Beyond the Consequences (Book 5 of the Consequences Series)

Claire shook her head. “Well, I’m not sure about bigger, but it will be for you.”

“Yep,” Nichol reached out and spoke to Claire’s enlarged midsection. “Today’s for you, baby. Maybe you could decide to be a sister?”

“Honey, we’ve talked about that. The doctors can see your brother with a special camera and they know he’s a boy.”

“How do they know?”

Claire looked from Nichol to Shannon who was shaking her head with a grin. “Oh my goodness, I’m not ready to have that talk with my three-year-old daughter.”

The other ladies at the shower all laughed.

Nichol’s forehead wrinkled. “I’m four.”

“Well, not quite yet,” Emily corrected.

“Aunt Em, did the doctors see Beff and know she’s a girl?”

“They did.”

“Momma, did you know about me too?”

“We didn’t. Remember, Daddy and I were on the island when you were born. When we tried to find out, you didn’t want to tell—you were teasing us.”

“Maybe my sister’s teasing you, too.” She leaned her mouth toward Claire’s stomach. “Are you teasing in there?”

“Mrs. Rawlings, I’d be happy to take Nichol to the other room. I brought some books and games,” Shannon offered.

“Nichol, why don’t you go with Shannon and when we open your brother’s presents you can come help me.”

Nichol got down from her chair. “Okay.” She took Shannon’s hand and Claire mouthed “Thank you” to her nanny.

“Wow, Claire, I can’t wait to see you with two,” Meredith said with a smile.

Claire leaned back and stretched her back. “I’m ready.”

“I know that feeling,” Emily and Julia said in unison and laughed.

“Now, Claire,” Sue began. “I think it’s time to spill the beans. This shower’s the perfect opportunity to share with all of us, your closest friends, the name you and Tony have chosen for your son.”

Claire pressed her lips together and smiled. “We’ve talked a lot about his name, and we think we have the perfect one. I mean, it’s not easy to be Anthony Rawlings’ son. His name has to be special, like Nichol’s is for us. When he joins us, we’ll let you all know.”

Whispers of understanding filled the room. Finally, Courtney asked, “Would anyone like anything else to eat or more coffee or tea?”

As everyone chatted, Claire looked around Courtney’s living room and sighed contently. She was surrounded by her family and friends. There was something about having everyone’s support that made this pregnancy easier than her first.

Just as they were about to open presents, Courtney stood. “Before we begin, I promised Tony I’d help him with his gift. You all know how persuasive he thinks he is. Well…” She smiled at Claire. “First, I convinced him that he wouldn’t enjoy the shower, but that didn’t stop his plan. He wanted to get Claire a gift she wouldn’t forget.”

The whole room inhaled with anticipation as Claire contemplated what Tony would consider an unforgettable gift. They had the nursery complete. It was much larger than Nichol’s had been on the island, but like Nichol’s it was attached to their suite. Claire remembered listening to Tony rock and talk to their daughter in the middle of the night. After she’d feed Nichol, she’d lay awake and listen as he promised her the moon and stars and his unending love. As the contractors drew up plans for the nursery, Claire knew she wanted that again.

“A diamond-studded car seat?” Emily suggested.

“Maybe a golden cradle?” Sue replied.

Aleatha Romig's books