Beauty and the Bull Rider (Hotel Rodeo #3)

“You’ve known me a good while,” he said. “I’m not much of a people person, but then you already got that part in spades. I’m stubborn as hell, but that means I always finish what I start. I did all right in school, even got a scholarship, but dropped out to ride bulls. I have a bunch of scars and old broken bones, but other than injuries, I’ve never been sick a day in my life. As for looks, you more than make up for me in that department.”

“You may not be classically handsome, but you’re no slouch in the looks department, Zac.”

His mouth twitched as if fighting a smile. “Glad to know it. Makes things a lot easier.”

“Easier how?” she asked.

“Attraction is a big part of the process, isn’t it?”

“Not unless test tubes happen to turn you on.”

He stared with a look of disbelief. “What are you saying?”

“I’m going to use artificial insemination just like I do with my cows,” she replied matter-of-factly.

“Artificial insemination?” he repeated with a frown.

“Yes. It’s a very simple procedure. I’ve already consulted a fertility clinic about it.” Her gaze narrowed. “Wait a minute. Is that what you’re after? Was all of this just a ploy to sleep with me? Are you really that hard up?”

“No.” A slow grin stretched his mouth. “But I sure could be if you’d only say the word.”

“I can’t believe this! Did you really expect that I’d up and jump into bed with you just because you offered?”

“Did I expect? No. I’d say ‘hoped’ might be a better word.”

She released an exasperated breath. “Ain’t gonna happen, Zac. I heard you out. Now I’m leaving.”

“You still want that heifer?” he said.

“Not if there’s strings attached,” she snapped.

Zac glowered. “There’s no strings. I told you I’d give her to you. I never renege on a deal.”

“I appreciate that, but I’ll be paying you full price for her. I’m not comfortable with any other kind of arrangement.”

“Fine. If that’s the way you want it.” He rose.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Walking you out.”

“I can manage to find my own truck, Zac,” she insisted.

“I never doubted that, but it’s dark out there.”

“I’m not afraid of the dark.”

“Didn’t imply you were.”

“Then what are you doing?”

“Walking you out,” he repeated matter-of-factly. He followed up the remark with a big, warm hand on her lower back. As before, she fought back a reflexive quiver. She didn’t understand her reaction. Was she really that lonely, or was she sexually attracted to him? She shook off that dangerous thought.

“What if I don’t want you to?” she asked.

“Then you’ll just have to grit your teeth and bear it,” he said. “I brought you here, Delaney. I’m damn well going to see you safely to your truck. If you wanna fuss any more about it, I may decide to follow you all the way home.”

Her gaze narrowed. “I didn’t invite you home.”

“Damn it, Delaney.” He shook his head and released a sigh. “I’m not trying to make a pass at you. I just want to know that you’ll get home okay.”

She faced him, hands on hips. “You aren’t making a pass? What the hell was that breeding stud remark you made?” Delaney spun around on her boot heel and strode out of the restaurant, not caring if he followed or not. She exhaled a huff as she approached her truck. What did he think he was doing, showing up out of the blue and nosing into her private affairs?

She was startled by Zac’s hand on her shoulder as she fished for her keys. “Please, Delaney. Don’t leave all pissed off at me.”

“What did you expect?” she snapped.

“All right. I know I was about as subtle as a bull in a china shop, but how else was I supposed to bring it up?”

“You shouldn’t have brought it up at all!”

“I’d like to be able say I’m sorry about being so blunt tonight, but I can’t, because I’m not,” he said. “I blew my first chance with you, so I figured I might as well just lay it out on the line.”

What did he just say? She whirled around to face him. “What do you mean, you ‘blew your chance’?”

He slid his hand under her chin and tipped her head until her gaze met his. “I’m sayin’ that Ty wasn’t the only one who had his eye on you that night we met, but I didn’t think either of us had a snowball’s chance in hell. But while I stood back all chickenshit, Ty two-stepped you right out the door. After that, it was too late. You were with him.”

She stared speechless as his words sank in. Zac had a thing for her? Had it always been there, simmering deep beneath the surface all these years? How could she not have known? Then again, he was hardly a man to wear his heart on his sleeve.

“If it had been any other man, I might have still tried,” he answered her unspoken question, “but Ty was my best friend so I walked away. That was another mistake. I’ve never met any other woman that made me think about settling down. You made me think about it, and I’m still thinking.” His intense deep green gaze swept slowly upward to hold hers for several long and breathless heartbeats.