Adrenaline (Speed Series Book 2)

He pulled out of me and slowly moved his hand down and then stopped abruptly.

Closing his eyes, he cursed. “Damn it, let me grab something to clean you up before this gets on their sofa.”

My stomach dropped. I had stopped taking my birth control pills over a month ago.

I was frozen still as Malcolm walked back over and cleaned me up. Sitting up, Malcolm gave me a concerned look. “You look white as a ghost.”

Oh God. Why did I stop taking them? Why!

“I . . . I got the stomach flu and stopped taking them.”

“What are you talking about?”

My stomach started to roll as I felt like I was going to throw up. “My birth control pills. I haven’t taken them in over a month.”

A look of horror quickly moved over Malcolm’s face and I’m sure it matched my own look.

My hand flew over my mouth as I jumped up. “Bathroom!” I called out as Malcolm grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom down the hall. The moment I stepped up to the toilet, I leaned over and threw up.

“Fuck! Does it happen that fast? W-why are you throwing up? Oh God. Oh God. Fuck, I’m such an idiot! Why didn’t I think to ask?”

Malcolm was clearly in panic mode, as was I. Only I was throwing my guts up and chanting the same thing he was currently yelling.

When I had nothing left to throw up and the dry heaves stopped, I took off my bra and took in a few deep breaths. Turning the shower on, I stepped inside and softly sighed in relief. The feel of the hot water hitting my body felt amazing.

When I felt Malcolm’s hands wrap around my body, I was instantly calmed. “Whatever happens it’ll be okay.”

I nodded my head as my tears mixed with the hot water. It’s not that I didn’t want to have a child, I did. Very much so. I just didn’t want one now. Malcolm and I were just back together and there were so many things I wanted to learn and do with him.

“I know,” I finally said.

He turned me around and cupped my face in his hands. “I don’t want you to think I don’t want to have kids because I do.”

With a deep breath in, I smiled. “I do too, but not now. I think it’s important we spend time together first, but . . . if . . . I mean . . . if I—”

Pulling me into his arms, Malcolm held me tight. “We aren’t going to sit here and do the what if’s. Let’s just wait and see.”

“Wait and see? How can you be so calm? Your sperm could currently be making its way to one of my poor innocent eggs.”

“Why are your eggs innocent but my sperm isn’t? They’re just doing their job.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh lord. They’re probably just like everything else in your world . . . fast! I bet they’ve reached the finish line already!”

Malcolm’s chest puffed out and he flashed me a proud smile. The way the water ran down his body had my lower stomach pulling. I bit down on my lip and let my eyes travel over his body.

“No! I don’t have a condom so stop looking at me like that.”

His dick was already hard as I moved my hand over his shaft. His eyes lit up and soon he was pushing three fingers in me. My body was so receptive to his touch, and I wondered if it would always be this way.

God I hope so!

“Paislie, oh fuck I’m going to come!”

Glancing down, I saw his cum squirting out and that pushed my own orgasm to hit me as my legs shook and I saw stars as I closed my eyes and called out his name.

Malcolm was holding me up as he peppered my face with kisses. “That’s two orgasms down.”

With a laugh, I wrapped my arms around him as we stood under the hot water.

Deep in my heart I knew everything was going to be okay.

Peering into his eyes, I winked and said, “Ninety-eight more to go!”

THINGS FINALLY HAD CALMED DOWN and I felt like I could breathe again. I had done a few interviews about why I decided to walk away from racing. Job offers for commentating came in and I declined each of them. Now I know what Emmit went through. My knee was at about ninety percent and the pain had receded to a dull ache.

Paislie had given her notice at work and had accepted a position at Baylor University in the Physical Therapy department. She also got her period, which caused us both to celebrate with a trip to the doctor and a new prescription for birth control pills. Then a stop at Walgreens to buy a mega-size box of condoms, a bottle of cheap wine, and hot sex in the back of my truck on the ranch under the stars rounded out the evening.

The door opened and I glanced up to see Emmit standing there. “It’s about damn time. You’re late, asshole.”

Shutting the door behind him, he laughed and reached for my hand, giving me a quick shake. “The only person here is you so I’m not late. You try moving your pregnant wife and a son who can’t sit still for five minutes from North Carolina to Texas.”

“Stop being a *.”

Emmit dropped into a seat and shook his head. “I fucking can’t wait until you have a baby.” A grin appeared on his face as he let out a dry laugh. “Is it wrong if I start going to bed at night and pray you have triplets and all girls?”

Kelly Elliott's books