Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

She busies herself running around the room like a little hurricane, gathering everything and shoving it into her suitcase.

“Okay, I think that’s everything.” She lugs the suitcase off the bed and wheels it toward me.

I reach out and take the handle from her. “Sounds good. You hungry?”

“Um . . . yes.”

Her answer is cautious, as if she’s trying to figure out why I would ask. “Good, I’m starving. That damn doughnut didn’t even touch my appetite.” I don’t wait for her to respond, instead wheeling her suitcase to the door, which I hold open for her. She hesitates before releasing a heavy sigh and walking out the door.

As we stand and wait for the elevator, thoughts of last night flash through my mind. “So, you don’t really have to check out, just turn in your key. Kacen and Logan took care of it.” I try to control the conversation to keep my mind off the fact that I just had the woman I’ve been lusting after in a hotel room and left voluntarily without even trying to get with her.

An amused chuckle falls from my lips.

“What’s so funny?”

“I had you alone, naked, and here we are leaving said location.” Honesty is always the best policy in my eyes. That’s something no one will have to worry about from me.

“I’m just as surprised as you are.”

Wait, what? “Meaning?” I ask. Is she saying what I think she is?

“Just that you’ve been a relentless flirt for months now. I’m surprised that when it’s just the two of us, you clam up.” She smirks.

“Clam up? Woman, I’m trying to be respectful.” Does she seriously think that I “clammed up”?

“I’m just saying. It doesn’t make sense to me. I guess you’re all talk and no action.”

What. The. Fuck?

Reaching over, I hit the Stop button on the elevator.

“What the hell are you doing?” she shrieks.

I abandon her suitcase and stalk toward her. She tries to back up, but she’s already leaning against the wall, palms flat. I place mine on either side of her head, caging her in. “Trust me, sweets. I still want you. I want to slide into that tight little body and get lost in you. I’m being respectful. Kacen made me promise not to make a move last night, because you were wasted. I promised my best friend that you would be safe from me. Not to mention I want you to remember the moment that it happens. Remember every detail of when I slide inside you. As soon as this day is over, all bets are off. He knows I want you. You know I want you.” I lean in a little closer and push my hard length against her belly. “Does this feel ‘clammed up’ to you, Stacy?”

Her breath hitches as her chest rapidly rises and falls. I watch as her tongue slips out and runs across her lips. She’s not unaffected by me like she wants me to think.

“Yeah, you and me? We’re going to happen. It’s not a matter of ‘if,’ sweets. It’s ‘when.’”

“Cocky,” she breathes.

“Assured,” I fire back.

If she only knew the thoughts that I’ve had about her, about us. Clammed up. Pfft.

“They’re going to wonder what happened.” She looks over at the control panel.

Slowly, I pull away from her, reaching over and hitting the button that will resume our descent to the first floor. I step as far away as I can get, but I never take my eyes off her. She’s trying to get herself under control; I see it with every deep breath that she takes.

A gold fucking Olympic medal for the restraint it’s taking to not have my way with her. Kacen is just going to have to deal.

I remember Logan referring to Kacen as Hurricane Kacen. I think I now understand what she meant. Cole is . . . intense and sexy and cocky as hell. That’s not usually an attribute that I’m into, but it works for him.

“This okay?” he asks as he pulls into the lot of a small mom-and-pop diner.

It’s perfect. I’d rather be here than a big fancy restaurant chain any day.

“Yeah,” I say instead—I don’t need his ego inflating any further. I climb out of the truck and meet him in the front. He opens the door for me, not that I’m surprised; just because he likes variety in his bed doesn’t mean he’s an asshole. All four of the Soul Serenade members are great guys.

His hand rests on the small of my back as he guides us to a booth in the back of the diner. It’s a sweet gesture, and it’s when he’s like this that I’m in the most danger of giving into him. In this moment, he’s not Cole Hampton, lead guitarist for Soul Serenade. Here, he’s just Cole.

Before we are even settled, an older lady with silver hair appears beside us. “Cole, good to see you. Where is the rest of the clan?” she asks, laying menus in front of us.

“Hey, Mable. Kace and Logan were married yesterday and the guys are probably still nursing hangovers.” He grins.

Mable just shakes her head.

“Mable, this is Stacy. Stacy, this is Mable.”

“Hey, girlie. How’d you get stuck with this one?” She points her pen toward Cole. His grin widens.

Kaylee Ryan's books