Accidentally Married

She picks up the dress and hands it to Rogette, giving me a smile. Rogette takes the dress and glides away to a fitting area and hangs the dress up. She turns and waits for us to join her.

“No mistake,” Valerie says. “We just need to make sure everything fits properly.”

“I can't afford that,” I say, almost pleading. “I can't afford anything in this shop.”

Valerie looks at me for the first time with something like sympathy in her eyes. She shakes her head and gives my hand a reassuring squeeze.

“You don't have to worry about anything,” she says. “Mr. Keating wanted to pamper and spoil you a little bit. Let him, Amanda. I know I don't know you – only what he's told me about you – but you deserve something good. You deserve something nice. Let him do this for you.”

I look at her and she gives me an encouraging smile. I feel so weird about this. I'm not used to people doing nice things for me – nor do I want to be considered somebody's project or their charity case.

“Honestly,” she says. “I know this all must seem weird to you. Believe me, I've been there. But I've worked for Mr. Keating for a while now and he's a good man. And from what I gather, he likes you. A lot. So, let him do something nice for you.”

Likes me a lot? He's clearly selling the fiction of our relationship pretty well. But then, I didn't know if Valerie thought too deeply about these things. But I can tell that she's making a real effort to forge some kind of connection between us and is trying to be nice. She's dropped the haughty, pretentious attitude from before and is just talking to me like a normal woman – which I appreciate.

I give her a smile and let her guide me over to where Rogette is waiting for us.

“Are we ready to begin?”

Valerie gives me an encouraging nod and a smile.

“I am,” I say.


Chapter Sixteen

I sit on the edge of my bed, staring at the boxes stacked neatly outside of my closet. And then staring at my apartment – still not entirely sure I even recognize the place anymore. Over the last couple of weeks, I'd spent a lot of time with Brady, but even more time with Valerie, and my entire world changed. Or at least, my entire living space.

For starters, it wasn't just an outfit that Valerie had helped me pick out at Katrina's – it was a wardrobe. An entire wardrobe. Skirts, sundresses, blouses, dresses that were more formal – I suddenly seemed to have an outfit for every occasion I could possibly think of. And probably some for occasions I couldn't even imagine right now.

I can't even begin to imagine how much money Brady spent on a new wardrobe for me. It would probably make my head explode if I knew. But it's not just that.

But while I was busy playing debutante with Valerie at Katrina's or was out having dinner and drinks with Brady at some fancy restaurant, he'd been sending somebody over to redecorate my place. And when I say redecorate, I mean – everything. All of my old furniture is gone, replaced with new things. Television, computer, dishes – everything. My house is now filled with beautiful, top of the line furniture and gadgets.

They left some of my old things. The personal items like books, knick-knacks, pictures. But sitting amongst the new, top of the line, nice-looking things, my stuff looks old. Shabby. Out of place. Which is kind of how I feel right now.

My phone rings and I answer it without even looking at the caller ID.


“Miss Johnston?” comes a voice I don't recognize.


“Your car is downstairs.”

“Okay,” I say numbly. “I'll be down in a minute.”

Brady had left me a message letting me know that he was sending a car for me. Said he had some grand adventure planned for the day. Apparently, we were getting the ball rolling on our little marriage facade. I sigh as I realize that with the ball rolling, it's too late to back out now.

I put on the blue sundress from Katrina's – the first thing that had grabbed my attention in the store on that first trip. I tied my hair back into a ponytail and put on some strappy sandals that Valerie had picked out. Standing in front of the mirror, I look at myself and then twirl around, overcome by a fit of the giggles.

Although everything is changing and I don't know how I feel about Brady making unilateral decisions for me like this, I have to admit – the nicer clothing makes me feel pretty. Something I can't say I've felt in my life. At least, not very often. But as I look at myself in the mirror, look at the way the sundress hugs my body – I feel like a million bucks.

Turning on my heel, I walk out of my apartment, careful to lock up behind me. With all of the new stuff in there, the last thing I want is for somebody to break in and take it. I may not know how I feel about it all yet, but that doesn't mean I want somebody to steal it from me. I'd at least like the option to let it grow on me.

Stepping out of my building, I see a man in a dark suit standing there in front of a black late model BMW. It's a very pretty car – and not the usual Town Car I was expecting.

“Miss Johnston?”

I nod and the man hands me a set of keys and I look at him questioningly.

“I'm Tommy from the dealership,” he says. “This is your new car.”

“My car?”

He nods again. “Your car,” he says. “The title's in your name and everything.”

“You're kidding me.”

He smiles. “Not at all,” he says. “Mr. Keating asked us to drop it off for you this morning. He had us pre-program directions to his place into the GPS unit. Said that he wants you to enjoy your new car and drive over. But he did ask that you be to his place by eleven.”

I look at the keys in my hand, nodding slowly. New clothes. New apartment. New car. It was like a whole new life was being thrust upon me, whether I liked it or not. I know that most people would be squealing in delight at the turn of fortunes, but I'm not most people. Somehow, this just feels so – wrong to me.

“Do you have any questions for me, Miss Johnston?” he asks.

I look at him, totally unaware he is still standing there. “Oh no, I'm sorry,” I say. “I – I think I'm good.”

“Very good,” the man says. “Enjoy your new car.”

“T – thank you,” I stammer.

I watch him get into another car waiting at the curb, giving me a wave as they drive off. Then I look at the car in front of me and feel a swarm of butterflies battering the inside of my stomach. My car. I'd never had a car of my own before – let alone, a brand new, top of the line BMW.

To say I'm overwhelmed would be a massive understatement.

Checking my watch, I see that I have a little more than forty-five minutes to get to Brady's house at the time he asked, and not knowing how far he lived, I figured I should probably get moving. Sliding behind the wheel, I inhale the new car scent, savoring it. I never actually believed I'd be the owner of something so amazingly gorgeous. And I nearly burst into tears when I opened the glove box and saw that the title was indeed, in my name.

As I hold that piece of paper in my trembling hands, I nearly jump out of my skin when I hear a phone ring.

Incoming call from Brady Keating, the car's computerized voice announces.

I quickly look around the car, trying to figure out how to answer it when I see a button on the steering wheel with a picture of a phone on it. I press it and hope it is what I think it is.

“H – hello?”

“Well good morning, my betrothed,” Brady says and laughs, his voice filling the entire cabin of the are. “And are we enjoying our new car?”

“It's amazing, Brady,” I say, awe still coloring my voice. “I can't accept this though.”

“Of course, you can,” he replies.

“I really can't,” I say again – even though it kills me a little inside.

He laughs softly. “You can,” he says. “And you will. It's in your name, so it's yours.”

I sigh. “Brady, we're going to have to talk about some things,” I say. “I mean, the clothes, all of the new stuff in my apartment – the car – it's all just too much.”

“Nonsense,” he says. “There is no such thing as too much when it comes to my beautiful bride.”

R.R. Banks's books