Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

I hope that changes tonight.

Our best friends are pledging to spend the rest of their lives together. It’s all romantic and shit. Chicks love that. She’s making me work for it, but that’s fine. Once she finally gives in, she’s going to wonder why she waited so long. I can guarantee, she won’t be disappointed.

Today, my best friend marries her best friend. Sounds crazy, right? If you were able to see the way they look at each other, though, you wouldn’t think that way.

Logan and I are best friends. We talk about the men in our lives—well, currently her life, as I’m flying solo. We go shopping and to the salon together, and we are there for each other no matter what. Kacen, her soon-to-be husband, is also her best friend. Their friendship is on a more intimate level, one that only two souls that fuse together can share. I’m happy to say that I have been there from the beginning, and I could not be happier for the two of them. It’s been a crazy ride so far, and I cannot wait to see what married life brings for them.

“Is it time yet?” Logan whines.

I can’t help but laugh at her. She’s so ready to walk down that aisle. She and Kacen have been in their own little world leading up to today.

“Actually, yes, it is. Are you sure you want to go through with this?”

“Seriously? Did you just ask me that?”

Her mouth hangs open as she stares at me.

“You know, Logan, we can sneak you out. We’ll be gone before they realize what’s happening,” her cousin Lauren chimes in.

“I’ll drive the getaway car,” Cassidy says through her laughter.

It’s obvious that we all know she’s not going anywhere but toward the altar.

Toward Kacen.

Before she has a chance to put us in our place, there is a knock at the door. “Are you decent, Logan?” her mom asks, sticking her head in the door. “Your father is out here, and the guys are waiting on these beautiful ladies.” She motions toward Lauren, Cassidy and me.

“YES!” she exclaims.

This causes me and the girls to burst out in laughter. “Stop, you’re going to ruin my makeup,” Cassidy snorts.

“All right, let me at my baby girl,” Logan’s father says, pushing into the room. “Ladies, you look beautiful as ever,” he compliments, kissing his wife’s cheek. Reaching out, he squeezes my shoulder quickly before his feet carry him to Logan. “You sure about this, Logan?” he asks.

“UGH!” Logan exclaims, causing the rest of us to fall back into a fit of laughter.

“What? You’re always going to be my little girl. I need to make sure he makes you happy. Does he make you happy?” her dad asks. He almost sounds hopeful that she will say no. He loves Kacen, but as every father, they never want to let go of their little girls.

“You know I am, and he does. He’s a part of me.”

Leaning in, I watch with rapt attention as he kisses her forehead. “Yes, he does. That boy thinks the sun rises and sets with you.”

“Boy?” Cassidy scoffs.

She’s known Kacen and the rest of the Soul Serenade crew longer than the rest of us. I can only imagine the things she’s seen. Although Kacen is the tamest of the four, I’m sure he has also had his fair share of moments.

“Hey! That’s my husband you’re talking about.” Logan places her hands on her hips and mock-glares at Cassidy.

The excitement of what is about to happen shines in her eyes. She’s as happy as I’ve ever seen her.

Logan’s mom claps her hands. “Okay, let’s do this. Ladies, the guys are at the end of the hall waiting on you. Let’s get this one married.” Her voice cracks and a sheen of tears clouds her eyes.

Cassidy and Lauren head for the door, and I head toward Logan, wrapping my arms around her. “I love you, bestie! I’m so fucking happy for you. It’s time to marry your prince.” Pulling away, I quickly swallow back the emotion clogging my throat and chase after Lauren and Cassidy.

At the end of the hall, I see them standing with the guys. I slow down and take my time getting to the group, drinking in the hotness that is Soul Serenade. Tristan and Gavin are talking with the girls, while Cole’s eyes are locked on me. I flash him a flirty smile and his eyes darken. Since the day I first met Cole, he has been a relentless flirt. When Logan told me that we would be paired for the wedding, I knew I was going to have my hands full.

I know he wants me. I can see it in his eyes, the way they devour me any time the two of us are in the same room. Too bad I want more. A year ago, I would have jumped at the chance to spend a hot, lust-filled night with the long-haired, sexy-as-sin lead guitarist.

Not anymore.

Watching things unfold with Kacen and Logan has me realizing that I want the same thing. I don’t want a casual hookup. I want the devoted, loving husband. I want the future my best friend is getting today. I’m insanely jealous and happy for her all at the same time.

Kaylee Ryan's books