Bad Nanny (The Bad Nanny Trilogy #1)

Oh yes.

I reach back and tear my own tee over my head, leaving my boots and suspenders on as I move onto the edge of the bed and grab hold of Brooke's plain gray cotton panties. Yet another pair with kind of a saggy ass. Yet another thing that I shouldn't find sexy yet … surprisingly do.

“Turn the light off?” she pleads and I pause, rubbing a hand over the shaved side of my head.

“Why?” I ask as I take her knees and slowly push them apart. She offers a little resistance at first but finally gives in. “I want to see all of you, Brooke Overland. Every little bit.”

“Some of my bits aren't so beautiful,” she says with a slight shrug of her shoulders, but I'm already shaking my head.

“Every one of your bits is perfect.”

“Says who?”

I raise an eyebrow at her.

“Says me.”

Brooke groans and drops her head back into the pillows, putting her hands over her face as I slide my fingers down the soft white insides of her thighs. Her body is warm, breath already coming in harsh pants, even though we haven't gotten started yet. When I glance down, I see the shimmery dance of liquid on her pussy.

Oh yeah.

She's excited as hell for this.

I lift up one leg and start kissing at her knee, enjoying the way her body jerks and thrashes from even that small touch. I rub my stubbled cheek against her thigh and then drop down to press my lips to the bare expanse of space between Brooke's belly button and her clit.

My right hand traces down her left thigh as I kiss my way slowly from one hip to the other.

“You really do have a beautiful body, baby,” I tell her as I trace a single finger down the wetness of her folds and watch as she bucks her hips in response. Brooke is definitely an animated lover. Might have to use some extra tricks to get her to sit still for this.

My finger slides up and plays lightly over her clit.

“The perfect anatomy for a VCH piercing, if you ever decide you want one.” It turns me on to think about marking Brooke with my jewelry, stamping her with my art. Honestly, the piercing I'm talking about doesn't hurt at all—even less than your typical earlobe. A ring goes right through the thin tissue above the clit, and gently swings against it during sex. It's nothing short of amazing, or so I've heard from girls before. So I've seen with girls before.

I slip my fingers inside of Brooke and watch her bite her lower lip and grab the pillow on either side of her head. She is living for this, thrashing around and making those cute small sounds in the back of her throat. I fuck her swollen flesh with my fingers, loving the way the V and the E tattooed on my knuckles disappears inside of her with each movement.

When her moans devolve into a more guttural sound, I slide my fingers out and lean down, putting myself on my elbows and hooking my arms under her thighs, hands gripping tight to her hips. This way, when Brooke starts bucking, I'll be ready for it.

My tongue slicks down her bare flesh to the hot slit between her legs, dipping down to her opening and swirling a quick circle against all of that heat. She tastes as sweet as she smells, like flowers and vanilla, fresh and clean and aroused as fuck.

My lips trail hot kisses back up and around her clit, putting pressure against the hooded flesh before I try taking this any further. I want to rush, suck the hardened nub into my mouth and fuck her opening with my tongue, but I need this to be memorable. I want this moment ingrained into Brooke's history with a hammer and chisel. Normally, I don't give a shit if girls forget me later. I mean, I always aim to please, but if they leave our night together back in Vegas when they fly home to wherever-the-hell-they-came-from, I don't care.

With Brooke, I really, really do. I need her to remember this.

I tease and savor her with my mouth, using the sound of her breathing to plan my movements, keeping her locked in place with the strength of my arms.

When Brooke drops a hand to my hair and twists it around her fingers, shoving my face into her cunt, I grin and let myself go a little deeper, a little harder. She strains to thrust against me, ride my face as I finally give in and take her clit gently into my mouth, sucking on it and lightly grazing my teeth across it.

The sounds she makes are fucking killer.

I let go of Brooke's hip with my right hand and slip it inside her for a moment, getting myself nice and wet and slick. Then I shove it down to my jeans, tearing the button open and sliding my fingers down my shaft, using Brooke's lube to stroke my cock with smooth, slippery fingers.

C.M. Stunich's books