Vincent (Made Men, #2)

“You probably know better than me.” His tone lowered as he backed up even more to get a better view of her ass.

“I think that should work,” she commented after a few minutes of hitting and turning a few things, trying to mimic what her father did.

“That looks really, really good,” Vincent agreed.

Smiling, Lake got back in the car and turned the key again. When it still didn’t start, she went back to the hood, stumped.

“It did sound like it almost started. I think whatever you were doing was working,” he encouraged her.

“Yeah, you’re right; it felt like it almost started to me, too.” She bent back over the hood and jiggled a few more things around.

“See that thing all the way in the back? Try messing with that.”

“What, this?” Lake bent over more to touch a pipe.

Vincent moved to stand close behind her, and then he pointed to something even farther back. “No, that.”

She had to step on her tiptoes to reach what he was pointing at.

“Let me help you, sweetheart,” he said, leaning over her.

Lake held her breath when his body covered hers. Then she slightly pushed her body closer to his, unaware of her own actions. The fireworks returned, wanting more when she could feel his bulge at her backside. A second later, she felt his hand go to the top of her thigh, making her heart stutter. When it traveled up to the very bottom of her revealed ass cheek, thanks to her short-shorts, she snapped out of her haze.

“Vincent, what the hell are you thinking?” She quickly turned around and pulled her shorts down to cover her butt again.

His dark, husky voice enveloped her body. “Sweetheart, you don’t want to know what I’m thinking.”

I do.

She licked her suddenly dry lips and backed up onto the hood of the car, trying to put some room between them. She couldn’t get her mind straight being that close to him.

“Um, Adalyn could see us.” Finally, she got out her thoughts.

“I told Amo to go distract her.” He took a step toward her, covering the front of her body.

“So, you knew this was going to happen?” It came out more breathy than she intended, still wanting to fight the urge to touch him.

Vincent rubbed his thumb over her wet bottom lip. “Sweetheart, my dreams of you haven’t been as good as you bent over the car.”

Lake’s eyes went from his baby-blue depths to his lips. She was so close to kissing him again. She’d had dreams about their last kiss and knew this one was only going to top it. The way he was talking to her made her femininity respond to every word. It scared her how much she wanted this, needed it.

She had to shut her eyes as she turned her head away from his incoming kiss. “Don’t,” she whispered.

He gently grabbed her chin and turned her face to look at him. “Why not? I know you want me, too, sweetheart.”

Lake didn’t want to tell him the truth, but she knew if she didn’t, he would kiss her. Vincent wasn’t a man a girl could say no to, either.

She had to look at his chest, unable to look him in the eye. “Because you’ll just tell me it’s a mistake and leave me again.”

Vincent dropped his hands from her and took a step back, running his hand through his hair. “You’re right; that’s not fair to you. I’m sorry.” He went to the hood of the car and started to work on it.

She knew she had made the right decision by how quickly he had changed, no matter how much it stung. He obviously only wanted a quick fuck from her, nothing else. It was the same thing he got from every other girl, and Lake wasn’t going to be merely a number to any guy, even if he had descended from the gods. I doubt he can even keep count anymore.

Watching him, she noticed she had seen her father do what he was doing.

“You know exactly what’s wrong with it, don’t you?”


Oh, my God! Lake hit at his arm. “You’re such an ass. You did that so you could get a better look at my butt, didn’t you?”

Vincent looked up from under the hood of the car and flashed a smile. “Sweetheart, I’ve warned you twice not to dress like that, and trust me, your tight little ass was begging for it in those shorts.”

She didn’t comprehend exactly what he said to her at first, still finding him irresistible when he talked to her like that. No, he isn’t!

“Well, your sister didn’t exactly tell me I was going to the mall with you all, and I didn’t exactly know my car was going to do this, either.”

“Is this the car you’re taking with you to college?” he asked, sounding almost concerned.

Lake looked down at the pavement as the realization that she no longer had the money to go to college finally hit her. She had no idea how she was going to tell Adalyn—or anyone, for that matter—too embarrassed of why she could no longer go. That was why she wasn’t going to tell him.

“No, it’s my dad’s car. I’m planning to get an apartment just a mile down the road, so I won’t need one.”