Accidentally Married

Adrian leads me to the sparring ring and when I step in, I feel my stomach drop into my shoes.

“You have got to be kidding me,” I say.

Adrian looks at me, confusion on his face. “What? You know this guy?”

I nod. “Yeah, I know him.”

Standing across the ring from me is none other than Brady goddamn Keating. He's bouncing lightly on his feet, smiling wide at me.

“How do you know this guy?” Adrian asks.

I sigh. “Don't ask.”

Brady moves out to the center of the ring, walking with a cocky swagger – something I've seen from more than a few men I've sparred with.

“You realize this is bordering on stalking, right?” I ask.

“Oh. I didn't think it was even still bordering at this point, darlin',” he grins.

“What did I tell you about calling me that?”

He holds his hands up. “I apologize,” he replies. “Like I said, it's a Texas thing. It's kind of ingrained into me. It'd be like asking you to stop with the biting sarcasm.”

I look down at the mat and try to suppress a smile. He had a point – not that I was going to concede it to him.

“Why are you here?” I ask.

“Felt like a little workout,” he says. “Is that a crime?”

“You asked to spar with me.”

He nods. “I figure it's the only way I'm going to get you to stand still long enough to hear me out.”

I chuckle. “It'll be pretty hard for you to talk when I knock you out cold.”

His smile widens. “Big talk for such a bitty little thing.”

The last word isn't even out of his mouth before the rage in me flares up, burning like a bonfire bright enough to be seen from space. Brady just has a way about him of pushing all of my buttons and getting me all fired up.

Maybe it's fortuitous that he stalked me to the gym and asked to spar with me. Stupid, because even though I'm not an expert, I know enough to tell that he has no idea what he's doing – which means, he's going to get himself hurt.

But, I needed to beat on somebody, and here he is. And who better to beat on than the man who turned my life upside down?

“You really sure you want to do this?” I ask.

He shrugs, all cockiness and arrogance. “How hard can this be?” he asks. “Don't worry, I'll take it easy on you, darlin'.”

I walk back to my corner, a dark rage coursing through every fiber of my being. Adrian looks at me, his eyes wide with alarm.

“You okay?” he asks. “Maybe you shouldn't spar with this guy.”

I give him a smile that feels predatory. “Oh no,” I say. “I'm definitely going to spar with this guy.”

I strap on my helmet and slip my mouthpiece in, turning to face him. Brady is bouncing up and down like he's a boxer or something. I doubt he's ever boxed before in his life and is simply mimicking the movements he's seen other fighters do.

He's obviously in shape and works out. His body is a lot more toned and sculpted than I would have ever guessed from seeing him in what he normally wears – which is usually some fashionable suit. But seeing him in shorts and a tank top reveals a pretty hard physique. He's a good-looking man, there's no doubt about that.

But he's also a huge pain in my ass.

Heading out to the middle of the ring, Brady's smile widens even further. He puts his hands up in typical boxer fashion – leaving his midsection exposed entirely. I take advantage of it and deliver a vicious kick to his stomach.

Brady lets out a pained grunt and doubles over, clutching his stomach – leaving his head entirely exposed. Deciding to end this farce, I deliver a three-punch combination to the back of his head, dropping him instantly.

I stand over him for a moment, listening to him wheezing and groaning before I say, “I trust this will conclude our business together,”.

I turn and walk back to my corner, climbing out of the ring. Adrian is looking at me with a stunned expression on his face.

“What?” I ask. “I did what you asked. He'll live.”

He gives me a chuckle and a grin as he steps into the ring to check on his new member – a member I don't anticipate seeing around much longer. I go back to do a little more bag-work and find that I've lost my steam. Having Brady show up here really killed my mojo. This place – like home – is my sanctuary. It's where I fit in. And having somebody like him show up and invade my space just sort of – taints it.

I head into the locker room, grab a quick shower, and change. I'm done for the day. I have no idea what I'm going to do with the rest of the day, I just know that I need to get out of there.

“You okay?” Adrian asks when I step out of the locker room.

“Yeah, fine,” I say.

“So, you and that guy – ex-boyfriend or something?”

I laugh. “He wishes.”

Adrian smiles. “Seeing that kind of anger come out of you made me think it was more – personal.”

I shrug. “I actually thought I was a little harder on Armando.”

He nods. “In a different way,” he says. “Watching you with Brady – you were just so cold and unemotional. You were just a brutal punching machine in there.”

“I just wanted to get it over quickly,” I reply. “I am seriously done with that guy.”

Adrian laughs. “He doesn't seem to think so.”

“What are you talking about?”

“He showered already and he's outside waiting for you,” he says. “And get this, he's got a car with his very own driver.”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, I know.”

“Movin' in some wealthy circles now, are you?”

“Trying to avoid that, actually,” I say. “He just won't take a damn hint. Keeps going on about some business proposal and won't leave me alone. This guy is stalking me, Adrian.”

He laughs. “Well, I think you just taught him a valuable lesson – that if it comes down to it, you'll kick his ass.”

“Damn right I will.”

Adrian looks at me, holding my gaze. “Seriously though, know the quickest way to get him to leave you alone?”

“Kill him?”

“You could go that way,” he says. “Or, you could just hear him out. Listen to what he has to say and if you're not into it, say no. And you're done.”

Can it really be that simple? Everything I've learned in my few dealings with Brady is that nothing is ever that easy. But, if I sit and listen to him, he can't say I didn't, right? And he won't have any reason to keep hounding me. But then, I get the feeling that he'd find another reason anyway. He doesn't strike me as the kind of man who takes no very well.

I give Adrian a hug. “Thanks, sweetie.”

I walk out of the gym and Brady is dressed in blue jeans, boots, and a black button-down jacket – with his black Stetson on, of course. I never see him without that hat and wouldn't be surprised to find out he sleeps in it.

He's leaning against the rear of the car, his hands in his pockets, a sheepish grin on his face.

“I've got to say,” he says. “You sure pack a mean punch. My head is still ringing.”

“What do you want, Brady?” I ask.

“Just listen to me for a moment,” he says. “Let me take you to lunch. Hear what I have to say. That's it. The money I put up for your rent – consider that payment for your time. An hour. That's all I ask.”

I look back at the doors of the gym and think about what Adrian said. If I hear him out, then maybe he really will leave me alone.

“Fine,” I say. “An hour. I swear to God though, if you call me darlin' one more time, I'm going to beat your ass again.”

He smiles wide. “Yes, ma'am. Message received.”

Chapter Fourteen


“You can't be serious,” she says.

I nod. “I'm very serious.”

R.R. Banks's books