Billion Dollar Bad Boy (Big City Billionaires #1)

“Amazing!” I breathed, clutching to the sound of my own voice. “Good, so damn good. Please, let me come, I need to fucking come so bad!”

His teeth brushed my earlobe. “I know.”

He was acting so calm, but with every motion of his cock inside of me, I sensed his composure fraying. It started slow, a loose thread that was swaying in the wind. But then those threads caught on something—it was sharp, and surprising, and I dared to hope it was me.

I wanted to be the event that shook Silver to his core.

My brief, proud hope became a real possibility when his breath turned ragged in my ears. He was a steam engine, pounding down my tracks and not showing a hint of slowing down.

Under his perfect touch, my clit throbbed. The pressure built back to where it had been when he was eating me out. He whispered, “I can feel how hot you are. Your * is burning up, fuck, you feel fantastic.”

Swooning, I closed my eyes and bit into the pillow. His cock swelled, stunning me as it battled between pleasure and pain. But was this pain? It was too muddled, I didn't even care that he was clutching my hip so hard there would definitely be bruises.

I was hovering on the edge of coming. It was right there, right fucking there.

What was missing?

“Come for me,” he growled in my ear.

Groaning so fiercely that it turned into a scream, my body became one big knot. My * milked him, tingles rolling from my lower belly to my brain. I'd never had an orgasm that went so deep.

Panting, I hung on just enough to rock my hips back onto him. He didn't expect that; shocking him was almost as good as coming.

His lips touched the edge of the emerald earring. The reminder of how we'd gotten here—the mysterious letters, the little games—sent me over the edge again.

“Fuck,” I managed, though it hardly sounded like a word. I was buzzing with delight, still riding the crest of orgasm when he started to shake.

“I'm so close,” he whispered. “Fuck, so damn close. Do you want me to come inside of you, Pet?” His shaft flexed, drilling harder, rubbing the roof of my *.

I'd lost the power of language, but my plaintive whimper was enough for him. He pulled his other hand away from my clit, gripping my waist as he slammed into me with new energy.

I felt his orgasm through his fingertips first. They vibrated, his muscles hardening more than his cock was. Buried in me to his root, his cock jerked. Through the condom, I felt the quake of his powerful climax. I worried he'd break the condom; how could he not?

Shuddering, he stroked slower—finally just holding me steady. Though he was done, the air in the room hadn't changed. This moment felt more important than it should have. Wasn't this just sex?

Then why did it seem like so much more?

Silver brushed his hand through my hair. “That was amazing. I don't want to untie you,” he said without a hint of irony.

It should have been scary, except it wasn't. I blamed it on how dazed I was, my body and mind languishing from pleasure.

My wrists were jostled; he was freeing me. Flipping over, I looked up at him and smiled. He was naked, and it was glorious. I watched as he rolled the condom up, walking across to the bathroom to dispose of it.

“I've never done anything like that. I mean, especially not with a stranger,” I laughed self-consciously.

Silver stood in the doorway, a figure so beautiful and dark. He seemed cut from another time, more comfortable in the pages of an old novel than in front of my eyes.

He stepped forward, and I fidgeted at his approach. The blankets caved under him, his arm weaving around my middle, forcing my spine against his chest. His heart was reverberating; he was laughing, but not nervously like I had been.

“Stranger,” he said, letting the word roll over his tongue like he was chewing a piece of candy. “Do I really feel like a stranger?”

I twisted, searching his eyes. “I don't know. You're sort of like... a concept I've heard of, but never experienced myself.” Smiling shyly, I traced his shoulder. Touching him like this was a gift I didn't want to lose. “Familiar, but entirely unknown. Does that sound weird?”

“It's not weird, no.”

Under my nails, his rich tattoos were shiny with sweat. “It's different for you though, isn't it?” I flicked my eyes up. “You treat me—my body... like you know it already.”

Silver held my eyes, steady and amused. “I did say I knew you better than you realized.”

My laugh was too loud, too nervous. “I don't know why you keep saying that.”

He ran a finger down my bare shoulder, lifting goosebumps. “Because it's true. Your tastes, your preferences, the dips and curves of your perfect body.” He constricted around me like living rope. “You finally belong to me, Pet. I'm never letting you go.”

- Chapter Twelve -


I scrambled, my mind on autopilot. He was telling me that he knew me. That I belonged to him?

Nora Flite's books