Billion Dollar Bad Boy (Big City Billionaires #1)

The only other noise was my desperate whimper.

We kissed like that for an unknown stretch of time. It could have been minutes, it could have been centuries. In just a sheet and lingerie, I curled into his arms. Silver pushed a palm along my ribs, snaking it between my thighs.

Heaven help me, I started to spread them.

Wait, I warned myself. Not here. It can't be here. Sex in a public place wasn't something I could ever do. I wasn't brave enough, or bold enough.

But he must be.

Silver was wild, he was going to be disappointed with someone like me.

“Stop,” I said, my voice cracking.

He chuckled darkly against my neck. My blush went full body, but I kept from wilting. Silver's hand lazily stroked up my bare knee... then away. “I'm pushing you too fast, is that it?”

Tugging the sheet up to my neck, I held still. Maybe he'd sit with me here, just holding me, even if I didn't want to fuck. “Sort of. I don't know. I'm just not sure I can do this whole thing here.”

“Here, as in this building?” Tucking some of my hair behind my ear, he grinned. “Or here, as in fucking me at all. You keep stopping me from going further.”

I started to stutter; I hated the idea that he'd think I didn't want him. “No! It's not that I don't want to do... that.” Steeling myself, I glanced down at the front of his pants. His hard-on was massive, and when he saw me look, he smirked even bigger. “I'm not making out with you half-naked because I'm not into you, Silver.”

Cupping my chin, he closed the gap between us. “I'm only teasing. It's obvious you want me.” His voice dropped an octave, his free hand massaging his cock through his pants. “And it's clear I want you.”

Fixated on his erotic gesture, I froze. It was like my brain had the hiccups.

He said, “Let's get out of here. It's close to our dinner reservation, anyway.” He abandoned me, but I took cruel solace in the way he grunted at his uncomfortable erection. I'd seen the shape of it so many times, I was starting to get an idea of its size.


That was a perfectly good word for it.

“Go change into your outfit.” He washed his hands in the nearby sink. “I'll wait for you by the front desk.”

The warm room had become smoldering. It was a relief when I escaped down the hall, my lungs able to take in a full breath finally. Will he be like that every time? So hungry, so tempting?

I knew the answer.

As long as I resisted him, he'd keep pushing.

What would happen when I finally gave in?

- Chapter Ten -


“You seem a little different,” he said.

Silver had driven us over to the restaurant, a fast trip from the spa. Before our escape, Sarina had spotted me in the hallway. Her eyes had met mine, curious but not cutting. She must have been thinking about what Silver and I had been up to.

After all, I still was.

Now, leaning into the booth, I sipped my cocktail too fast. “Different than what? The first time we met up, I wasn't exactly in my element.”

Considering my question, he lingered on it more than seemed right. Then he shook his head, mouth turning into a half frown. “In general. It's like your mind isn't fully here.”

He's right, I thought sullenly. A sliver of my brain had been focused on my meeting with Detective Roose. He'd crept into my life like a black beast from an old nightmare. Everything had been going so great, I didn't want to dredge up my damn history from five years back.

I won't let that guy ruin my mood. Forcing a smile, I gave Silver my most brash grin. “Maybe I'm just thinking about all the amazing things you've done for me.”

“You mean you've been enjoying my gifts.”

“Very much so.” I lifted a finger, brushing one of the mercury-folds of my gown pointedly.

“I'm glad,” he said softly. “But I wonder if you've enjoyed all of my gifts?”

It took me a second, but the wolfish edge to his mouth gave him away. I knew what he was referring to, and it made my knees push together. Oh yes, I'd 'enjoyed' the special vibrator he'd sent my way. Shit, was my whole face glowing red?

Winking, he sipped from his glass. “I'm proud of that toy. I spent a while designing it.”

“Is that what you do?” I asked, leaping at any info about him. “You design—ah, sex toys?” My blush was growing hotter.

“I do a lot of things, my hands are in a few companies. I like to stay busy.”

“You mean you run multiple businesses?” My eyes popped wide. “That sounds exhausting.” It also explained his obvious income.

Silver cocked his head. “I have a partner. He helps run things behind the scenes, the less exciting areas.”

That word, 'exciting.' It had me thinking about the vibrating purple dildo all over again. “I can't get over the fact that you sell...” I covered one side of my mouth. “Sex toys.”

Nora Flite's books