Bad Romeo Christmas: A Starcrossed Anthology (Starcrossed #4)

Josh laughs as I pull the casserole dish out of the bag and sniff it. "Nice evasive maneuvers, man. Very smooth."

I flip him the bird before winding my arm around Cassie, and we all head into the living room just as Mom bustles out of the kitchen. She proceeds to hug and kiss all of us within an inch of our lives, even Josh. She's still wearing her apron and has flour smeared on her face and arms, but it's clear she's never as happy as when she's cooking for her family.

"Dinner will be ready soon," she says before brushing some stray hair off her forehead. "So everyone relax, grab a drink, sing some carols, and I'll call you when it's done."

"Do you need some help, Mom?" I ask.

She kisses my cheek. "You can come grab the eggnog. And don't you dare add more alcohol to it like you did last year. I had a headache for days."


I'm about to follow her into the kitchen when my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out and take a quick look at the message.

<Hey, what are you doing?>

I quickly look around to check on Cassie's position. She laughing with Elissa, which is good. I hate how guilty I feel about not telling her about this, but I know it would only lead to trouble.

I'm about to put my phone back into my pocket when it buzzes again.

<Are you at your parents' tonight as usual? I'm in the neighborhood. I could drop by and say hello. Your parents used to love me. I'm sure your future wifey wouldn't mind. Unless she can't handle the competition.>

I type in a quick reply and when I turn around, I notice Cassie staring.


I can't let her know what's going on. She's touchy enough about Vanessa as it is. I paint on a smile and act casual.

Cassie tilts her head and studies me. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, Marco just texted to wish us both a merry Christmas. I told him we send our love and we'd see him on New Year's Eve as usual."

"Huh. Okay." She moves into me and subtly runs her hand over my ass cheek. "Have I told you tonight how sexy you are? Because you are. Very ... sexy." She leans in and whispers in my ear. "We could go up to your room and cuddle. And by 'cuddle' I mean make out aggressively until one or both of us comes."

I glance over at my dad, chatting with Josh. I have no issue getting down and dirty with Cassie in any location, even my childhood home, but being aroused in full view of my family would be weird. Cassie has other ideas though and seems determined to rattle my resolve. I jump a little when she grazes her hand across my crotch. No one else can see it, but still.

"Hey, there," I whisper. "My father and sister are right over there, in case you'd forgotten."

"I know. But you're just too damn attractive."

I grab her hands and bring them up to my chest. "Let's just leave these here for a while, okay? Where I can see them."

Lately, Cassie has been insatiable. I'm not sure if it's nervousness about tonight, or the wedding, or the whole Vanessa thing, but there's something making her act out, and for once it's not me. I mean, my woman isn't backward about demanding sex at the best of times, but now she seems to be functioning on an entirely different level.

I've asked her time and again if she's okay, and she swears she is. Even though I have the urge to press her, I know that would only lead to resentment on her behalf. This is how Cassie works. She'll stew in her thoughts for a while before inviting me into the issue. It just takes patience on my behalf. If that means I have to endure her jumping me several times a day in the meantime, then goddammit, that's what I'm going to have to do.

I lean over and give her a lingering kiss. "Hold that thought. I'll be right back."

She pouts a little as I leave.

I hurry into the kitchen and set a tray with warm eggnog and some glasses. On the other side of the bench, Mom smiles at me while fussing with the presentation of her platters.

Every year she makes enough food to feed half of Manhattan, which means she sends us home with loads of leftovers. I'd give her shit about it if I didn't love her food so much.

While her back is turned, I sneak a crab cake and shove it into my mouth.

God. So good.

I'm about to grab another when Mom says, "Take one more, and you lose a hand."

I chuckle and go kiss her cheek. "If you don't want me to steal your food, then stop making it so delicious." When she gives me a rueful smile, I sneak another crab cake.

"Anyway," I mumble with a full mouth, "I'm a growing boy. I need energy."

That's true. Though I consider myself a pretty fit guy, Cassie's wearing me out. Her sexual revolution also includes trying positions I've only seen in really old, really porny books. The result is fantastic sex but an exhausted Ethan. I feel as if I've gone ten rounds in the UFC octagon. Muscles I didn't even know I had are aching.

Mom puts the finishing touches on her freshly made bread rolls before unpacking the bag of food Cassie brought.

Leisa Rayven's books