Billion Dollar Bad Boy (Big City Billionaires #1)

"No," he agreed, tracing down the front of my dress as I whimpered. "You couldn't."

Champagne-like bubbles fizzed through my thighs, honing in on my *. I pulled at his hands, spinning to face him. Down and up and everything else blurred so that there was only his mouth and mine.

Silver kissed me hard enough to push me down into the mattress. The plush cover cradled me, contrasting against his solid body. There was no escaping him, he was as immovable as a freight train. I don't want him to move, I thought through my murky haze. I want him to keep kissing me until my face is too numb to feel it.

Teeth grazed my chin, my shoulder; the expensive gown exploded as he ripped the straps away. I felt his energy, and I felt how he didn't give a shit about the money he'd just thrown away.

This man cared only about me.

“I've wanted to do this for so long,” he growled. His lips plucked over my collar bone, playing me like an instrument. “So long, you don't even know.”

I shivered, trying to focus on him but only seeing his glossy hair. “But it hasn't even been that long.”

The massive weight of him paused. I strained, arching up to get more of his mouth. He moved enough to watch me, and in the curling smoke of his eyes, I saw something so familiar it made me freeze. Why did I feel like I recognized that look?

“It has,” he said flatly.

There was an almost tangible memory out of my reach, and I thought, if I focused, I could pull it from my skull. All I needed was a clear mind.

Silver had no intentions of giving me that.

The bed shifted as he suddenly leaned away. Propping on my elbows, I reached for him, eager to get his heat back. The slip of a smile he wore grew larger. “One second.” He reached for the bedside table, tugging open a small drawer in the lacquered black wood.

Craning my neck, I tried to see what he was getting. Maybe it's a condom. A flash of trepidation wormed into my guts. I wanted this, I knew I did, but every step that brought it closer was terrifying.

Then I saw the red silk straps.

“Lean back,” he said, motioning.

Licking my lower lip, I stayed where I was. “What are those for?”

Silver showed me the most cutting smirk. “To bind you, Pet. I want to make you feel amazing, but on my terms.”

A hard pressure made me crunch together. My knees touched my shoulders, my skin vulnerable with the dress shredded. He was into bondage, so what? It wasn't that surprising, so why the hell was my brain screaming at me not to let him do this?

I don't like being confined.


He knelt beside me, and through the raging eagerness in his stare, I sensed his patience. “I won't hurt you,” he promised.

And it was a promise.

There's a chance I was insane to let him do this to me. And there was a good chance I was going to look back on this and wonder what the hell had gotten into me.

But when I raked my eyes over his face, considered the set of his jaw... the way he held himself at bay... I couldn't fight my curiosity. He'd told me he wanted to test how deep my own wickedness went.

Wouldn't backing out now waste that chance?

Lifting my wrists, I crossed them together. “Like this?”

Silver's groan was primal. “Just the sight of you doing that is making my cock throb.”

A tiny whimper slipped through my lips. Grabbing my hands, he pulled them over my head. The position stretched me out, my chest rolling high, my nipples burning with desire against my dress. He was fast, efficient; in seconds, he'd bound my wrists together on the metal bed-frame.

Sitting back, he lingered on watching me. The fire in his amber eyes brushed every part of my body. Where he looked, I felt his touch. The air vibrated, alive with our expectations.

Both of us were waiting.

Hooking his fingers into his jacket and tie, he fished them over his head. My heart began to race as he flicked his buttons, peeling his dress-shirt open to expose his torso. His muscles were as defined as steps in a mountain, the edges shadowed and leading me down.

I could see the outline of his cock, seconds before he made it even easier through his tight briefs. There was a damp spot, and my clit swelled as I understood. Precome. He was as excited as I was.

Silver slid his palms upwards, draping across my body to grip my wrists. He squeezed, breathing in while I moaned. The wetness of his seeking mouth conquered mine. Slipping around firmly, his tongue pressed down, trapping mine as surely as he'd trapped the rest of me.

The unbreakable shield of his chest ground along my front. In a single swipe, he yanked the dress down, popping my bra free. My panties were ripped to my knees. There was nothing between us but skin and unspoken words.

I was on the verge of calling his name, and he... I'm not sure. I only sensed there was something on the tip of his tongue.

Instead of speaking, he kissed me again.

Nora Flite's books