Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

I’m drunk. Not “I won’t remember tomorrow” drunk, but enough to let my inhibitions go. Enough that I’m actually considering taking Cole up on his offer for some sexy time. He’s hot as hell and has been coming on strong all night. I’m drunk enough to consider it, to consider him, but not enough to go through with it.

At least not yet.

I close my eyes and let the music guide me, blocking out the fact that the sexy guitar player is more than likely watching me. Throwing my arms in the air, I sway my hips and use the image of those big brown eyes on me as my motivation to drive him crazy. After all, he’s been relentless from day one. I usually just flirt back or blow him off. Not tonight. Tonight, I’m stepping up my game. I’m going to torture him like he has me for months now. He knows it won’t work for us. He knows that us giving in to this . . . chemistry will cause nothing but awkwardness between our group, and no way am I going to let that happen.

“I need a drink!” Logan yells over the music.

I nod my agreement—a drink is exactly what I need. Logan grabs my hand, guides us to the bar, and orders us a shot of tequila each.


“Bottoms up, bestie.” Logan pushes both shots toward me as she uncaps a bottle of water.

Wait, what? “Logan?” Her eyes sparkle and I know. She’s pregnant. “Does Kacen know?”

Her smile is blinding as she nods. Holy shit! I quickly down both shots, one right after the other, and slam the glasses down on the bar. I turn toward Logan and throw my arms around her. A baby!

“I can’t believe this! Were you trying?” I ask after stepping back, allowing her room to breathe.

Logan throws her head back and laughs. “Not at all, but we’re happy about it. Kacen is ecstatic. I actually just told him earlier tonight. My wedding gift.” She beams with happiness.

“Holy shit!” I let my earlier thoughts fall from my lips. “You’re going to be a mom.” Logan nods as I reach out and rest my hand against her belly.

“What are you ladies doing over here?” Kacen asks as he slips in behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

“Oh, you know, just girl talk.”

“Is that so?” Kacen nuzzles her ear.

“Congratulations,” I tell them both. Kacen looks up and smiles.

“Thanks, Stace. We’re happy about it.”

“What am I missing?” Cole asks from beside me, his arm suddenly wrapped around me, hand resting on my hip. How did I miss that?

“I didn’t know if she was ready to tell people. I just found out myself,” Kacen explains.

“Found out about what?” Cole asks again.

“My wife and I are having a baby.”

The newlyweds are wearing matching grins as they wait for Cole’s reaction. I admit that I’m a little curious as to what he will say as well. I don’t have to wait long.

“No shit?” he asks. A slow smile tips his lips before he steps forward and wraps them both in a hug. “Congratulations, guys. You are naming him after me, right?”

Not at all the reaction I suspected. For some reason, I didn’t see the “playboy” Cole Hampton being happy for his friend and fellow bandmate. I expected him to spout some bullshit about the upcoming tour or something to that effect.

Feeling a little off balance from those last two shots, I step back to lean against the bar and stumble. Cole is there, sliding his arm around my waist and pulling me toward him. “I got you, sweets,” he murmurs, his hot breath hitting my ear.

His scent surrounds me. “You smell good.”

I can feel the vibration of his chest as he pulls me against him. “And you’re cute when you’re drunk.”

“Not drunk,” I mumble into his chest. Not that he can hear me.

“I think those last two shots did her in,” Logan says.

“I got her. You guys go ahead,” Cole tells them as he wraps me tighter in his arms.

I attempt to pull away from him, but his hold is firm. He’s warm and comfortable and smells good enough to eat. I don’t put up much of a fight. Definitely the alcohol.

The three of them are talking—about me, I’m sure, but I just can’t seem to make myself care what they’re saying. I’m going to lean here against his solid chest. Let him wrap those strong arms around me, and relish the feeling. Drunk or not, this is something I’ve thought about since I first met him, but would never let my guard down long enough to allow happen.

Tonight, I’m breaking all the damn rules. I’m going to soak up this feeling for just a few more minutes. At least I can blame it on the alcohol.

“Take your wife upstairs and ravish her. I got this one.” I give Stacy’s hip a gentle squeeze.

“Cole,” Kacen practically growls my name.

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Kaylee Ryan's books