Adrenaline (Speed Series Book 2)

I did like Russ said. The adrenaline was pumping through my body and I loved every second of it. Fuck I missed this. The only thing that would make it better was if Paislie was waiting for me on the bus. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to fuck her on the high I was on right now.

A memory hit me hard as I sucked in a breath.

“You only want me after you’ve won a race, Malcolm. I want to know you want me all the time. Not just when you’re pumped up from winning.”

The memory of Casey flashing through my mind had me confused. I’d never thought of her when I was in a car. Never. This was my escape from all of that.

“Focus, Wallace! You’re sliding all over the fucking place.”

I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

“One to go. One. To. Go. Keep your line; you’re clear all the way. Twenty is dropping back.”

Is this fucking for real? My first race back and I’m going to win. Hell yes!

Coming out of turn four, I gripped the steering wheel like it was my lifeline. The checkered flag dropped and all I heard were cheers.

Dalton went crazy screaming in my ear. He finally settled down enough to say, “Welcome home, Malcolm. Welcome home.”

The words hit me like a brick wall.


Was this what I wanted? Week after week, racing around a track chasing after what? What in the hell was I running from? The ghost of a dead girlfriend? The rush that used to be better than sex? The drive to win no matter what the cost?

I pulled up and took the checkered flag as everyone stood on their feet. The feeling was amazing and I proved I could do it. I proved I could come back and win a race. Bad leg or not, I fucking did it.

But at what cost?

The interviews were over. The pictures done. I was exhausted and clearly limping on my leg. No one said a word. They didn’t even bother to ask, except for Dalton and I brushed it off as being stiff.

Walking up to the bus, I saw her standing there.

“Malcolm, it’s been a long time.”

With a nod, I kissed her on both cheeks. “It’s been a while, Kathleen.”

She smiled and motioned for the bus. “Shall we head inside?”

I knew what I was about to do was wrong, but I didn’t care. There wasn’t much I cared about anymore.


Glancing up from my book, I saw Peter. “Peter Clarkson!” I finally remembered his last name. “Oh my gosh, is that you?”

With a nod of his head, I jumped up and walked into his arms. “It’s so good seeing you.”

He pulled back and laughed. “It’s been a while.” His eyes roamed over my body and lit up. “You haven’t changed a bit, Paislie. Still beautiful and still rocking a sinful body that caused me plenty of Our Fathers during confession.”

My cheeks warmed as his eyes grew darker. Peter had been my first, and boy did we have a past together.

“Stop it,” I said as I motioned for him to sit down.

He pulled the chair out and took a seat. I couldn’t help but notice his body. Holy hell . . . he must work out six hours a day to have a body like that.

“I can’t believe I ran into you. What a crazy small world,” he said with a smile that pulled something out from the past and hit me right smack in the face.




How I had a crush on him at one point. Then he went off and left me to join the Army and get as far away from St. Patrick’s as he could. I didn’t blame him because I knew how he felt. Both of us wanted out. I had always felt so comfortable with him. He was just another man who left me.

Clearing my throat, I nodded. “Totally. What have you been up to?”

“Came to visit some friends.”

His eyes were hungry as he looked at me. Swallowing hard, I tried to keep myself in check. For weeks I had buried myself in my apartment with Princess as I mourned the loss of Malcolm. My mind drifted back to my conversation with Elizabeth.

My head was buried as I knelt silently in the nave of my beloved St. Patrick’s. My safe haven and the only place I’d ever truly felt loved.

“Paislie, you look troubled.”

I lifted my head to see Elizabeth, my dearest friend, standing alongside Father Tim. With a smile, I stood and made my way to them both. Elizabeth wrapped me in her arms and I finally let go of the tears I had been trying to hold back.

“I’ll leave you be,” Father Tim said as I pulled back and quickly wiped away the evidence of my weakness. He smiled and my heart felt light. I had always had suspicions that Father Tim and Elizabeth carried a torch for one another. They were both young and attractive. “Paislie, I’d love to see you sitting in the pews this Sunday.”

My face flushed as I looked down in guilt. “Yes, father, I’ll be there.” And I would. If I made a promise to either one of them, I always kept it.

“Good. It will do your heart good to sit in the Lord’s house more often.” He flashed me a bigger smile and gave Elizabeth a slight nod before turning and walking away.

Reaching for my hand, Elizabeth guided me to the front pew. “Talk to me, Paislie. I’m filled with worry.”

Her eyes looked me over as she pulled me down into a seated position. “You’ve lost weight.”

With a shrug, I barely said, “I haven’t been hungry.”

Kelly Elliott's books