Night moves

He came back to her, slipping beside her in the bed, and holding her close. "I woke you. I'm sorry."


"Lee, it doesn't matter. I just wish I could help. You've given me everything--"


"No," he corrected. "You've given me everything." His arms closed around her, and then he was above her, staring down into her eyes.




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I'm shaking, Lee thought. I've come to know more each day just how much I need her, and I almost ruined it all....]


"I loved you like a savage once tonight," he told her. "Let me love you tenderly, softly...."


He did love her tenderly, caressing her, loving her with appreciative eyes as his hands touched her. She was stunning, clad only in the moonlight. His fingers grazed her breasts, adoring them. His lips found their rough crests, taunting them to wonderful peaks. He suckled and nipped at each, laved them with his tongue, sheltered the luscious ripeness of the full mounds in the firm massage of his hands.


And again he looked at the length of her.The rose and creamy beauty of her breasts as they rose and fell with her quickened breathing.The curve of her slender midriff and waist. Sleek. She was sleek and long...her hips were a beautiful curve all over again. She was a dancer, he reminded himself. And she brought him with her, to dance in the clouds.


He started to touch her again, all that his eyes had cherished and devoured. His hands swept over her with hot promise; his lips tasted and caressed her flesh; his tongue traced brands of fire across her belly, down the shadow of her belly. He turned her over gently, feathering kisses down her spine, to the small of her back.


And he turned her to face him again and loved her with the greatest intimacy, losing himself to reckless passion as she writhed with a dancer's fluid grace beneath his tender touch, whispering his name, crying out his name, entangling her fingers in his hair and begging that he come to her....


He did, only to find that she could be as passionate, as demanding as he.


She rose over him in the moonlight, a sculpture in proud and naked beauty as she stared down at him with moistened lips, her wealth of copper hair curling about the swollen beauty of her breasts.


She smiled at him, her lips curling whimsically.


"Now let me love you--" she told him, leaning low to grace his chest with her nipples and sending waves of erotic heat rippling through him all over again "--like a savage...."


He smiled, enveloping her with his arms. "My love, do with me what you will...."


Much later he reminded her that they needed to sleep, that tomorrow was the day when they would get Adam back.


They needed to be rested--and alert.


Bryn smiled to herself, grateful for the abandon of the night. He hadn't given her much time to worry.


He had given her something--though she just wasn't sure yet what. But whatever did happen, he had been with her now, through the greatest trial of her life.


She was very, very grateful for Lee Condor.





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Chapter 11



Bryn awoke elated; she should have been tired, but she wasn't tired at all. It was Sunday, and she was going to get Adam back.


It occurred to her that it was absurd to relish the thought of talking to a kidnapper but once she heard his voice again, she would be so grateful that she would readily crawl on her knees, if he asked her to.


The kidnapper had played her perfectly--right from the beginning. The tension had almost destroyed her--would have, if it hadn't been for Lee.


She tried not to believe that it could all have been a lie; that the kidnapper could still hold onto Adam.


She didn't dare entertain such thoughts--she would crack.


Marie, who had proved to be a lovely woman in her mid-fifties, big bosomed with a deep warm smile and no nonsense manner, was glad to stay with the two older boys for a few hours again that morning when Bryn and Lee left. Brian and Keith would probably sleep until at least nine, and knowing that the morning would be tense with waiting, Bryn was glad that they could arrive after that part was over. She had tried to conceal the truth from them, but as children do, they had sensed that something was wrong.


Marie would drop them off at the town house about eleven--in time to greet their brother andherself , Bryn prayed.


Bryn believed that Marie, too, knew that something was very wrong, but she didn't ask questions and showed herself willing to help in any way that she could.