over yet. Not by far for the SAU.”

“So you came here to warn us?” Oliver asked.

“Who are you?” Mandy asked softly.