Vincent (Made Men, #2)

After they finished eating, they decided to try one more store before they left, not wanting to come out empty-handed.

Looking through the racks for the hell of it, Lake found a light and airy dress she thought would be perfect for the hot summer. Holding it up, she contemplated at least trying it on. For once, she did have cash in her purse thanks to the previous night, so she could buy it.

No, I don’t need it.

“Uh, you’re not going to at least try it on? It’s so pretty,” Maria asked.

Lake looked at all the girls staring at her. “It won’t look good on me.” She shrugged. “Here, you can try it. It’ll look better on you, anyways.”

Maria pointed her finger to the dressing room. “Quit being silly and go.”

She hadn’t expected her to say that.

Smiling, Lake headed toward the dressing room yet stopped in place when she saw Ashley and her friends.

“Just the person I wanted to see. Your mom wants you to come by the house to get your graduation gift. I’m sure my dad would love to congratulate you, as well.” Ashley clearly enjoyed telling her the last part.


Vincent, Nero, and Amo followed the girls to go find Lake.

He swore he heard his sister say ‘uh-oh’ when they found her talking to some girls. Knowing all too well where this could head, Vincent went to Lake’s side.

I am sick of all these fucking bitches…

Nero put up his hand, stopping him. “Maria can do a lot more damage than we can.”


Walk away before…

It was too late when the girls came up to find her.

“Oh, my gosh! Does my sister actually have more than one friend?” Ashley asked, pretending to be in shock.

“Step-sister,” Adalyn reminded her.

Lake wanted to disappear, knowing they were all witnessing her humiliation.

“I’ll go see her later today. Let’s go, guys.” She headed back toward the dressing room, not wanting anything to escalate.

Ashley forcefully grabbed the dress out of her hand. “This dress would look so much better on me. Don’t you think, trailer trash?”

Maria sounded strangely sweet when she spoke. “Oh, sweetie, you don’t actually think that would look good on you, do you?” She politely went up and took the dress from a shocked Ashley. “We all can’t be blessed with Lake’s body.”

Lake shook her head. “I-It’s okay. I don’t want it.”

“That’s okay. I wouldn’t want anything which had her hands on it, either.” Maria shrugged, hanging it back on a rack.

Ashley left with her mouth gapping open wide, her friends following right behind her.

“Thanks.” Lake smiled at Maria before her eyes returned to the floor in embarrassment.

“You’re welcome.”

“Adalyn, I, um … really need to get home,” she told her.

Adalyn nodded. “Okay, sure.”

Lake’s head came up when she noticed the boys standing there. She wished she could have at least taken back the last twenty seconds so her eyes wouldn’t water when she saw Vincent’s face.

She headed straight to the car and was grateful Adalyn did, too. The car was silent all the way back to the house. Lake liked to keep things to herself most of the time, and her best friend knew when those times were. When they reached the house, she quickly got out, telling Adalyn bye.

Lake went to her old car, wanting to pull out before Amo dropped Vincent off to retrieve his. She managed to shut her door before they pulled into the driveway and she quickly put the key in the ignition and turned it, only for the engine not to start.

“Come on. Not today!” She turned the key again and held it longer in hopes the engine would turn on.

Lake hit the steering wheel with each word she spoke. “Fuck you, you stupid piece of shit. Why won’t you start?”

She heard a knock on her driver’s side window.

Turning her head, she saw Vincent. Calmly, she rolled down the window, using the knob.


“Let me guess, it does this, too?” he asked with a smile on his face.

“Yep, it’s just warming up.” She turned the key again and again and again until Vincent reached in and stopped her.

“Okay, sweetheart, I think that’s enough. Pop the hood.”

Lake’s hand shot fireworks from his brief touch. She hated that she was affected by it when he clearly wasn’t. He had barely touched her hand, only to drop it a second later to go to the hood of the car.

As she looked at him through her windshield, he gave her a look to hurry up. She hit the button to pop the hood then got out of the car. Geez, I don’t want to hold you up from probably going to screw a line of girls.

“It’s okay. I don’t need your help.”

Vincent pulled up the hood, revealing the engine. “Yeah, okay, sweetheart.”

Who does he think he is? His sarcastic tone pissed her off.

“I see my dad do it all the time.” She put her hand on his chest and pushed him back.

He started to raise his voice. “I bet you don’t even—”

Lake bent over the hood, looking inside.