Billion Dollar Bad Boy (Big City Billionaires #1)

I filled my lungs, catching some of his alluring scent just as the doors dinged open. Stumbling out, I felt his hand on my elbow, steadying me. It was electric, and I had to move away before my senses fried.

He smiled knowingly at me, but by then, I'd noticed my surroundings.

"The elevator goes right to your apartment?" I whispered, stunned by the cavernous penthouse.

"I own the whole building," he said casually. "But yes, that elevator brings me right here. Nice and close to my bed." His chuckle was velvet on my neck.

As late as it was, the city was a field of sparklers through the full circle of windows. Beyond, I glimpsed the telltale curve of the Fremont bridge.

"This is gorgeous," I said honestly.

"No." He hadn't stopped staring at me, not since dinner.

Not since he'd met me.

He said, "You're what's gorgeous."

Grabbing the edge of what had to be a pure crystal table, I stared at him. My heart had swung upwards, a pendulum that kept blocking my words. Finally, I laughed. "Don't tease me."

"I'm not." His single step forward was as loud as a gong. "But I can, if you'd like. Fuck, now all I can picture is spreading you out on my bed, making you beg me to lick that sweet * of yours."

He inhaled sharply, and I mimicked him. My hip bumped the table. "Could I have a drink?" Before we go further, was my unsaid thought.

Silver cracked a grin, sliding his tie looser around his neck. "Of course." The room was designed to be large and open, I could watch him sway all the way to the kitchen, his fingers snatching two glasses from a shelf.

I used the brief escape from his nearness to gather my strength. It was as if this man had his delicious hands wrapped right around my rib cage, squeezing without even touching me.

Silver came back, the lights along the wide windows creating patterns on his white shirt. His muscles strained, hidden like beasts below the ocean. I watched them writhe, imagined him holding me as his smirk brushed my mouth.

"Here," he said, handing me a glass full of topaz liquid. "Riesling. My favorite."

I didn't care what it was, I just took a deep swig. The acid-burn helped clear my throat, but it muddled my thoughts. "You really live here?"

"Do you think I broke into someone else's home?" He grinned, one arm straining his shirt as he pointed at the high ceilings. "Which part of me seems like a lie? My money, my perverse hobbies... or something else?"

Squinting at him, I bit the edge of my own lip. "Your name.”

Something dark rippled across his face. A drink from his glass smoothed it away. "Let me give you a tour, Pet."

My steps echoed on the hardwood floors. Soon, they were replaced by gorgeous white rugs. He showed me the gigantic dining area, the table set for five people, though I had trouble picturing anyone ever entering Silver's home.

I was still struggling with the fact I was here.

He let me peek into his private office, the desk strewn with sketches and notes, many which were clearly sex toys. Silver even gave me a tour of the roof.

The wind teased my hair from its loose bun. I went to fix it, but his hand on my elbow stopped me. "Wait," he whispered, his voice heating me in the cool night. "Leave it down. I like it messy."

I could see the blink of stars just beyond his ear. They were lost in a sky that was too black to be real. How funny was it that I found him more entrancing than those ancient lights?

His fingers linked with mine. "Follow me."

Deep down, I knew where we were going.

Silver pulled me back inside, into a room as wide as the living area. The walls were richly metallic and black, the king bed's blankets matching. The rug was so dense I had to make sure I wasn't walking on fuzzy pillows.

I'd never seen such a luxurious bedroom. One wall was cut in an arch, a black marble bathroom with a giant open shower waiting beyond. There were steps leading to a platform with a jacuzzi.

Fingers came down on my shoulders from behind. All at once, the tension in the air shifted. Silver took my wine glass, but I didn't see where he dropped it.

"I'm done holding back," he said.

Every hair on my body stood tight. He traced down my arms, his hips pressing into my ass. I was too aware of how thin the dress he'd given me was. It offered no protection, my nipples outlined through the fabric.

In the mirror across the way, I saw how pursed my lips were. I was gasping soundlessly, pink and excited. Silver's affect on me was clear as crystal.

His lips traced the jewel in my earlobe. "I love seeing you draped in my gifts."

Closing my eyes, I swayed. He didn't need to cut me open to steal my strength, he was forcing it out of me with every word.

Hot, wet lips came down on my neck. Instantly I groaned, bending at the knee as the sensation rocked me at my core. He made a similar sound, speaking against my skin as his hands gripped me against him. "Don't try and deny it. You're getting turned on, you've wanted to do this for some time with me. Haven't you, Pet?"

Swallowing, I said, "I wouldn't lie. I couldn't."

Nora Flite's books