Accidentally Married

“I'm pretty sure it can't,” Amanda chimes in.

“Great. We got ourselves a couple of comedians, Nicholas.”

He giggles like it's the funniest thing he's ever heard. “Funny,” he says.

“Miss Delia,” I say, shaking my head. “Can you have Derek bring the car around?”

“Right away.”

Miss Delia scurries off to call my driver as I put my hat on. Taking Nicholas by the hand, I guide him toward the front door, Amanda walking alongside us.

“Are you excited, champ?” I ask.

He nods eagerly. “What doing?”

“What are we doing,” I correct him.

He screws his face up. “What are we doing?” he says.

“Yeah, what are we doing?” Amanda giggles.

“I can't tell you,” I say and give them both a devious little smile. “It's a surprise.”

Opening the door, I let Amanda walk out first. Nicholas grabs her hand and initially, I see her tense up. But then she seems to relax and gives his hand a gentle squeeze. They look at each other and share a little laugh.

A moment later, the car pulls up and Derek holds the door open for us.

“Settle in, kids,” I say. “Next stop is fun and adventure.”

“Yay, Daddy!” Nicholas beams.


Derek pulls the car to a stop at the curb outside the front gates of the San Antonio Zoo and Adventure Park. We climb out and look around. There is a small group of paparazzi clustered behind a small fence that had been set up near the front gates. When they see us climb out of the car, they immediately turn and start shooting pictures.

Aside from the paparazzi though, there is nobody else to be seen. Which is perfect. It's just how I planned it. Amanda is looking around, her expression curious.

“What's with the paparazzi?” she asks.

I shrug. “Slow news day?”

“Is this place even open?” she asks. “There's like nobody here. Literally.”

“There better not be,” I say. “I rented out the park for the afternoon.”

“You rented out the park?” she asks, her eyes wide. “The whole park?”

I nod and ruffle Nicholas' hair. “What better way to see the park than to have the run of it?” I ask, smiling wide. “No lines, no distractions. We're free to go where we want and do what we want, when we want. Sounds like a perfect way to enjoy the park to me.”

Her eyes are wide and she looks absolutely floored. I squat down and look Nicholas in the eye.

“What do you think, buddy?” I ask. “What do you want to see first?”

“Elephants,” he cries. “See elephants!”

“Elephants it is then,” I say, taking his hand in mind.

We walk to the gates and park security is doing a good job of keeping the paparazzi back. Amanda looks absolutely terrified as we walk by the small cluster of people who are snapping pictures and shouting questions to us.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Keating,” says a man in khaki cargo shorts and a light blue polo shirt. “Welcome. We're glad to have you all as our honored guests. If there is anything you need – anything at all – you just give me a holler. My name is Peter West and I'm the General Manager of this facility.”

“Sounds good,” I say, shaking his hand. “I appreciate you letting us have run of the place.”

He smiles and nods his head. “Of course,” he replies. “The park is yours.”

The man turns and heads off and I grab a map of the park, locating the elephant enclosure.

“Ready to see some elephants?” I ask.

Nicholas is jumping up and down, squealing with delight. Amanda is smiling and laughing and she looks absolutely beautiful. Her smile absolutely lights up her face and makes her eyes sparkle.

“You should do that more,” I say.

She looks at me and cocks her head. “Do what more?”

“Smile,” I say. “It looks really pretty on you.”

She looks away, blushing. Taking my boy by the hand again, we head off in search of elephants.

We spend the day touring the zoo at our leisure, enjoying the different enclosures and habitats of the different animals. I can't get enough of Nicholas’ wide-eyed wonder at the different animals and his endless, non-stop questions about them – most of which, I can't answer.

We ride all the different rides in the park – some of them several times. And of course, we stuff our faces with junk food of a million different varieties. I can honestly say, this has been one of the most enjoyable days I've had in a very long time.

I check my watch and see that it's nearing six o'clock – which means it's time to head on out. They have a function later that night, so I'd only been able to rent out the park until then. But that's okay, we'd seen and done everything that was on our list.

And Nicholas is pretty much down for the count anyway. It's been a long day and he's falling asleep on his feet. I pick him up and carry him as we make our way to the front gates.

“I have to say,” I said as we headed back to the car. “That's the way to see an amusement park. Alone and entirely unobstructed.”

Amanda nods. “That was amazing, Brady,” she says. “I've never been in a park when it was empty like that before. It was just so incredible.”

I give her a smile. “Thanks for coming,” I say.

“Thanks for letting me tag along.”

I give her a long look. “You're doing a little more than just tagging along,” I say quietly. “You're part of the family now.”

Her smile is soft and she falls silent as we get back into the car. The ride home is quiet and I can't help but wonder what's going on in that head of hers.

Chapter Eighteen


Part of the family now? Those few words feel like a kick to the gut at the same time they feel like the most wonderful thing in the world.

On the one hand, the idea of being welcomed and accepted so warmly feels amazing. I grew up feeling like I never really belonged. In a family that was neglectful and abusive. My parents were alcoholics and drug addicts more concerned with their next high than they were in making sure the needs of their children had been met.

On the other hand, though, I have to wonder if I'm only being welcomed so warmly because of our little business arrangement. If this is all part of the facade Brady is trying to sell. If his warm and welcoming acceptance only goes as far as what we can do for one another.

I have no way of really knowing.

The interior of the car is dark, so I can't really see his face. But I'd love to know what he's thinking. I saw a side of Brady today I am shocked even exists. Seeing him with his son, seeing how warm and gentle he is with him – seeing what a devoted dad he really is – it blew me away.

I've always kind of figured that he's too selfish and wrapped up in himself to be a good father. I expected to find that Nicholas is being raised by somebody like Miss Delia. So, it surprised me to no end to see firsthand how wrong my assumptions were.

Brady is quite a bit different than I've always thought he was. He's very different than how he's painted in the tabloids. I'm seeing a side of him very few people get to see and I have to admit – it's really attractive. I mean, physically, he's a gorgeous man. But seeing him as I've gotten to see him – outside the glare of the paparazzi cameras – it's changed my perceptions of him.

I find that I'm intrigued by him. Very intrigued. He's got that whole Southern charm rap down pat. He's witty and clever. Smarter than I gave him credit for in the beginning. And passionate – his passion is something I find incredibly alluring. He has something of a hard exterior and like me, he's got a biting sarcasm. He's a man used to getting what he wants and having people do what he tells them. He's not a man that likes to hear the word “no.”

But underneath all of that is the heart of a good man. I can see it. And I find it intoxicating.

R.R. Banks's books