Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

Six months ago, I would have thought Kacen was blinded by love. I would have rolled my eyes laughing at how whipped he sounds. Tonight, I get it. I now know why he’s so soft with her. Why he caters to her like she can’t do it herself when we all know she can. I now know how it feels to have someone else be a part of you. The other part of your heart. As fucked up as it may sound, I get it. Stacy is that person for me.

Sitting on the couch, I rest my elbows on my knees and bury my face in my hands. Tonight could not be more fucked. I confess that I’m in love with her after I overreact at a situation that is obviously nothing. Then I get pulled away from her when she’s all dressed up—for me. When I can finally get away, she’s no longer feeling well. I botched the “I love you” and now I can’t even make it better. She’s sick. Just goes to show you that life is never what you expect. There will always be obstacles to overcome.

As soon as I hear the bathroom door open, I’m on my feet. Stacy emerges with her hair still wet, hanging over her shoulder. She’s wearing a pair of those tight things she and Logan are always wearing and my sweatshirt. It’s the first time I’ve seen her in my clothes, and it damn sure won’t be the last.

Approaching her, I tug on the hem of the sweatshirt, which swallows her. “I look good on you.” I wink at her.

Her too-pale face smiles up at me. “It smells like you.” She brings the collar to her nose and sniffs.

I’m hard as a fucking rock and can’t do a damn thing about it since she doesn’t feel well. I shift to adjust and she notices, her eyes falling to my crotch.

“Cole. . . .” she trails off.

Shit. “I can’t help it that you’re so goddamn beautiful. He salutes what he likes,” I tease her.

“I don’t. . . .”

I cup her cheek. “I know, baby. I just want to hold you. He’s going to figure it out sooner or later.” Yes, my cock has a mind of his own. He needs to learn, though, that she will always come first. It’s a new concept for both of us. “Let’s go to bed.”

With a small nod, she turns toward the bunks. I place my hands on her hips and walk slowly behind her. She slides into the bottom bunk and I climb in behind her, pulling the curtain closed. Curling in a ball, she faces the wall. I slide a hand under the sweatshirt and rest my palm against her smooth skin, then bury my face in her neck, just breathing her in.

“I’m sorry about tonight,” I whisper.

Her body stiffens. “What?”

“I botched it. I should have waited for a more romantic time and place to tell you how much I love you.” I kiss her neck.

She instantly relaxes.

“I wanted the first time I told you to be special, but I just couldn’t. . . . In that moment, I needed you to know.”

“I wouldn’t change it, Cole. It’s you. You’re confident and cocky, but you’re also my sweet Cole. It wasn’t botched. It was honest.”

I kiss her temple then place my lips next to her ear. “I want to be your lover and your best friend.” I nip at her ear.

This gets her attention. Turning her head, she looks at me. “You remember,” she whispers.

“Every fucking word you’ve ever said, sweets,” I assure her.

Turning her head back to face the wall, it’s quiet until I hear her sniff. “I love you, too.”


“I’m fine. I just don’t feel good, but my heart is full. Full of you, full of us. I need you to know that.”

I scoot in as close as I can get to her. “I know, baby. Mine too.” I hold her close until we both eventually drift off to sleep.

I’ve been awake for hours. Long enough to know we reached our destination. I’ve been lying here trying to figure out how I’m going to explain the bruises, or better yet how to hide them.

One thing I do know is that I can’t tell him. I can’t tell anyone. I will not have the demise of Soul Serenade on my hands. Those four men have worked hard to get where they are, and I’m not going to ruin it for them. Besides, nothing happened. I just need to be more aware of my surroundings, make sure I’m not alone. It’s a solid plan. Now if I could just decide on what to do with the bruises.

Cole shifts behind me and I know I’m running out of time. Luckily, it’s been cooling off, so I could get away with a long-sleeve T-shirt. I’ll make sure it’s my Soul Serenade shirt. I can use the “I don’t feel well” card and the excuse that I’m cold. I can pull that off.

What I’m really struggling with is Cole. How am I going to keep him from seeing them? I run through the tour schedule in my mind, and luckily, we don’t have any breaks where we can get a room for the night. That will help. No way could I get away with staying covered if we had a room to ourselves. He would know without a doubt that I’m hiding something.

Cole’s hand that has been under my shirt—well, his shirt—all night snakes up toward my chest. “Morning, sweets. How you feeling?” his sleep-laced voices asks as he palms my breast.

Kaylee Ryan's books