Beauty and the Bull Rider (Hotel Rodeo #3)

Years ago he’d thought her well out of his league. He’d stood dumbly in the background, looking on and cursing himself the moment Ty’d asked her to dance. He’d burned with envy the moment he’d seen them out on the dance floor. He never would have believed she’d settle for a cowboy when she could’ve probably married a millionaire, but she had.

They’d both changed a lot in the years that had passed. They were both older and wiser, disillusioned, and a little jaded. He was a lot more busted up now, but she was every bit as beautiful. Maybe even more so. The blingy clothes and heavy makeup were gone. She’d put on a few pounds, but her soft womanly curves only enhanced her appeal. He’d ached to taste her sweet, wine-scented lips. His body had screamed out to take her into his arms and kiss some damned common sense into her, or better yet, kiss out every lick of sense altogether, but his gut told him he’d only scare her off. He hadn’t expected her to be so wary of him. At the same time, he understood her struggle with trust.

If he was to get anywhere with Delaney, he had to approach her like he would a skittish filly, with gentleness and patience. Problem was, patience had never been his strong suit. That was partly why he rode bulls. Unlike horses, you didn’t have to win a bull over, or convince them to let you ride. The bull’s job was to buck you off regardless. He’d almost blown it with her right out of the chute, but when he left her, he felt like he’d made some headway. Now all he had to do was keep his head in the game and his dick in his jeans.


Delaney woke an hour earlier than usual, her mind in such turmoil that she’d hardly slept a wink. Zac had said he’d be coming by this morning, but she hadn’t even thought to ask him what time. Should she text him? She realized with a pang of dismay that she didn’t have his number. And he hadn’t asked for hers. Damn. She hated surprises.

And rain.

It was pouring like a cow pissing on a flat rock.

Would he show? She didn’t know if he would or not, but the cows still had to be fed. Heaving herself out of bed, she threw on her rattiest jeans and a baggy tee and trudged out to the rain-soaked pastures, where her scattered herd greeted her with a chorus of dissonant moos. Although she experienced periods of isolation and loneliness, she loved the earthy ranching life. Even the mud, muck, and rain filled her with a surprising sense of peace. She couldn’t imagine ever going back to her old life in Houston.

An hour later, she kicked off her mud-and-manure-caked boots at the kitchen door and then started the coffeepot. She peeled off her wet shirt in the kitchen with a sniff followed by a grimace. She hoped she’d have time to catch a quick shower before Zac showed up. She was heading upstairs to do just that when her canine trio announced an arrival.

Damn! Was it Zac? She really needed that shower! She peered through the blinds. Sure enough, a black dually was coming up the drive pulling a stock trailer. Shit! Shit! Double shit.

Racing upstairs, she struggled out of her wet jeans and grabbed a dry pair from her closet. She wriggled into them and then applied two coats of deodorant before pulling on a black V-neck tee. She twisted her tangle of wet hair into a messy bun, then applied a light touch of makeup, topping it all off with a generous spritz of perfume in desperate hope of masking the hint of cow that still clung to her. She doubted the appeal of Eau de Bovine, even to a cowboy.

On the one hand, she didn’t want to look like she was trying, but on the other, she’d be damned if she’d be caught looking like an extra from The Walking Dead. She barely had time to inspect herself before the doorbell chimed.

Her heart raced as she descended the stairs. Was he just going to drop off the heifer and go? Or did he plan to stay a while? Was he going to bring up their discussion from last night? She hoped he wouldn’t. He’d asked her to sleep on his offer, but she still didn’t know what she should say or do. Her palms were sweating by the time she reached the front door. Forcing a calming breath, she flung it open with a pasted on smile.

Her gaze met a wall of solid muscular chest. Zac’s wet shirt clung to his body like a second skin, revealing nicely developed pecs and abs. She’d known he was in decent shape, but Zachary McDaniel soaking wet was nothing short of mouthwatering. Her gaze tracked even lower, taking in his powerful thighs, visually enhanced by the wet denim, before she guiltily dragged it back up to his face.

“Morning.” Zac tipped his hat in greeting. Water dripped from the brim, splashing her bare feet.

“Morning,” she replied. “I can’t believe you came out in this rain.”

“You didn’t give me your number last night.”

“You didn’t ask,” she said.

“It was an unfortunate oversight that I need to correct,” he said, plucking his phone from his back pocket and offering it to her.

Given little choice, Delaney accepted the phone and programmed her number. “Please come in.” She stepped back, beckoning him inside. “I have some fresh coffee brewing.”

“Coffee would be great, but I’d just as soon unload Diamond first.”