Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

Any other day, I would be doing whatever I could in this cramped space to give him more of me, to see and to touch more of him. Not today. Today, I pretend to be sick.

“I’m just feeling blah, I guess. Nothing hurts, just cold,” I lie, burrowing into the covers to make it more believable. I’m going to hell for this. I either lie to the man I love, or tell him the truth and ruin what he and his band have busted their asses for. There is no good ending to either solution, so I’m just going to hold onto him. Cherish every touch, every kiss and pray that fuck-stick Wilson doesn’t spill. Surely, he’s smarter than that, right?

“Can I do anything?”

“I think I just need to rest.” Another lie falling from my lips.

“Are you hungry?” He reaches up to the small shelf above and grabs his phone. “I can make you some breakfast.”

“You cook?”

He laughs. “I was thinking like a toasted bagel.”

“Okay, Mr. Hampton. Dazzle me with your toasting skills.”

“Oh, don’t you worry.”

I roll over slowly to face him. I bite my tongue when I hit my arm on the side of the bus. Shit, that hurts!

“You haven’t seen anything until you’ve seen me spread cream cheese.” He winks.

Cocky ass.

“Uh-huh. Let me up, crazy man, I have to pee.”

Sweet Cole returns as he kisses my forehead before rolling out of the bunk.

I rush past him and into the small bathroom, locking the door. Once I’ve handled my business, I push back my sleeves to wash my hands and dark purple bruises cover my arms.


I do bruise easily, but these look like I’ve been beaten. You can see exactly where his fingers were. I swallow the lump in my throat, knowing I’m lucky he didn’t take it further. The look in his eyes said he wanted to. I have never been so grateful for the interruption of voices in my life.

A single tear slides down my cheek as I think about lying to Cole, to Logan and the rest of the guys. I hate Wilson and the position he’s put me in. I hate that I really, truly, finally believe that what Cole wants is more than just to get his dick wet and that I’m the one who could screw it all up. I avoided him thinking he would use me and here I am being the liar in the relationship.

“You okay in there, sweets?” Cole lightly knocks on the door.

I wipe my face and clear my throat. “Yeah, just washing my hands.”

When I make it to the living area, Cole is already eating his bagel. Mine sits on a plate next to him.

“You, okay?”

“Yeah, just moving slow.”

“Eat and we can go lie back down. I don’t have to be at sound check for a few hours.”

“You don’t have to wait around with me, Cole. I’m sure you have things to do today. You guys are always busy on show days.”

The bagel he’s holding stops just before he takes a bite. Slowly, he places it back on the paper plate. That same hand cups my cheek. “You. You are what’s important. I don’t want to be anywhere but here. I can blow off the radio interview. We’ve all done it a time or two, claiming other obligations. The only thing I won’t do, unless it’s an emergency, is bail on the show. The guys depend on me. Please don’t take that the wrong way, but it’s my job.”

“Never. This is your career, Cole. I understand the sacrifices that you have to make.”

“And you. As my girlfriend, there will sacrifices that you will have to make as well. Spending the holidays on the road, possibly missed birthdays or anniversaries.”

I know all too well about sacrifices. I take a drink of my orange juice, giving myself time to shake off the memories of last night. “Sounds like a long-term thing.” I’m baiting him, but I just can’t help it. I don’t want to push him to talk about the future, but teasing I can do. Besides, the conversation needs to change from talking about sacrifices.

That I’m living.

Leaning in, he kisses me softly. “I love you. That’s long-term, sweets,” he says, going back to his breakfast.

Be still my heart. Cole Hampton, rocker extraordinaire, is lethal. He should come with a warning label. No wonder Logan fell as hard as she did. I mean, I watched her and Kacen and I could see the connection. Cole and his man bun, his cocky attitude and his words . . . I’m like putty in his hands.

“Where is everyone?” I ask him.

“Gavin and Tristan are sleeping. I assume Kacen and Logan are as well.”

“What time is it?”


Damn! My worry has us up early. “I’m sorry I woke you. You should go back to bed.”

“Finish your breakfast and we’ll go lie down for a few hours.” He shoves the last bite—or rather half of his bagel—into his mouth.

I manage to eat one half and slide the other over to him. He finishes it off in a couple of big bites while I throw our trash away. “I’m going to lie down,” I tell him.

Kaylee Ryan's books