Adrenaline (Speed Series Book 2)

“What happened?”

With a dry laugh, I shook my head and looked up at the crucifix. “I let him into my heart. Gave him a piece of myself that I swore I’d never give away.”

Elizabeth took my hand in hers. “Do you love him?”

A single tear rolled down my cheek. “I thought I did. Maybe I longed for someone to love me so much, I deceived my own heart into thinking I was in love.”

“Did he do something to hurt you?”

I jerked my head to look at her. “No.” His blue eyes invaded my thoughts as I closed my eyes and whispered, “He treated me like a princess.”

“Did you get scared?”

I shook my head. “I didn’t run because things were getting serious.” With a chuckle, I looked back at her. “There were moments I fantasized about having a family with him.”

Elizabeth smiled. “Paislie, that’s wonderful.”

My smile faded. “It was until he started pulling back. Flirting with other women. He might have been sleeping with someone else, I have no clue. He lied to me about his knee; he went behind my back.”

Concern washed over her face. “What did he do?”

I stood up and shook my hands, trying to shake away the feeling of dread looming in my heart. “Elizabeth, I just want to forget him. Forget men all together. I want a simple life like yours.”

She pulled her head back and laughed. “You think my life is simple, Paislie? That I don’t struggle with the feelings you struggle with?”

My eyes widened. “Well . . . I . . . I’m not sure.”

She shook her head. “Paislie, I’ve been fighting a demon of my own for some time. The heart is one that is hard to deny when it falls in love.”

I sucked in a breath of air. “Father Tim?”

She swallowed hard. “All I’m trying to say is that even though your head is telling you walking away was the answer, it might be time to listen to your heart.”

My head dropped as I slowly shook it.

“Listening to my heart has only ever lead to hurt.” Lifting my eyes to hers, I pressed my lips together. “I’m tired of being hurt.”

She wrapped me in her arms as I let myself cry one more time. After that I would never shed another tear for Malcolm Wallace again.

“Paislie? Earth to Paislie?”

I laughed and shook my head as I looked Peter in the eyes. “I guess I got lost in a memory.”

With a lift of his eyebrow, he tilted his head and gave me the sexiest smile ever. “Oh yeah? I hope you picked a good one.”

Was I really going to do this? Go right back to my old habits of getting lost in sex?

I took every inch of him in. Damn, I bet he’s good in bed. I quickly imagined his rock hard body over mine.

My phone buzzed, pulling me out of my naughty thoughts. When I glanced down it was a reminder telling me the NASCAR race was on.

Reaching down, I dismissed it.

“NASCAR? I never imagined you would follow that.”

Attempting to swallow the frog in my throat, I casually asked, “Do you?”

His face lit up. “I was going to meet a few buddies to watch the race. One of the drivers is making his comeback race.”

“Malcolm Wallace,” I whispered.

Peter pointed to me. “Yes! How did you know?”

With a fake smile, I replied, “I was his physical therapist during his recovery.”

His tongue moved over his bottom lip. “Why is that so fucking hot sounding?”

Heat surged to my lower stomach as I focused in on his lips. “Peter, how would you feel about skipping that race and heading back to my place to catch up a little better?”

“What race?” he replied as he stood and reached for my hand.

I packed up my things. “I walked here.”

His breathing picked up a bit as he said, “My rental is right around the corner.”

Pulling in a deep breath, I slowly let it out as I tilted my head and gave him another once over. Making sure I eye fucked the hell out of him.

“Lead the way.”

Twenty minutes later and we were all over each other in his car that was parked in front of my apartment building.

“Fucking hell, I don’t want to screw you in my car, Paislie.”

I crawled over him and began grinding myself against his hard dick. God he felt big. It had been too long since I had an orgasm and my body was screaming for relief.

“You haven’t changed at all, baby. So responsive.”

I ignored his comment and focused on giving myself the much-needed orgasm. The thin layer of my panties was soaked as my relief built.

“Peter . . . oh God!”

He grabbed onto my ass and pulled me closer to him and kissed me. It was nothing like Malcolm’s kisses. My body didn’t tremble, my stomach didn’t flutter, and I felt absolutely nothing.

Just like before, mindless sex to hide the pain.

His fingers pushed my panties out of the way as he slipped them inside of me. Before Malcolm, I would have been pumping my hips against Peter’s hand. Guiding him on how to fuck me with his fingers.

“Fuck waiting,” Peter mumbled as he pushed me off some and unzipped his pants.

“Condom?” I gasped.

Kelly Elliott's books