Adrenaline (Speed Series Book 2)

“That’s not all we did. We actually had a wonderful time hitting all the little stores in Waco.” Paislie spoke as she put Landon down.

Adaline turned and placed her hands on her stomach that was showing the signs of her pregnancy. “I can’t believe how much we have in common.”

Paislie nodded her head. “We really do!”

With a quick peek at Adaline, she gave me a wink. She knew I was worried and this was her way of letting me know all would be okay.

“Hey, Paislie, you up for running an errand with me?”

I could practically feel Adaline about to go crazy as she attempted to hold her excitement in.

Paislie smiled and gave me a shrug. “Sure. Adaline, did you need me to help with anything?”

“Nope. Emmit’s here, so he can entertain the little monster while Clarisse and I cook up a feast for dinner. I think we’ll even break out some bubbly!”

Pinching her eyebrows together, Paislie was about to say something when I took her hand in mine and pulled her out of the kitchen.

I concentrated on my breathing as we walked out to my truck. The last thing I wanted was for Paislie to figure out what was going on. Even with her leaving Dallas, changing jobs, and living with me, I wasn’t sure if she might think I was moving too fast.

“Is everything okay?” she asked as I opened the truck door for her. “Did you and Emmit get into a tiff?”

With a dry laugh, I kissed the tip of her nose and winked. “Far from it.”

As I walked around the truck, I rehearsed what I wanted to say one more time.

Blowing out a breath, I whispered, “God, please let me get this right for her.”

MALCOLM WASN’T ACTING RIGHT, AND I couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong. He seemed nervous. His left leg had been bouncing since he got in the truck. I wanted desperately to ask him if his leg was bothering him or was something else wrong.

I hadn’t asked what his meeting with Emmit was about. Just because we were living together, I still didn’t feel it was my right to be sticking my nose in his business. When Adaline told me they were moving to Texas, I about started jumping like a little girl. I loved spending time with her and Landon. The first time we met was a whirlwind of a weekend.

“What do you mean we’re flying to North Carolina?”

Malcolm handed me a bag and said, “Just pack for a couple of days. I need to meet with the realtor up there so I can put my house on the market. Emmit and Adaline also invited us for dinner tonight.”

My eyes widened in surprise. “So, we’re just flying up there like that’s it?”

He looked back at me like I had two heads. “Yeah. We’ll get there around noon, meet with the realtor and then head on over to Emmit’s place. I think you and Adaline will really hit it off.”

The room felt like it was spinning. Even though Malcolm had left NASCAR, he still lived his life in the fast lane . . . all the time. The fact that he begged me to go rock climbing and I gave in only to find myself half way up a rock clinging for my life, should have been my first warning sign life was going to be very different with this man.

“But I have work on Monday. I can’t miss work, Malcolm, I just started!”

Again, he gave me a dazed looked. “Baby, we’ll be back Sunday night.”

With a gruff laugh, I threw my hands up and said, “Oh, well why didn’t you say!” With a roll of my eyes, I grabbed his arm to get him to stop. “Malcolm, I’m not used to just jetting off across the country to meet someone for dinner. I’m really not that hard to impress. I’d be perfectly fine with a burger from Sonic and a movie.”

Pulling me into his arms, Malcolm kissed me. Not just any kiss. A toe-curling kiss that quickly had me pulling his shirt from his pants and pleading with him to make love to me.

His hand stopped mind as he pulled his lips away. “Nope. No time. The pilot’s here and ready to go.”

Wait. What?

“P-pilot? What’s he gonna fly?”

Malcolm threw his bag over his shoulder and called out, “The helicopter.”

Swallowing hard, I closed my eyes and said a prayer I’d make it through the next twenty-four hours.

I was so lost in thought, I hadn’t even noticed Malcolm pull into the Russell’s place.

“I need to check on something for Mr. Russell. It shouldn’t take too long.”

With a smile, I replied, “No problem. I love this place.”

Malcolm’s smile widened as he pushed the code for the gate and headed down the long drive. “So, how come the two families don’t really live here anymore?”

“Mr. and Mrs. Russell bought a place in Sonoma, California, and spend most of their time there. Their son and his wife decided that grapes weren’t their thing. They moved to Maine and run a bed and breakfast up there. They were traveling back and forth until recently when they decided they wanted to make Maine their home.”

“Oh, how fun! My best friend, Annie, and I used to dream of having our own bed and breakfast.”

Kelly Elliott's books