Beauty and the Bull Rider (Hotel Rodeo #3)

“Is that it? Are you done?” she gasped, hoping he was.

“Done?” He withdrew a few inches with a chuckle that vibrated through his body into hers. “I haven’t even started yet.”

“Then get on with it,” she snapped. “We don’t have all day.”

“What’s the big hurry?” he asked, the corner of his mouth twitching as he jerked his head toward the window. “It’s still raining out there. What else are we gonna do to entertain ourselves?”

“You said one kiss, Zac,” she reminded him. “That’s all I promised.”

“You ready for it then?” he asked.

“Yes,” she hissed. “I’m ready. I’ve been ready, so quit playing around.”

“Nope.” He released her face and dropped his hands to her thighs. “I don’t think you are.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re too tense. How can you expect to enjoy it when you’re sitting there all stiff-backed. How can you expect me to kiss you properly with that attitude?”

“I never said I intended to enjoy it,” she grumbled. “On the contrary. It’s in my best interest not to.”

He blew out a breath with a regretful head shake. “Then it appears we’re at a Mexican standoff.”

“What does that mean? You aren’t going to kiss me?”

“Don’t see how I can since the cards are stacked against me. There isn’t much point in going through with this when you’re dead set against enjoying it.”

“I didn’t say that,” she said. “I just said it was to my advantage not to enjoy it.”

“Sorry. I just can’t go into this when you’re prejudiced.”

“But I thought that was the whole point,” she huffed. “Weren’t you going to prove to me how irresistible you are and make me melt into a helpless puddle at your feet?”

“Not exactly,” he said.

“Then what exactly?” she asked, tensing as his hands crept up to her waist.

His gaze held hers, but he still made no move to kiss her. “My idea was to make you want this kiss as much as I do.”

Her gaze lifted once more to his mouth, and her stomach gave a little flip. Zac had a very attractive mouth. It was manly like the rest of him, but his lips looked so very soft. She instinctively licked hers.

She waited for several seconds. But he still did nothing. Damn him. Was he going to kiss her or not? Did she really want his kiss? Yes. She wanted it but refused to gratify his ego. She’d only agreed to let him kiss her, but if he refused to make the first move, maybe it was time for her to play the trump card.

She tipped her head back, her eyes seeking his as she parted her lips in silent invitation.

His chest rose sharply. She leaned into him by fractions, tempting, taunting.

He met her halfway, dipping his face close enough that his warm breath teased her cheek. “Do you, Delaney?” he murmured darkly as he traced the shell of her ear with the tip of his hot tongue. Her mind blurred to all but want and sensation—his mouth, his musky male scent, Zac’s warm, confident hands mapping her back, his hot and humid breath as he nuzzled her throat and licked her ear. He moved down her neck again, sucking, nibbling, his teeth lightly scoring over her skin, driving her crazy. “Do you want me to kiss you?”

“Damn you, Zac!” she cursed as her mouth claimed his, hot, hungry, and wanting.

His lips were firm and possessive, his tongue alternately seeking and demanding. She opened eagerly to his questing tongue, moaning into his mouth as he lifted her off the counter, pulling her closer and tighter to answer her need. Sweet Jesus! It felt so damned good to be touched and kissed. She’d forgotten how good it was. She never imagined feeling such strong desire again.

Zac had hoped his come-hither/go-away approach would get Delaney worked up enough to want the kiss as badly as he did, but holy shit, her reaction almost knocked him flat on his ever-lovin’ ass. One minute she was shootin’ daggers at him and the next she was grabbing his face with both hands. He anchored his hands on her ass. She wrapped her legs tightly around his hips. Panting, groaning, groping, grinding, as they worked themselves into a dry-humping frenzy until they were both gasping for air.

“Wanna take this upstairs?” he asked.

Delaney’s face was flushed and lips damp and swollen when he broke the kiss. “Upstairs?” she repeated blankly, looking so soft and sweet and vulnerable that his chest tightened.

“Yeah,” he said. “A bed would be really nice right about now.”

“A bed?” She blinked and then shook her head with a wild-eyed look. “No, Zac. Our deal was only a kiss.”

He let out a dark chuckle. “I’d say all bets are off now, sweetheart. I was supposed to have kissed you. That’s not what happened here. You kissed me.”