Night moves

And then she felt his grip; this time she hadn't heard him move, she hadn't sensed his silent pounce. And she was so startled that she cried out in alarm.


It was just like the scene they had practiced so often for the video. She turned, falling into his embrace.


She was staring into his eyes, feeling the force and power of his arms around her.


"I mean it, Lee!" she snapped out, struggling uselessly against him. "I don't want to sleep with you!"


"Shut up. You'll wake Marie and the kids. I don't intend to let you crawl back behind a celibate Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter,


touch-me-not wall because you can't deal with an argument!"


They were moving smoothly up the stairway; his long strides carried them quickly along the hallway balcony. "Lee! We were not having an argument! You were making caustic, insulting remarks and not giving me a chance to defend myself. Defend myself! What am I saying! This whole thing is a joke! I don't owe you any explanations or excuses. I was a fool to have--''


Her words were cut off by the force of his mouth as his lips ground hard upon hers. Yet even in his anger there was persuasion; she couldn't twist from him as he held her, only accept and parry the heated strokes of his tongue. No matter how deep her hurt, indignity or anger, she couldn't still the tempest of excitement that swelled within her. Desire began to course through her like the wild, undeniable wash of a waterfall.


The kiss ended as she found herself tossed unceremoniously onto the bed. Shaken, Bryn tried to gather her wits and dignity about her.


"I don't think you've listened to me," she said harshly, struggling to sit with a contemptuous decorum. He still wasn't listening to her. The tux jacket fell to the floor. With precise movements, he removed his cuff links. His shirttails were wrenched from his pants, and then the moonlight was gleaming upon his naked shoulders. The click of his buckle and the rasp of his zipper seemed ridiculously loud in the quiet of the night. And all the while she saw his golden eyes upon her. "What do you think you're doing?" Bryn demanded. He raised a polite, mocking brow."Undressing." "For what?" she snapped icily.


"To sleep with the woman I'm sleeping with, of course." His shoes were tossed toward the closet with a thud, and he stepped out of his trousers and briefs. She should have been accustomed to his body by now, but she wasn't. Not quite. Each time she saw him naked again she felt her breath catch with a little thrill. She found new fascination in the bronzed breadth of his shoulders, with the gleaming ripple of his muscles, the steel hard flatness of his belly.


She even forgot his stinging words as he started walking toward her, eyeing her with the moonlight giving his golden gaze a satyr-like glitter. He picked up her foot, his touch absurdly gentle considering his heated tension as he cast away her shoe.


' 'Lee..."


Her second shoe was tossed aside. Sensation rippled through her as his fingers grazed the length of her panty hose to her thighs, to the elastic that wound about her waist, and skimmed them away; then his touch was upon her bare flesh.


Bryn realized that she had lain there, compliant and aching, seduced by the desire he could so easily awaken within her. She was not going to be a victim of her own traitorous needs. With a small cry of anger, she spurted from the bed, only to come crashing hard against the power of his chest and find herself swept to the bed again, a prisoner of tangled limbs andsinewed strength. His fingers wound into her hair and he began to kiss her again, his lips teasing, haunting, solicitous upon hers, then hard with need and passion....


Gentle again...and then demanding. Rough, but never hurtful, a maelstrom that roiled within her womb, making her want him, his touch...


His hands roamed with bold possession over her body, searing through the gown that covered her, covering her breasts, rousing their peaks to a betraying hardness. His palm came to Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter,


herthigh, sliding beneath the fabric to taunt her nakedness and move against her with a bold and blunt intimacy.


His head rose from hers and he still spoke with anger, but she clung to the words. "You little fool! Don't you know how much I care about you, how much I've come to need you? And yes, when a man loves a woman, he gets angry.Crazy.Savage.When he sees her in the arms of another man. No, I don't own you.


But you're still mine. Mine to be with in the moonlight... like this...together...intimate...."


They were shattering words. Heated, whispered words that spun in her mind like crystal. He loved her; he had said that he loved her__