Night moves

She had never realized that anything was going on between the two. Not that she had realized much of anything since


Adam had been taken. She had been a little shocked. Not shocked, surprised.And then worried. But Barbara and Andrew were both adults, and as much as Bryn cared for Barbara, she had no right to question her friend's affairs.


We're both going to get hurt, though, she thought sadly.Walloped.


"Well, what do you think?" Barbara murmured, nudging her. They were alone at their table, since Lee and Andrew had eaten quickly,then hurried backstage to check on some last-minute wiring details.


"I think that half the national debt could have been paid with the cost of this dinner," Bryn whispered back.


Barbara laughed nervously. "I mean, whatdo you think of our would-be congressman?''


Bryn shrugged. Dirk Hammarfield had just finished speaking to the assembled group. "I think Lee and Andrew were only pretending to have something to do to escape the 'thankyous.'"


Barbara lowered her voice even further. "I mean, do you think that he's the whisperer?"


The chills that were never fully quenched started to flutter within Bryn. Could he be the whisperer?


Could he be the man who was holding Adam this very minute?


He didn't look it. He just didn't look the part.


"I don't know," she told Barbara truthfully. "But for some reason, I just can't believe it. He's too pleasant and too married!"


"The 'too married' men are the ones you have to watch out for!" Barbara warned.


Bryn raised a cryptic brow to her friend, and allowedherself to muse curiously on Barbara's appearance.


She had never seen Barb look better. Her dress was simple and sleek, made of beige silk, and her short Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter,


blond hair swung freely about her features. Bryn decided that the reason Barbara looked so spectacular was the glow about her face and the diamond sparkle of her eyes. "Let's not talk about it," Bryn murmured. "I'm nervous enough already."


"What do you want to talk about?"


Bryn shrugged. Not Hammarfield. Not Adam. "I'd like to know about you--and Andrew."


Barbara smiled without a blush or a pause. "I think he's wonderful. He's sensitive and caring, not afraid to have fun, and irresistibly sexy. And considering his position in life, he's admirably unaffected. I've met a lot of so-called stars. All of these guys are unique. They're grounded in reality."


Bryn played with the swizzle stick in her half-consumed gin and tonic. "What I mean is, what do you think will come of it?"


Barbara laughed. "We haven't been seeing each other all that long, you know."


"I know, but if you like someone that well..."


"Then you walk the road and see where it leads."


"Aren't you ever afraid?"


"Bryn, you care very much about Lee, don't you?"


"I--I don't know. That's a lie. Yes, I care about him," Bryn admitted softly. "But there's so much about him, about his past. So many things I'm afraid of, so many things that I don't understand."


Barbara was about to reply, but she halted as their attention was drawn to the stage. Hammarfield managed to introduce the band quickly; there was wild applause, and then the curtains parted to reveal Lee and the group. They started playing with a loud crash of the drums; Lee began to sing a rock number from their first album.


Bryn, as always, felt his voice sweep around her and embrace her.Like him, it was rugged and masculine, a burnished, rough velvet. The group had worn tuxedos tonight, with ruffled white shirts.


Bryn had never seen Lee in such formal attire before, and she felt a warm flush rush over her now just as it had when she had first seen him dress that evening. The elegant white shirt enhanced his dark good looks, contrasting sharply with the rugged angles and planes of his features.


I will never be able to stop wanting him, she admitted ruefully to herself. I allowed myself to fall, and now I will never be able to escape....


Barbara turned back to her, touching her shoulder and leaning closer so that she could be heard. "I hate to sound like a philosopher," Barbara said dryly, "but some sayings are true. Nothing good in life comes easy." "The video will be done soon."


"And you're thinking that he'll be gone as smoothly as he came? I can't tell you that that won't happen, Bryn. I can tell you that it's obvious he's entirely taken with you."


Bryn grimaced. "Maybe just because... because he feels responsible for everything that's happened. I Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter,


mean--" she lowered her voice to a hushed whisper again "--all this started with the pictures that I took of him."


Barbara sniffed. "I don't think you know your man very well, honey. If he felt responsible, he'd be responsible. But if he didn't want to be with you, he wouldn't be. And any fool could see the sexual attraction between the two of you from the beginning."