Beyond the Consequences (Book 5 of the Consequences Series)

“I think you could guess all day and you wouldn’t come up with the right answer,” Courtney said. “Personally, I think I’ve kept your gift hidden for too long. And you know how hard secrets are for me.” She shrugged and with a grin, added “Although… Brent and I have enjoyed having these gifts here with us for the last two days.”

“Two days?” Claire said as she turned toward the archway. She could hardly believe her eyes as she saw Francis and Madeline and a lump formed in her throat. “Oh!” she exclaimed as Courtney helped her from her chair; she rushed to the couple and was swallowed in their embrace.

When the tears and hugs finally calmed, Madeline said, “Madame el, the next time you have a bébé, could it be when the weather is warmer? This is the first time we’ve seen snow. It is very cold.”

The room erupted in laughter.

“Oh, Madeline and Francis, I don’t know if there’ll be a next time.” She pulled them by their hands to sit beside her. “How long can you stay?”

“How long do you want us?” Madeline asked.

“We will stay that long,” Francis added with his large, loving smile.

“We are so pleased to be here, but…” Madeline’s big dark eyes narrowed. “…this bébé, I not deliver him.”

“No, Madeline. This little guy will be born at the hospital.”

Claire made all the introductions or re-introductions. Many of the ladies had met Francis and Madeline a year ago when they all visited the island. Her heart swelled with love as she took in the kind couple and their genuine smiles. When she’d called and asked them to come to Iowa, they acted apprehensive about leaving the island. Though she was disappointed, Claire understood. It was a long trip and neither of them had ever been to the United States.

As the room erupted in chatter, Brent entered. “Francis, now that Claire knows you’re here, would you like to go downstairs with me? There’s a lot of estrogen in this room.”

Francis nodded. “I’m not sure of estrogen, but if there be less laughing ladies, I say yes.” He reached for Claire’s hand. “Madame el, we are so happy to be here. Thank you.”

Claire squeezed his large hand. “Thank you. I feel better having you two here.”

It wasn’t until near the end of the baby shower that Courtney’s doorbell rang. Claire didn’t need to look: she knew who couldn’t stay away. When she did glance toward the door, despite the crowded room, her eyes met his and her heart melted. She saw the satisfaction in his devilish grin—he’d successfully surprised her.

Tony wasn’t alone. Phil, who looked tired, was with him. After a moment, Phil excused himself to join the men downstairs, and Tony walked toward Claire. The floor and table around her were cluttered with gifts. “Well, my dear, it looks like our little man made out like a bandit. Are you pleased with all your gifts?”

“They’re not for Momma. They’re for my brover,” Nichol corrected.

With her eyes still on her husband, Claire replied, “I love all my gifts, and I can’t believe you surprised me like this. How could they be here for two days and you not tell me?”

Tony chuckled. “It was difficult. I didn’t even let Roach know until this afternoon. I wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep it from you. As soon as I told him, he insisted that he come over here with me to see them.” Tony turned toward Madeline. Bowing slightly at the waist, he said, “Hello, Madeline. Welcome.”


“Claire,” Courtney asked, “do you remember yesterday when you wanted to come over and help me get ready for the shower?”

Claire nodded.

“Now do you understand why I said you couldn’t? Madeline and I were cooking.”

Claire reached for Madeline’s hand. “Oh, cooking with you! I love cooking with you.”

“You still cook?” Emily asked jokingly.

“Well, not really, but I did on the island. Madeline taught me some of the most amazing dishes.”

“Oui, Madame el, we may cook.” Madeline looked out the window. “I think the seafood here may not be as fresh.”

“You make a list, Madeline,” Tony said. “For your fantastic meals, I’ll get you whatever you need and as fresh as possible.”

Her cheeks lifted as her eyes went to her lap. “Monsieur, you’re always too kind.”

Aleatha Romig's books