Vincent (Made Men, #2)

While looking at the clothes, she began to shake her head. “I won’t look good in that. I don’t have anything to fill it out.”

“This corset will lift those puppies up,” Sadie said, pushing up her huge boobs. “And these are shorts because we need to get you waxed before we get you into anything smaller.”

Lake began to blush. “W-waxed?”

“Everyone here gets waxed from head to toe. We have our own esthetician, and she’s a miracle worker. It’s only really painful the first few times; after that, you just become numb to the whole thing.” Sadie shrugged.

Gulping, Lake took the little bit of nothing clothes and went behind a curtain to get changed. After she asked for Sadie’s help to lace up the back of the corset, she turned around and looked at herself in the mirror.

No way in fucking Hell. “I can’t do this.” Lake wanted to put her hoodie and jeans back on then run the hell away.

“Lake, listen to me. From the looks of it, I don’t think you have a choice. And I’m sorry for whatever must have happened, but look at yourself.” Sadie grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back toward the mirror. “Have you ever gone to the pool and worn a swimsuit?”

“Yes, but—”

“I bet you are more covered up than you were at the pool. Just because it has lace and ruffles, it doesn’t make it sexier than a tiny bathing suit.”

Lake stared at herself in the mirror. Her light brown hair which was usually pin-straight and flat actually had lift and bouncy, messy curls. Her makeup was flawless and sultry, still showing how young she was, but she no longer looked as innocent.

Her outfit was what scared her the most. The pink corset squeezed her in, giving her very little room to breathe. Her hipbones were exposed, and the tiny black bottoms, which Lake didn’t think should be called shorts, were ruffled. The final touches were high, black stockings with oversized pink bows in the front and black pumps to match. She only prayed she could walk in them.

She had to admit she was technically more covered than if she was at the pool, and Sadie really did give her a less revealing outfit than everyone else. Lake understood what she had meant about the clothes working to her advantage. It was sexy and innocent all at the same time.

It doesn’t matter; you have to. Lake had no other option than swallowing her pride as she nodded toward her new boss.

Sadie spun her back around and gave a good tug of Lake’s corset to raise her breasts higher. “I told you so about the corset. Just because you’re in the itty-bitty-titty committee, it doesn’t mean you ain’t got great tits. Every girl here would kill for them perky mounds, and don’t you forget it.” Sadie grabbed some perfume off the table and hosed her down with it. “The men are going to take one whiff of you and pounce like a lion hunting for a bunny rabbit.”

Lake found out what true fear was. Yep … That was just the pep talk I needed.

“Thanks, Sadie.”

Chapter Twenty-One

They Like the ‘Scared Kitten’ Look

Lake pulled back the see-through pink curtain, unable to walk into the casino. The instant the curtain went back, all heads turned to see who would come out next. Nope, nope, nope—

Sadie slapped Lake’s ass. “Let’s go. Time to make that money, honey.”

Oh, my God, could my life get any worse?

Keeping her eyes on the floor, she followed Sadie to the bar. There was no way in hell she wanted to look the lions in the eyes.

“Okay, honey, this is how the game works.” Sadie pointed to a section closest to the bar. “It’s your first night in heels, so I’m going to give you those tables. It’s easy. Ask them what they want, write it down, come to the bar, and give the bartender the order. Then bring their drink back. Everyone has their own system, and you’ll eventually get yours. In no time, it will be wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am.” Sadie handed her a pad and pen. “If you mess up, that’s okay. Just push out those tits and play the dumb card. Remember, winking, flirting, and hair flipping will get you those extra points.”

Lake nervously nodded over and over again, attempting to retain all the information while she tried to avoid rattling in her stilettos.

Sadie gave a little push to Lake’s hair. “They like the ‘scared kitten’ look, so keep that going. If you need anything, let me know, and don’t worry. They are not allowed to touch you because we charge extra for that,” she finished with a wink before she headed off to the tables.

Because that was what I was totally worried about.

Squeezing the pad of paper and pen like it was her favorite hoodie, she walked up to her first table. “H-Hi. What can—”

“You’re new.” An older red-headed gentleman in a suit smiled.

Looking around the card table, she noticed all the men were getting a good look at her.

She tried her best to smile. “Yes, this is my first night.”