Beauty and the Bull Rider (Hotel Rodeo #3)

“I don’t get it, Zac. Ty and I have been apart for eight years. Why now?”

“Because I never make promises I can’t keep. But I’m done bull riding. I want to settle down. In life, as in bull riding, timing is everything and the timing was never right—until now. Eight years ago you were with Ty. Now you’re not. I was riding bulls. Now I’m not. You want a baby and I’m willing to give you one, but frankly, I don’t see how you can do it all alone. I also don’t understand why you’d want to. A child is a huge responsibility, especially if you intend to keep running the ranch by yourself. I’d like to lighten your load if you let me.”

“I won’t be alone. I’ll have Rosa to help me. She practically raised me. I don’t want another relationship, Zac. I only want a baby. I’m doing just fine on my own,” she insisted again, but her words felt as hollow as the empty place in her chest. Part of her longed to have someone to talk to, someone to share the load. She knew there was only one way to get over a heartache, but she didn’t know if she could ever trust enough to take another chance. She’d married her one and only lover, and Ty had hurt her deeply. She still wasn’t over it. Maybe she never would be.

“You might be doing fine,” he said, reading her mind, “but that doesn’t mean you’re happy.”

“And you think you could make me happy?” she asked.

“Dunno, but I’d sure like to try. If having a baby is what it takes to make you happy, I don’t want it to be someone else’s. I’d want it to be mine.”

“But I only want a baby, Zac. I’m not looking for a romantic relationship.”

“All I want is a chance to change your mind, a chance to prove myself to you.” He leaned in close. Her pulse raced with anticipation as his gaze locked on her mouth.

“Prove what?” she asked. “What do you think you need to prove?”

“That I could be what you need.” The pad of his thumb traced the path of his gaze. His touch was feather soft and tantalizing as her traced her lower lip. Dear God, was he going to kiss her? Her stomach did a flip. “And I’m not just talking about being your baby daddy.”

Unlike Ty, Zac wasn’t flirty. In fact, he never seemed to put himself out for a woman, but tonight he’d gone well out of his way for her. Both his tenderness and his confession had taken her by surprise. She’d always thought of him as rough and hard, but there was nothing rough or hard about the way he looked at her, or the gentle, almost reverent way he touched her. Her body tensed, but she didn’t move away. What would his kiss be like? What kind of lover would he be? She shut her eyes, indulging her senses as well as the fantasy. She realized that’s all it was when his hand dropped away.

He reached behind her for her door. “Just sleep on it, okay?”

She released the lungful of air she was holding, feeling too much like a deflating balloon.

“You gonna be around tomorrow morning?” he asked.

“Yes. Why?” she asked, feeling almost dizzy with the desire he’d stirred within her.

“I’ll bring your heifer around.” He gave a curt nod and then turned toward his truck.

She watched him depart, appreciating his broad shoulders and purposeful, long-legged stride. Her gaze lingered indecently on his tight, round butt. If she’d thought she could deny her attraction before, Zac had given her a rude awakening. She couldn’t ignore the ache in her belly or her long-suppressed desire to be held and kissed and touched. Did she really want him? The whole situation had her flustered, and confused.

“Zac?” His named slipped thoughtlessly from her unkissed lips.

He swiveled his head. “Yeah?”

“See you in the morning.”

He nodded again, but this time with a half smile softening the line of his mouth.

Rosa had urged her countless times to get back on the horse, but until Zac had come along offering to take her for a ride, Delaney couldn’t even fathom putting her foot back in the stirrup. She knew Rosa was right, but she didn’t know if she had enough courage to take another chance. She’d already been through one train wreck of a marriage, and Zac, by all accounts, was wilder with women than Ty had ever been. He’d offered to father her baby and also made it clear he wanted more. But how could she ever trust him with her heart?

Zac left the restaurant feeling far too much like a loaded gun. He’d come back to Oklahoma with visions of sweeping Delaney into his arms and making her his. It had never occurred to him that she might not fall in with his plans when he offered to father her child. He realized now what a delusional jackass he’d been.