Bad Romeo Christmas: A Starcrossed Anthology (Starcrossed #4)

"A little." Okay, so that's a massive understatement, but any honesty right now is a step in the right direction.

Ethan gives me a sympathetic look. "Cassie, if clearing the air with Vanessa bothers you even a little, I won't do it. Just say the word. Nothing is as important to me as you."

Aaaand, now I feel like an idiot for even bringing it up. "No, it's fine. Really." The logical part of me knows it would be healthy for him to confront her about how she treated him in the past. If I denied him that, I'd never forgive myself. "You should do it. I mean, you never got closure with her, right? It would be good to finally put the whole betrayal thing behind you."


"Yes, absolutely." Jesus, okay, idiot. Don't oversell it.

He finishes lacing his boots and leans over to kiss me. "Okay, I'll organize it. But remember, you can abort the whole thing at any time. And if you want to come with me, I'm fine with it."

I shake my head. "That would be weird. You guys have stuff to hash out. I'd just be an awkward distraction."

"Well, you're always a distraction. Even when you're not with me." He gives me a lusty smile. "So, I'd better take off. I'll see you at the theater tonight?"

"Yep. I'll be there." I may be a raging jealous freak by then, but I'll be there.

"Love you."

"Love you, too."

You'd think that would be enough to reassure me I have nothing to fear from Vanessa, right?

If only.

If. Only.



The Home of Maggie and Charles Holt

New York City, New York

"Mom! Dad! We're here!" I pull my key out of the front door and close it behind me as Christmas carols echo down the hallway. Knowing mom, I'm willing to bet she's had her extensive Christmas playlist on repeat for weeks now. Whenever Dad complains, she says, "Charles, the song says to 'jingle all the way', so get on board. No one likes a half-assed jingler."

No matter how many times she says it, Dad tries not to laugh but always fails. I can't blame him. It still makes me laugh, too. Mom has a way of cracking me up that no one else can match. Well, except for Cassie.

Wait a minute...

Panic seizes me as I wonder if I fell in love with a woman just like my mom. I quickly come to the conclusion that based on culinary skill alone, they couldn't be more different.

Phew. Oedipus complex averted.

As Cassie and I remove our coats, Mom calls out to come see her in the kitchen. That's followed by the sound of my parents' hyperactive Pomeranian, Tribble, yapping excitedly. She goes berserk whenever she hears my voice, and within seconds the tiny fluff ball appears, scampering down the hall in a blur of tan fur and excited black eyes. I take the precaution of ushering Cassie behind me. The little dog has gotten better at tolerating the woman she believes has replaced her in my affections, but Tribble can still be a bitch when the mood takes her.

"Hey, baby," I say, and scoop her up with one hand. "How've you been, Trib? Did you miss me?"

Tribble's whole body shakes as she tries to lick my face. "Come on. Stop it. I can't kiss you in front of Cassie. You know how she gets. She'll fly into a jealous rage."

Cassie comes to my side and squeezes my bicep. "Damn straight. And if you think I'm too cool to throw down with a microscopic dog, welcome to being wrong forever. So watch it, Tribble, or it's you and me with pistols at dawn."

Tribble immediately closes her mouth and glares at Cassie, who narrows her eyes and glares back. If I wasn't worried about being slapped or nipped, I'd laugh.

"Girls, please," I say. "You're both pretty. Can't you accept there's enough Ethan to go around?"

Cassie rolls her eyes and picks up the insulated bag that contains our food. Well, my food, plus her green bean abomination.

"One day, Holt," Cassie says, as she fixes me with a sultry expression. "I'm going to make you choose between me and that little dog, and on that day, we'll see who you really love the most." She leans in and whispers, "Keep in mind that if you don't choose me, that lacy pink thing you bought yesterday will never see the light of day. No pressure."

I almost groan when she swings her hips and walks through the living room to the kitchen. Dammit, I have plans for that ass and the lacy pink thing. Dirty, horny, pleasuring-my-woman-like-it's-my-job plans.

I glance at Tribble. "Sorry, sweetheart. She's bribing me with her hotness. You can't compete with that. But we can still be friends, right?"

She blinks at me before lunging forward and swiping her candy-pink tongue across my cheek.

"I'm going to take that as a yes, but cool it on the tongue kisses, okay? You need a mint, big time."

I put her down and head into the living room, trying not to trip over her as she winds around my feet.

Leisa Rayven's books