Bad Nanny (The Bad Nanny Trilogy #1)

I cross my own arms over my chest and tilt my head to the side as I watch her. She looks so cute and fresh in her tight, little t-shirt and jeans, those crazy heels she's wearing. I'm inclined to grab her and toss her onto the couch for a quick fuck, but I think we need to use our last few nights wisely. I have yet to go down on her, and there is no way in hell I'm going home without showing her all of my tricks.

“You okay over there, Smarty-Pants?” I ask as she leans down to pick up Hubert in his stupid black and white striped sweater. Brooke cuddles him to her chest and he lifts that ugly pale pink head of his to rub against her chin. Friendliest I have ever seen the damn creature in my life, swear to God. “You look like you're about to shit a brick.”

“I'm contemplating,” she says with a lift of her chin, that long dark hair tucked in a braid. Hubs bats at it as she strokes her hand over his sweater.

I take a few steps closer and drop my hand to the cat's head; he hisses at me but doesn't bite me like he usually does. Score. Even my asshole cat likes this chick.

“Contemplating … fucking me?” I ask and laugh as Brooke rolls her eyes dramatically. “Because I have a very specific little game in mind for tonight. We've checked off a lot of boxes this week, Smarty-Pants, but we've missed one of the Big Four.”

“Big Four?” Brooke asks, that perfect arched brow of hers accented by the piercing I gave her. It looks so goddamn good on her face. I wish I was going to be around to suck on it once it heals. Damn and double damn.

“Yep,” I say, trying to be sexy as I lift up my right hand and splay it against the wall next to Brooke's head. I lean in all sultry and shit and then feel a rapid thumping against my boot, glancing down to find that stupid hairless rat going at it with my Docs. “Whoa. No means no, Dodger, you dick.”

I shove him away with my foot as Brooke laughs and spins out of my embrace, moving to the opposite side of the coffee table as she continues to stroke and cuddle my cat. I turn and watch her with a smirk building on my lips.

“I'd so much rather you were stroking and cuddling me,” I say as she nuzzles the stupid creature and he glares at me from his weird white-green eyes. I should take him down to the shelter and trade him in for a cute little orange tabby or something. But naw, I love the little fuck too much.

“What are the Big Four?” Brooke repeats as I sigh and tuck a hand into the back pocket of my pants, using the other to twirl my loose black suspender strap in a circle.

“Hand jobs, vaginal penetration, blow jobs, and VJs.”

“What's a VJ?” Brooke asks as I shake my head and laugh.

“A vagina job. You know, like a BJ, only with a vagina? Come on, don't make me say cunnilingus. It sounds like a type of foot fungus.”

“Oh my God! Add that to your list of things to never say again. It's getting kind of long, Zayden.”

“Yeah, well, call it whatever you want, but we're still missing the last of the Big Four.”

“You made that up, too, didn't you? Big Four and VJ are not terms I heard on campus like, ever.”

“Because young people while sexually rampant are woefully ignorant. How many of those douchers still think the pullout method is a hundred percent effective, hmm?”

Brooke sets Hubert down on the floor and the stupid cat immediately starts arching his back and rubbing against her legs. Traitor.

“Don't say young people either. You're not that old.”

I put a hand to my chest as Brooke comes around the back of the sofa and pauses there like there's a shield between us, a magical barrier that can block sex hormones and pheromones. Hah. Fat chance. I can practically smell her sweet fruity vanilla scent from here. It'd take a fortress to keep me away.

“Not that old? That sounds like one of those compliments that's not really a compliment at all. I'm still in my twenties, okay Smarty-Pants.”

“Maybe I should go upstairs and sleep alone tonight?” Brooke says as she challenges me with a look, running her tongue over her lower lip. “Not sure I want to hang out with some guy who decked a daddy at the playground.”

“Oh? Come on. You told me I was a badass.”

I start towards her and she ducks away, making me chase her around the couch.

“I never said badass,” Brooke says, watching me as I go stone still and then hop the couch in one quick motion. She screams and starts for the stairs as I scoop her up into my arms, bride style.

Bride style.


Nope. I'm not carrying anybody over a threshold, let alone some twenty-two year old with the whole world ahead of her. Gross.

I set Brooke down again and drop my hands to her hips, yanking her close for a kiss as I fumble around with my right hand and jerk the curtains closed over the bay window.

“So, where do you want your first VJ? In the bed? On the couch? Sitting on the edge of the kitchen table?”

“Let's go upstairs,” Brooke whispers against my mouth, dragging me up the steps and into her borrowed bedroom. Before I can even get the door closed, she's tearing her top off and kicking her heels aside.

I watch with hungry eyes as she shoves her jeans down her hips and climbs onto the bed with an eagerness that makes me grin.

C.M. Stunich's books