All That Jazz (Butler Cove #1)

I APPRECIATE AND am grateful for every single one of you who has taken the time to read All That Jazz! Thank you especially to my Eversea readers who have displayed the utmost patience in waiting for this book. You are so special to me and I will never forget your support. The constant messages, tweets and emails kept me going. Thank you. I also appreciate my blogger friends who have been on this journey with me since Eversea. You know who you are. To all the blogs that support my work and get the word out - Thank you!

Massive thanks go to my husband who cheered me on and took over pretty much every single household chore so I could get this book written. I love you! To my boys who patiently waited for my attention, thank you. And thank you for being proud of me. And no you can’t read my books. Yet.

Thank you to Julie Burke: my friend, my assistant, and my now cover designer, and all things pretty designer. Thank you to Lisa and Julie for keeping me sane with our group chats, and out of the gutter of crippling self doub, and random gift-giving. You guys are the very, very best..

Thank you to the peeps in The Novel Spot Lounge on Facebook, whose hilarious thread one night about losing virginity stories inspired Jazz and Joey’s first time in the book. And to Missy Meyer for being a character in the story.

Thank you to the ladies of The Fast Draft Club who cheered along and kept me motivated. In particular, Brenna Aubrey and Lexi Ryan. Thank you to my formatter, Angela of Fictional formats for making this book beautiful.

Special thanks must go to my editor, Judy Roth who always catches my inconsistencies and makes my stories better. And to my two critique partners, Al Chaput and Dave MacDonald, without whom you wouldn’t be reading this book. And to Karina, my dearest friend and beta reader, I hope you weren’t serious when you said I’d ruined you for future romance books.

Thanks, Mom, Matthew, Dad and Bev for always being proud of me.