All That Jazz (Butler Cove #1)

“It’s always appropriate to try and be funny.”

He shakes his head, bemused.

“So?” I ask.

“It depends on how hot the girl is.” He shrugs and purses his lips.

I punch his shoulder.

“But yeah, this particular girl is so hot, I can’t imagine a situation where I wouldn’t want her in my bed as soon as possible.”

“We get to do it in a real bed finally?” I ask.

“Yes and I’d like to make love to her all night and well into the next morning, and for many, many days and weeks, and probably years.”

My heart triples its pace. “About this ‘making love’ business. Does that mean there’s no debauchery?”

“Would she like some debauchery?”

I shrug. “A little. I’d hate for those days, weeks, and probably years, to get boring.”

“I can promise you, it will never, ever get boring.” He leans in to my ear, inhaling deeply. “And I can be very, very debauched.”

“Jazz!” my mom calls in the nick of time before I spontaneously combust. “I think these are both yours. Are these both yours?”

I turn and nod when I see my two overstuffed suitcases sitting on the cart.

Joey strides forward and grabs the cart handle, heading toward the airport exit.

Keri Ann slips her arm through mine.

“So tell me all about your life as a celebrity’s girlfriend,” I say as we head out into the Lowcountry heat.

THREE DAYS LATER, after I’ve caught up with everyone, and slept for what feels like seventy-two hours, I’m getting ready for my date with Joey. My stomach is doing somersaults inside me, making me feel sick. I don’t know why I’m so nervous.

It’s Saturday evening. On Monday I start my new position over on Hilton Head Island. I’m nervous and excited about that too, but I can’t even think about it with my “first date” with Joey just moments away.

I settle on a simple pink strapless sundress I found in Cape Town. It’s the exact shade of pink as the boot on my necklace. I fell in love with it straight away. I shower and let my hair dry to its natural wave, taming it a bit with some expensive product that makes it look silkier. I got used to wearing more make up while I was away, but I keep it simple and just do eyeliner and mascara to make my eyes stand out. I almost tear my drawers apart looking for my Cotton Candy Clouds lip gloss, finally finding it in the small wrist strap purse I used to use when we went out in the evenings in high school. It’s so old, I get nervous. But when I open it, it still smells and looks exactly the same. I swipe some on my lips

I spin around when I hear a noise in the apartment. Someone’s knocked on the front door. I hear my mom open it.

“Hi, Joey,” she greets.

“Good evening, Mrs. Fraser.”

He came to the front door? For some reason this strikes me as ridiculously romantic. And I get how serious he is about us starting over.

I head out of my room, and Joey freezes when he sees me. He’s wearing black pants and a pale blue button down shirt. His slightly damp hair is curling over his collar. He looks incredible.

My heart beats in my throat.

His eyes sweep down my body, and he visibly swallows.

“Oh, Jessica. You look lovely,” Mom gushes. “Doesn’t she look wonderful?”

“Yes, Mrs. Fraser,” he answers, not taking his eyes off me. “She’s the best thing I’ve ever seen.”

I pick up my purse, that’s big enough to stash the rolled up shorts, t-shirt, and toothbrush I put in there earlier, and go hug my mom. “I won’t be home tonight,” I whisper. “Don’t wait up.”

I’m sure that’s hard for a mom to hear, but I know she supports me and this thing with Joey.

JOEY IS LAUGHING as I regale him with stories about Allen and Dave. We’re at a new restaurant that opened on the south end of the island while I was away. We don’t recognize anyone in there, which was totally the point of the choice. We’ve shared a bottle of red wine and are lingering over a crème br?lée dessert.

“I hope I get to meet them one day,” he says.

“Me too. I’m going for their wedding. I think you should come with me.”

He looks at me, his blue eyes glowing indigo. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too.” Being able to admit this freely to him feels amazing.

He smiles, and we lapse into silence just looking at each other. His long fingers fiddle with the teaspoon in front of him.

“So,” I start. “Is your date hot enough?”

“To put out on the first date?”


He shrugs. “She’s incredible. Funny, sexy, amazing, and beautiful.”

“So when are you taking her home?” I raise my eyebrows.

He holds a hand up. “Check please.”

I chuckle. Especially as the server falls over herself to respond to Joey’s signal.