Beyond the Consequences (Book 5 of the Consequences Series)

She continued to rub his shoulders. “I’m not asking. Someday if you’re ready, I’m here.”

He turned to meet her light blue gaze. Phil didn’t know what he expected to see: condemnation, suspicion, or maybe judgment. Whatever he expected was not what he saw; instead, it was understanding and acceptance. Kissing her gently, he nodded. “Why were you here? How did you—”

“I was on my way over to see you when I saw Eric. He didn’t see me but I waited for him to leave. He did, but you left at the same time. When you didn’t return, I went back to the main house to the security office and found him.”

“Did he…?” Phil stopped, afraid of the answer he’d receive.

“No. I didn’t pry. I could tell he was agitated. I don’t know what went down.” She glanced at Phil’s muddy boots and jeans. “And I don’t need to know, but I think you should try to sleep.”

Phil’s arms suddenly became heavy and his shoulders ached. Stretching his fingers in and out he groaned. He wasn’t accustomed to manual labor and the shovel work had been incredibly difficult with the frozen ground. Phil nodded. “I think a hot shower first.”

Taylor kissed him again. “I’d join you, but I’m guessing you’re not in the mood.”

One corner of his mouth rose as he scanned her from head to toe. Though most of her long hair was secured behind her neck in a loose ponytail, sleeping had caused a few renegade strands to dangle near her pretty face. Her soft pants were tight in all the right places, and her big t-shirt was wide at the neck and exposed one of her bare shoulders. Her deep red, shiny toenails peeked out from the wide cuffs of her pants. Phil liked that no one but he ever saw those polished toes. Reaching out he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. As he looked into her blue eyes and loving smile he mused how much he liked Taylor’s relaxed side. The softness was a stark difference from her professional demeanor.

Tipping his forehead toward hers, he said, “I know I’m an idiot for turning that down, but you’re right. I think I’m coming down, and I should try to get some sleep.”

“Don’t worry,” she whispered as she palmed his cheeks and kissed his lips. “Eric and I have today covered.”

Phil nodded.

“Besides, I’m guessing our threat level has decreased.”

Phil closed his eyes. Damn, even his eyelids were heavy. “Taylor…”

She stood and looked at the clock on Phil’s bedside stand. “Shit, half the staff will be up and moving about, and here I go: the walk of shame.”

He reached for her hand. “Sorry.”

“I’m not. I’m glad you’re back, and I trust this won’t come back to anyone here?”

“I did my best to assure that.”

“Nothing more we can do.”

She bent down and kissed him again. “I’ll tell Eric you’re back.”

“I called him, but thanks.”

With a faint smile, Taylor stepped back into the living room. As Phil took off his boots, he heard, “Walk of shame, here I come.” Carrying the mud-covered boots to the bathroom, he decided they needed to be thoroughly cleaned and his clothes would go in the washer before he put his tired body in that shower.

Hours later the incessant ringing of his cell phone brought Phil back to life. His entire body ached as he rolled toward the sound. What time was it? He wrestled with his orientation as the name on his screen came into view: Rawlings.

“Hello?” Phil managed, trying not to sound like he was asleep in the early afternoon.

“Roach, we need to talk.”

Phil’s mind suddenly cleared. Had someone tipped off Rawlings? He sat up in bed, convincing himself that neither Eric nor Taylor would do that. Could Patricia’s body have been found? So many thoughts flew through his head as Phil replied, “Now?”

“Yes, now. Come to the house. I’m in the office.”

Phil closed his eyes as the line went dead.

“THIS PARTY’S FOR my baby brover. My party’s gonna be bigger!” Nichol exclaimed.

Aleatha Romig's books