Adrenaline (Speed Series Book 2)

“Not even . . .”

Her gaze fell as I lifted her chin with my finger and made her look at me. “Not even Ashley. She is madly in love with some computer programmer dude from Dallas. We were only ever meant to be friends.”

Paislie chuckled as I opened the door and held her hand while she got in. Before shutting the door, I kissed her gently on the lips. “I really hope we make it and don’t stop on the side of the road.”

She cocked her head to the side and said, “Patience, Mr. Wallace. I promise it will be worth the wait.”

My dick jumped in my pants as I adjusted it and moaned. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

MALCOLM TALKED MY EAR OFF while he drove to whatever the Russell’s was. I prayed like hell it wasn’t a bed and breakfast like Emmit and Adaline were staying in. The last thing I wanted was for people to be around us when I screamed out Malcolm’s name in pleasure.

My body was in overdrive as I pressed my legs together to keep from sticking my hand down my pants. Each bump Malcolm hit had me moaning internally.

Jesus why am I so horny? Oh wait, maybe it had something to do with the fact I needed to feel the hands of the man I loved on me, bringing me to a state of euphoria like never before.

Trying to focus on what Malcolm was saying, I sucked in a breath when his hand moved further up my leg. He must have noticed because he smiled.

With a snicker, he turned and pulled up to a large iron gate. “We’re almost there.”

“What is this place?” I asked as he typed in a code.

“The Russell’s place.”

Horror swept over my body. “Someone’s house? Malcolm we can’t just go to someone’s house and have sex.”

He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. “Take a deep breath, Paislie. I promise it will be worth it.”

I looked back out the front window as Malcolm drove down the long drive. Soon, vineyards appeared on either side of the truck.

“A vineyard?” I asked with excitement.

“A lot of people think the vineyards are all in the hill country, but we have a few hidden jewels up this way.”

I couldn’t help the silly grin on my face as I looked at the endless grapes hanging from the vines. “It’s so beautiful.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet.” Excitement bubbled up in my stomach as I tried to search ahead of us. “You ready?” Malcolm asked as I started laughing.

“For what? You’re killing me here! What am I ready for?”

It was then I saw it. I let out a gasp as the French Normandy-style house came into sight. The gothic spires and archways were breathtaking. The closer Malcolm drove, the more I was in awe.

“What is this place?”

With a grin, he replied, “Heaven.”

The truck came to a stop as I agreed. “I’ll say.”

Pushing the truck door open, I jumped out and took in as much as I could. The landscaping was out of this world with fountains sprinkled throughout. It truly was heaven on earth.

“The Russell’s bought this place back in nineteen twenty. It has stayed in their family ever since.”

He took my hand and led me up to the front door. “Wait. This is someone’s actual house. Malcolm, no! We can’t just go in there and desecrate their home!”

He threw his head back and laughed. “Trust me, I have their permission to be here. I’ve been trying to talk them into selling me this place.”

My eyes grew wide. “What? As in like buy the house and the vineyard?”

He winked and said, “Yep.”

Less than a minute later, I was standing in a grand foyer with my mouth gaped. I wasn’t sure where to look first. The wood floors were beautiful, but what really had my attention was the amazing wooden staircase that stood in front of me. It branched off to both the right and left.

“You should see it at Christmas time. They line poinsettias along the stairs leading all the way up. Garland and lights are wrapped around the railing as well. I remember coming here as a young boy and thinking someday I would own this house.”

I let out a dry laugh. “You’d have to be a millionaire to afford this place!”

Malcolm lifted his brows as I quickly changed the subject. “How big is it?”

“Over sixteen thousand square feet and four floors.”

“Four floors!” I exclaimed.

Taking my hand in his, he walked around. “Two families live here. Each has two floors.”

“Wow. I can’t even imagine.”

Malcolm showed me the lower two floors. The kitchen alone had me drooling. With the off-white cabinets and gourmet cooking appliances, I almost wished I was a good cook. We toured the master bedroom that was at least three times the size of my apartment in Dallas. The giant Jacuzzi-style tub had my thoughts wandering and in a very naughty place.

The other four bedrooms each had their own bathrooms. One had a fireplace in it like the master bedroom.

Kelly Elliott's books