Vincent (Made Men, #2)

Taking the book, she hoped it was the last smile he would get. “Thank you.”

Lake didn’t linger, quickly going back to the bar. She only hoped that, by looking at his wedding band all night, he wouldn’t be able to make it out the rest of the week. Although, something about the “I can’t wait” told her otherwise.

Her feet screamed in pain from the pumps and walking back and forth. She was going to have to go to the store to buy Band-Aids for all the blisters she was sure to have.

Looking at the clock, she realized she had finally reached the end of her shift. Quickly she counted her tips, seeing she had made quite a bit of money. Certainly more than she would have expected a cocktail waitress to have made. Her largest tip had been from the slime ball, and even though the amount was big, she felt dirty taking it.

Sadie came up behind her and gave her another slap on her butt. “I told you everyone would love you. I’ve received many compliments on you. They just can’t get enough of the new girl. Besides your feet hurting like a bitch, how bad was it?”

All in all, Lake had to admit it hadn’t been that bad. Only one customer had affected her night, and truthfully, she was used to all the waiting around. John treated her much worse than all the men there combined.

“Okay, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be,” she admitted. “But I am so ready to get the hell out of here and crash.” It had been a hard day for her with all the emotional ups and downs. She was practically dreaming of her pillow and mattress and blanket…

“You didn’t forget your wax, did you? Trust me, you are going to shit a brick when you see all the nooks and crannies which stash hair like a squirrel during hibernation.”

Lake turned ghostly white. “So … I have to get that … today?”

Sadie tried to coax her. “Oh, honey, don’t worry; I’ll hold you down.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

We’ll Be Too Outnumbered

Lake woke up the next day with the pillow plastered to her face. She had cried herself to sleep the previous night from the shame and horror of her trying day.

Reaching for her phone on the scuffed-up wooden chair, she looked at the time and was surprised to see missed calls from Adalyn. Quickly, she dialed her number.

Adalyn answered the phone immediately. “Why haven’t you answered my calls?”

Lake yawned. “Because I was sleeping.”

“Yeah, but you wake up at the crack of dawn. Did you do something yesterday?”

You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.

She had decided she would take the waitressing in an underground casino at the age of eighteen to her grave. “Nope, now what is so important?”

“Get up, wash that beautiful face of yours and be at my house in thirty minutes. Okay, thanks. Bye. I love you!” Adalyn spoke as quickly as she could before she hung up on her.

There’s no telling what mess she’s going to get me into today.

Getting out of bed, she took one step. “Son of a bitch!” She immediately remembered where half of the tears had come from—the waxing. Literally the whole thing had been torture. She had no clue how in the world she was supposed to get them on a regular basis. Trying to walk to the bathroom was more of a hobble as she grabbed her crotch area and walked like a penguin.

It didn’t take her very long to get ready; she just washed her tear-stained face after she brushed her teeth. She decided to put her hair up in a messy bun, considering it was still full of curl and hairspray, worried Adalyn would question why her hair looked like that. It was a shame to put it up because second-day curls were actually amazing, but then again, her bun looked pretty stylish.

Going to her closet, she could feel the warmth from outside. Probably because we can’t afford to turn the AC on. She decided to grab a loose, white tank top and light-colored blue jean shorts. The shorts were way too short, but it didn’t really matter because she was only going over to Adalyn’s.

Going to her purse in the tiny living room, she saw her father’s car keys right where she had left them the night before.

“Dad?” she yelled, walking to his bedroom.

Lake knocked then opened the door when she didn’t get a response. When she saw he wasn’t in his room, she grew a little worried. Grabbing her cell out of her back pocket, she dialed his number.

It only rang one time before the call was declined. What the—? A moment later, she received a text.

I’m at work. Catch you later, kiddo.

The pit in her stomach had ceased and putting the phone back in her pocket, she grabbed the keys along with her purse and headed out the door.

Lake’s eyes slammed shut the moment the brightness from the sun hit her. “Jesus Christ!” She quickly went back in the house. Going through a junk drawer, she grabbed a big pair of sunglasses. So this is what it must feel like to be hungover.