Beyond the Consequences (Book 5 of the Consequences Series)

Feeling the movement within her, he knew there was nothing within his power he wouldn’t do. She truly didn’t need to ask. “Anything.”

“If, and I’m not saying it will happen, but if you’re faced with the same question you were when Nichol was born, and both isn’t an option…” She took a deep breath. “…choose Nate.”

Tony sat back on his heels and stared. “No.”

Tears descended her cheeks and her nostrils flared, yet her voice held no sign of emotion. “I’ve been thinking about it. I know the chances are slim. All the doctors have been satisfied with the way this pregnancy has progressed. Even Madeline keeps reassuring me. But Tony…” She reached for his hand. “…you always get your way.”

“That’s not always true, but if it were, my way is you.”

“No, listen,” Claire implored. “You always get your way. If you demand they save Nate, they will. And…” she began before Tony could speak. “…I want you to know, I’m all right with that decision. I never want you to question yourself. I’ve lived the most amazing life. I’ve known every emotion, experienced the lowest lows and the highest highs. I know both love and hatred. I’ve seen places in this world that I never as a little girl even knew existed. Though I’ve lived through nightmares, you’ve fulfilled every dream. Tony, that’s more than most people experience in a lifetime.”

He couldn’t stop the emotion building in his chest. “Claire, this conversation isn’t necessary.”

She nodded. “I hope you’re right. I want more. I want to hold Nate in my arms and shower him with kisses. I want to look into Nichol’s beautiful brown eyes and tell her I love her as she goes to college or walks down the aisle. I want to sit beside you and watch our grandchildren play.” Her quiet tears turned to sobs. “But if I don’t, if all that I’ve done is all that I do, being loved by you and giving life to two amazing children are the greatest accomplishments I could ask for.” She gasped for breath. “Please, Tony, please promise me that you’ll choose Nate.”

He couldn’t go another second without the woman before him in his arms. Tony stood and gently tugged Claire from the chair. When she stood, he wrapped her in his arms, and they stood in the stillness of the nursery. As her shoulders shuddered and she buried her face against his chest, tears coated his cheeks. Facing their previously unspoken fears allowed a peace to settle. Finally, Tony leaned away and wiped her tears with his thumb. “My dear, there is nothing I will ever deny you and you know that. As soon as Nathaniel Sherman Rawlings is ready to enter this world he will, and when that happens, he’ll be laid in your waiting arms, awaiting the shower of kisses. That is not debatable.”

SHE NEEDED TO hear her husband’s words and tone. Her anxiety had been building stronger with each day as Nathaniel’s due date approached. Claire didn’t want to leave her family, but she unselfishly loved them more than herself. Though Madeline’s reassurances had helped, hearing Tony’s proclamation made it better. The tone he used as he uttered the words: That is not debatable, was a melody to her ears and a shot of reassurance to her heart.

Claire nodded. “I love you so much.”

Tony took her hand and walked them back into the suite and toward their bed. “Mrs. Rawlings, I’ve said it before and I’ll repeat it until the day I die. I love you. You’re my life, my drug, my anchor. You’ve made me into a man who deserves to have you in his life.”

Claire shook her head and put her finger to his lips. “No, Tony. I didn’t make you into anyone. You’ve always been this man. People don’t change: they hide. The man you were was a shell hiding the man you are today. The woman I was, when you first took me, was a shell hiding the woman I was afraid to be. I didn’t make you. You didn’t change me. And I thank God that once our shells were broken that the two people we really were fit together so well.”

Aleatha Romig's books