Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

Reaching her room, I pull off some ninja skills to unlock her door, getting us both inside without incident. The door closes behind us, and I toss the key onto the dresser as I make my way to the king-sized bed, which takes up most of the room.

I lay her on the bed and reach back to untangle her hands from around my neck, but she has other plans. Before I realize it, her lips are on mine.




It may be an asshole move, but I’m not letting the opportunity to taste her pass me by. Not a fucking chance.

Leaning in to her, I deepen the kiss. Her lips part for me, as do her legs. She slowly slides further onto the bed and I follow after her, drinking her in. I’m lost in the moment, fighting for control. When her hips lift and rub against my cock, nestled between her legs, I know I have to rein myself in. Just my fucking luck that she’s drunk off her ass.

I slow the kiss and pepper a few against her jaw before lifting my weight off her. Unfortunately, this pushes my cock against her hot center.

“Cole.” She moans my name like a fucking porn star, reaching up to my neck. Before I know what she’s doing, she’s removing the band that holds my hair up and it falls over my shoulders. “I’ve wanted to do this all night,” she says as she begins running her fingers through my hair.

My hips have a mind of their own as they rock into her, causing yet another moan. Fuck, I need to stop before I do something she’ll regret in the morning. I would feel guilty, but something tells me I would never regret being inside her. She’s just. . . . Yeah, no regrets on my end.

When I try to pull my hips from her heat, she wraps her legs around me. “Don’t go.”

Fuck! She’s killing my restraint.

“We have to stop. You’ll regret it if you don’t.”

“I won’t,” she slurs.

Yes, you will. Relaxing back in to her, I place my lips next to her ear. “I want you sober when you allow me inside you. You’re going to need all your energy.” I nip her ear and quickly climb off the bed, off her.

Running my fingers through my hair, I realize I don’t know where the tie went. Stacy clears her throat. I close my eyes tight, willing myself to look at her and not devour her.

God, give me strength.

Slowly, I open my eyes and she’s sitting up on her elbows, hair a mess, eyes glassy, lips swollen by mine. She sits up all the way and reaches out to me. In her hand is my tie.

“Thank you.” I reach for it, but she closes her hand tight.

“Don’t go.” Her eyes are locked on mine, trying to tell me . . . something. It’s a lost effort, though, because my cock is thinking for me right now. He’s telling me to take what she’s offering.

“I have to, sweets.” My voice is gruff. “If I stay, you’ll hate me tomorrow and regardless of what you or anyone else thinks, I’m not okay with that outcome.” Bending down, I kiss her cheek. Her hand falls open and I grab the tie. Once I have my hair pulled back in a knot, I chance another look at her. “I want you, Stacy. I’ve wanted you for months now, but not like this. Our time is coming, babe, and when it gets here, we’re going to set the fucking house on fire.”

Needing to get out of there and away from temptation, I turn and walk out of her room.

The sun blazing through the windows has me throwing my arm over my eyes. My head is pounding and my mouth tastes like ass—well, what I would suspect ass tastes like. My tired eyes blink away the fog and slowly open. I survey my surroundings and come to the conclusion that I am indeed in my hotel room. Scenes from last night flash through my mind, but they’re hazy at best.

What the hell happened?

Throwing the covers off, I see that I’m still in my dress from the wedding. Well, at least there’s that. Good to know I more than likely slept alone last night. Slowly, I pull myself to a sitting position. UGH! I need the bathroom, a bottle of water and some headache medicine, stat.

I wince at a sudden knock on the door. Glancing at the clock on the bedside table, I see that it’s still early. Too early for the newlyweds to be out and about. Gingerly, I lower my feet to the floor and pad my way to the door. I don’t bother asking who it is; at this point, whoever it is will be shot down. I’m in need of some hygiene attention, right after that headache medicine.

I pull open the door and cringe when I see Cole standing there.

“Well, that’s not a greeting I’m used to getting.” He smirks.

Shit. I look like I’ve been rode hard and put up wet. Well, at least once he gets a good look he’ll stop with this “you will be under me” bullshit. He’ll know exactly what he would be waking up to. Then again, I can’t see Cole as the “let’s spend the night and cuddle” type. From what I’ve heard, he’s more of a “let me rock your word and then roll out” kind of guy.

“What the hell are you doing up so early?”

Cole steps in, crowding my space, inviting himself into my room.

“Come on in,” I say dryly.

Kaylee Ryan's books