Borrowing Trouble

She’d go back to Jackson and that’d be that, anyway, so he needed to just get over himself.

He hit the bottom step just in time for Mitch to come around the corner from the kitchen. “Morning.”

“Morning, hon,” Mitch said. His black hair stood up on end, face still creased from the pillows, so he obviously hadn’t been up long. “Have you seen Brit? She didn’t come to—”

“Morning, boys!” Brittany sang out, walking through the front door carrying her overnight bag. She was wearing her clothes from the night before, hair up in a ponytail. She looked a little flushed. Landon and Mitch shared an unhappy glance.

“Morning, Brit,” Mitch said with a smile, probably overdoing the cheer. Brittany looked at both of them askance.

“You two sleep good?” Landon asked. Brittany’s face split into a happy smile and Landon wished he hadn’t asked. He was an idiot. She had walk of shame written all over her and he did not want to hear about how well she must have slept.

The acid in his stomach boiled with jealousy, his heart ached with despair. Fuck. He’d just known Jay would put her off like he’d done Felicia. Mitch’s downcast gaze said he’d drawn the same conclusions as Landon.

“I’ll make breakfast,” Landon said, scurrying to the kitchen.

“Okay,” Brittany said slowly to his back. “I’m gonna hit the shower.”

Landon put a cork in his roiling emotions. This was not the time. He’d said it himself, he couldn’t get made at her or Jay for… whatever. They were adults.

Okay, he could be pissed at Jay. Fuck him.


He glanced at Mitch, who approached him cautiously.

“You want one egg or two? I figured I’d do a fry-up.” He pulled down a bowl to beat the eggs in.

“You okay?”

“I’m fine, Mitch,” Landon said with steel in his voice. “I’m not mad at her. This is dumb anyways. I know better.”


“No. Really. Drop it.” He turned a smile on his friend. “I missed you guys and I just wanna hang out and have a nice breakfast before y’all leave. Okay?”

Mitch hustled over and wrapped Landon in a quick, fierce hug. Landon allowed himself two seconds to relax into it, and was so fucking grateful for Mitch in that moment. Mitch then let him go, always knowing when Landon had reached his physical comfort capacity.

“Well, if she got to have fun last night, she gets to drive.” Mitch pulled a bag from under the counter and held up champagne and orange juice. “We get mimosas.”

“Oh my God, I don’t think I can drink any more.”

“You can and you will,” Mitch sing-songed.

“Peer pressure!”


Aside from good natured bitching about having to drive and a few questioning looks from Brittany, breakfast was their usual good time. But Landon, every once in a while, got stuck in his head, alternating in each instance between bitter jealousy and rage. He was pissed at himself, he was pissed at Jay, and he felt horrible for the brief moments of anger toward Brittany.

When they left, it was one of the rare times he was glad to see the back of his friends. He cleaned his kitchen and tried to think of things to do around the house on his Sunday off. But damn if he hadn’t worked himself up a good mad-on.

He didn’t expect an apology, but he’d made it to the point he wanted an acknowledgment from Jay that fucking one of his closest friends was fucked up.

But. It wasn’t. Fuck. It’s not like there had ever been a chance with Jay. Jay was straight.

But. Fuck him. He’d been a guest at Landon’s house and spent the night avoiding him, then fucked Landon’s friend. Fuck. Him.

Kade Boehme's books