Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

“I’m going to grab a quick shower before everyone gets up. I’ll be there in a minute.”

Crawling back into the bottom bunk, I burrow under the covers. It’s a dreary day, which is good—it fits my mood. I hear the door to Kacen and Logan’s room open. I wish I could talk to her about this, but I don’t want to risk her telling Kacen and besides that, she doesn’t need the stress. It’s not good for her or the baby.

I hear Cole greet them. “Listen, man. Stacy still isn’t feeling well. I’m going to skip the radio spot so I can stay with her. I’ll be at sound check.”

“Need anything?” Kacen asks.

“Nah, just want to be there for her, you know?”

“Cole, thank you,” Logan says.


“Taking care of her. She deserves someone like you. Fiercely protective and caring all at the same time.”

“I love her,” is his simple reply.

I can only imagine what Logan’s face looks like. I’m sure she’s grinning like a damn fool right now.

Cole slowly pulls back the curtain and crawls in next to me. He doesn’t say a word as he tucks me in close, my back to his front. There is nothing like his strong arms wrapped around me. He makes it better, makes everything better.

A few hours later, I wake up sweating. Cole and all of his muscles throw off the heat. Not to mention the blanket and his sweatshirt I’m wearing.

“Feeling any better?” His voice startles me.

“How long have you been awake?”

“About an hour or so.”

“You’ve just been watching me sleep?”

“Yeah.” He brushes my wild hair from my eyes. “It’s suddenly one of my favorite things to do.”

“When is sound check?”

“I need to be leaving. I was trying to wait as long as I could to wake you up. Logan and the guys are already there. I told them I would meet them.”

“Go! They’re waiting on you.” I push on him, but he doesn’t move.

“You going to be okay here? I can wait until you’re ready to come with me.”

“Yes, I’ll be fine. I’m going to take a shower and just relax. Maybe read a little.”

“You think you’ll feel like coming to the show?” I can hear the hope in his voice.

“Yes.” I kiss his chin. “I have to keep the groupies away from my man.”

Leaning over, he captures my lips with his. “Say it again,” he breathes.

“I have to keep the groupies away.”

“No, the other part.” He kisses me again.

“Oh, you mean ‘my man’? Yeah, Tristan needs the extra coverage.” I can see the fire in his eyes.

“Mine,” he declares as he kisses me hard.

His hand snakes under the sweatshirt I’m wearing and that’s when I remember—I can’t get naked with him, not yet. I need to stop this. “Go, I have to make myself rock star-girlfriend material.”

“You’re fucking beautiful right here, right now. I would walk off this bus with you on my arm and be damn fucking honored that it’s you.”

“I love you, Cole Hampton. Now, go. I’ll be here when you get back.”

With one last kiss, he’s gone. I exhale in relief. Since I can get ready without anyone here, there is less of a chance of them seeing what I’m hiding.

The crowds on this tour keep getting better and better. The rush of knowing that thousands of people come out each night just to watch us will never get old. I watch from my spot on the stage as Kacen interacts with the crowd.

“It’s fucking hot in here!” he bellows into the microphone as he rips his T-shirt over his head. I throw my head back and laugh as he tosses it out to the crowd. People are diving just to touch a shirt that he wore.

That shit is crazy! I don’t think it’s something I will ever get used to. Glancing over, I see Logan wearing a grin, her hands protectively on their baby. She knows just like the rest of the world that this is all show. Kacen only has eyes for his wife. He’s adamant about the fact and will tell anyone willing to listen.

Stacy is sitting next to Logan, nodding along to the beat that Tristan is now tapping out on his drums. I force myself to take my eyes off her and get my head back in the show.

“Kace, my man, you shouldn’t have done that,” I say into my mic.

“Here we go,” Gavin chimes in.

“It’s fucking hot up here, center-stage, C,” Kacen replies, and the crowd goes wild.

Gavin and I join Kace center-stage. “Ladies, we need some help,” I address the crowd.

“You see, Kace here has all this.” Gavin points to Kacen. “But we think you would rather see this.” He points to me.

I slide my guitar to my back and lift my shirt. The deafening screams of the ladies fill the arena.

“Or,” I say, pulling my shirt, back down, “this.” I point to Gavin and he mimics what I just did, pulling up his shirt.

Kaylee Ryan's books